Oh wow, oh wow …. until 3 hours before your wedding. Leaking out of your holes walking up the aisle. I've felt it leaking and running down my inner thigh to the tops of my gartered stocking tops … exciting …. I can't image on my wedding day. How did the 300 guests see at your reception? I can imagine being embarrassed.
My new husband made a huge show, when he took the garter off of my leg in front of everyone at the reception, and he even remarked out loud for all to hear that it was soaking wet and smelled like a Man's Cum
Some women, especially if they are submissive may need it more than others, some may need or want to be disciplined and humiliated. Some women need the discipline.
Many years ago, when I was in my teens, I hung out with a rough crowd of black guys, with discipline and humiliation of whites being commonplace. The recent comments here have stirred some long-ago memories.
Many years ago, when I was in my teens, I hung out with a rough crowd of black guys, with discipline and humiliation of whites being commonplace. The recent comments here have stirred some long-ago memories.
Very interesting. Were all the black guys teens? Were they disciplining and humiliating adult whites?