Black fraternity, white pussy

That's it exactly! No mom and dad to check when the girl comes home or ask who she was with or what she did. They feel free, and what better way to enjoy it than fucking black guys?
That was me and my roommate to a T. My mom was not too bad but still it was hard to enjoy sex to the fullest when she was home. My roommate had an ultra-conservative family so they didn't even really like her dating.
That was me and my roommate to a T. My mom was not too bad but still it was hard to enjoy sex to the fullest when she was home. My roommate had an ultra-conservative family so they didn't even really like her dating.
So once you reached college, all restraints were off! It's such a great opportunity to explore sex, try new things.

Was your roommate a virgin?
That was me and my roommate to a T. My mom was not too bad but still it was hard to enjoy sex to the fullest when she was home. My roommate had an ultra-conservative family so they didn't even really like her dating.
When my wife was in college, she had 2-3 white guys for when her parents came to visit, she felt lots of power keeping the her black life secret. Her parents were good liberal protestants, so they knew she fucked, but blacks made them uneasy.
So once you reached college, all restraints were off! It's such a great opportunity to explore sex, try new things.

Was your roommate a virgin?
God no. Neither of us were angels in HS we just had to keep it hidden.

When my wife was in college, she had 2-3 white guys for when her parents came to visit, she felt lots of power keeping the her black life secret. Her parents were good liberal protestants, so they knew she fucked, but blacks made them uneasy.
I think for my mom it was an ignorance was bliss thing. I think she had an idea of what all went on but as long as we didn't talk about it then it was fine. She did not have any issues with me being with black men but the amount of partying and sex was more than she'd like.
God no. Neither of us were angels in HS we just had to keep it hidden.

I think for my mom it was an ignorance was bliss thing. I think she had an idea of what all went on but as long as we didn't talk about it then it was fine. She did not have any issues with me being with black men but the amount of partying and sex was more than she'd like.
Her parents let her and HS boyfriends use the basement , they could ******* gin, get naked. everyone kept the truce. Her parents wanted her to marry the HS bf.
I think for my mom it was an ignorance was bliss thing. I think she had an idea of what all went on but as long as we didn't talk about it then it was fine. She did not have any issues with me being with black men but the amount of partying and sex was more than she'd like.
Your mom realized that a lot of a girl's education in college happens outside the classroom, much of it sexual. Good for her! After you were in college, when you went home were you more sexually active than when you were in high school?
Her parents let her and HS boyfriends use the basement , they could ******* gin, get naked. everyone kept the truce. Her parents wanted her to marry the HS bf.
My mom was actually really level-headed when I was in HS. If I wanted to ******* I could as long as I gave her my keys and did not leave the house. My friends could ******* as well as long as the followed the same rules and had permission from their parents. My mom and I had the sex talk and she even gave me a box of condoms to keep if I decided to have sex but she encouraged me to wait to be ready and told me the obvious risks.
Your mom realized that a lot of a girl's education in college happens outside the classroom, much of it sexual. Good for her! After you were in college, when you went home were you more sexually active than when you were in high school?
I lived off campus and we did not have to move out during the summers so I never really lived back at home after HS. And having my own place I was way more sexually active.
She was on and off the pill. She said it messed with her and made her feel weird so she was not the best at being consecutive with it. One of those times she wasn't so good with it a guy took a shot and hit the bullseye. It was not planned but she's happy being a mom now and wouldn't trade it for anything.
She was on and off the pill. She said it messed with her and made her feel weird so she was not the best at being consecutive with it. One of those times she wasn't so good with it a guy took a shot and hit the bullseye. It was not planned but she's happy being a mom now and wouldn't trade it for anything.
I'm glad to hear that she is happy with being a mom. That is great! Yes, sometimes our bullets go through an opening and hit that bullseye. :)
I lived off campus and we did not have to move out during the summers so I never really lived back at home after HS. And having my own place I was way more sexually active.
The summer between Soph and Junior year, she moved home and connected with a racist blond football player. by that time she was into her black network. she had contempt for him, "baby, if you only knew what's been in there." she likes to use that on me (LOL). she ditched him waiting for her when she was in the restroom. Headed back to the university the next morning.
The summer between Soph and Junior year, she moved home and connected with a racist blond football player. by that time she was into her black network. she had contempt for him, "baby, if you only knew what's been in there." she likes to use that on me (LOL). she ditched him waiting for her when she was in the restroom. Headed back to the university the next morning.
Yeah you can meet some crazy people out there in the world. I once met a guy that said he would never be with any woman that had been with a black man because he believed them to be tainted afterwards. He was a little shocked because him and I got along really well and I told him I had fucked several black men.