Are there white bulls and Black cucks?

Why are things so skewed in one direction in this lifestyle? Are there any Black cuckhold couples? Why are the majority of cucks all white men? Is it a penis size thing? Are white women ashamed that so many of their men are bi/gay for Black “cock”? White men why are you so sexually submissive to Black men? Any Black women on here —what’s your perspective in all of this?
Why are things so skewed in one direction in this lifestyle? Are there any Black cuckhold couples? Why are the majority of cucks all white men? Is it a penis size thing? Are white women ashamed that so many of their men are bi/gay for Black “cock”? White men why are you so sexually submissive to Black men? Any Black women on here —what’s your perspective in all of this?
This thread of mine may be of interest to you...
Thread 'Aries Spears On Cuckolding...'
This thread of mine may be of interest to you...
Thread 'Aries Spears On Cuckolding...'
There are some interesting comments in that thread. I can also see Arie’s pov on the topic but I think bc many sexual acts are taboo in Black cultures it’s just not discussed not they don’t exist. I have been with a couple black couples where the bf/husband were cucks in both situations. They both transpired off the internet—met one at a regular bar and the other at a friend of a friend’s cookout.

Online it just seems very skewed the other direction to the point it’s kinda weird
Online it just seems very skewed the other direction to the point it’s kinda weird
It is evident to me the perception is skewed towards reality... The vast majority of Bulls are Black. The vast majority of Cucks are white... Ergo this site.
Would you disagree with that?
Exceptions exist...However, clearly it's not the "rule".
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@openfreak I believe this poster to be an authentic Black cuck. Click on to go to his post

white bulls exist as well.
Honestly, you won't get a straight answer that will satisfy your curiosity, you will just have to accept whatever with a grain of salt. If you browse the forums and posts you will see that many are either delusional or in denial. I don't care what team people play for because I don't find myself in any of those scenarios such as gang bangs, trains, or where the hubby cleans me or even participates. You will see some try to justify or put some form of spin to either convince everyone else or more importantly, themselves that they are still straight or heterosexual. They will say the bull made them do it, or that the fact they let the cuck suck them does not count. My stand is this, regardless of what part you play whether voluntarily or by "f0rce", the moment you interact with a male sexually, you have been drafted to the other team. No matter what data source you reference, it will not be accurate because as I said, many won't be honest or transparent because they can't even be honest with themselves. The term "down low" in the lifestyle exists as a way for those who are not ready to come clean about their preferences can continue to play with discretion. There are a lot of marriages or relationships that are a camouflage, some with an agreement with their partners so they put on a good show. Ego is a big factor as to why many who call themselves bulls won't admit to their bisexual desires.
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I think there are more white bulls than black ones, based on our experience with swinging and also sheer demographics.
Sheer demographics...
Because there's just more white men in this country then Black ?
Okay maybe...
However, I would say a higher percentage of Black men are Bulls compared to white.
I have no comment on your experiences within the swinging community... Too subjective.
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Sheer demographics...
Because there's just more white men in this country then Black ?
Okay maybe...
Have no comment on your experiences within the swinging community... Too subjective.
Yes, because there are more. Obviously anecdotal evidence is purely subjective. I am sure it varies by location. I doubt we are going to find many empirical studies on this subject.
Of course there are.
But why is something more common right now? I have no clue.

Everything goes in waves and repeats in history.
So maybe in 126 years someone will ask if there's any black bulls? :)
My stand is this, regardless of what part you play whether voluntarily or by "f0rce", the moment you interact with a male sexually, you have been drafted to the other team. No matter what data source you reference, it will not be accurate because as I said, many won't be honest or transparent because they can't even be honest with themselves.
Agreed. It's not complicated at all. Like, you have sex with married couples and frequent gangbangs and you don't mind being called a bull, spade, cuck, or even N-word but you draw the line at being perceived bi because of your sexcapades.
Agreed. It's not complicated at all. Like, you have sex with married couples and frequent gangbangs and you don't mind being called a bull, spade, cuck, or even N-word but you draw the line at being perceived bi because of your sexcapades.
Well, for many, it may be the fear or being rediculed or ostracized. Depending on their environment, some things are more accepted. Even if a man is straight, but he is a cuck, that's not something many will accept so he keeps that discreet.
Because the kink and the taboo behind it is not the same when you reverse the participants (black couple/white male). Now if you were speaking about white men and Asian couples then you'd have something there.
Well, for many, it may be the fear or being rediculed or ostracized. Depending on their environment, some things are more accepted. Even if a man is straight, but he is a cuck, that's not something many will accept so he keeps that discreet.
Understandable. It is one of the reasons I used to ask guys if they don't believe they are bi just talk to any man in your real life circle and most will say or at least claim they don't want another man in the bedroom with them because its "gay," so I understand keeping certain kinks/fetish discreet. Not everyone understands them and will ridicule. However, I'm talking about in supposedly safe spaces like these sites. Some people will still be rude with their biphobia/homophobia when it appears they have an open mind based off what they say they are into. Again, it's very confusing trying to navigate these sites at times.
Because the kink and the taboo behind it is not the same when you reverse the participants (black couple/white male). Now if you were speaking about white men and Asian couples then you'd have something there.
There is a historical part to it but nowadays I still wonder why that is especially when these discussions are probably NOT talked about in familiars among the various generations so why is it still taboo?
There is a historical part to it but nowadays I still wonder why that is especially when these discussions are probably NOT talked about in familiars among the various generations so why is it still taboo?
Why is what taboo? What are you talking about? What isn't discussed amongst family members?
Why is what taboo? What are you talking about? What isn't discussed amongst family members?
It shouldn't be taboo (especially nowadays) but there has always been some taboo with interracial sex in the USA and probably the world. I'm simply saying in 2024 interracial sex shouldn't be taboo as the person I was replying to is insinuating. What don't you understand?

Also, I'm not sure of your family dynamic but I am not talking to my parents, grandparents, or young nieces/nephews about cuckholds/bulls/cucks etc. Bi/Gay sex is still somewhat taboo across generations but interracial sex is less taboo today than our grandparents generation. My point is that why would there still be taboo issues based on race/ethnicity when it comes to being a bull or cuck.