Any Female Teachers who live this lifestyle? If yes where are you from?

There are a lot of teachers in the LS. I read a Playboy article that said cops and teachers were the most popular profession among teachers. As for teachers fucking *******, this has always been a problem. I think the boys are more open about it. And it is abuse because the teachers are exploiting children for their sexual pleasure.

I don't know why anyone would ruin their career and license over that.
True. But I think the students talk too much so when the parents find out it's a wrap. Doubt any student really ratted out. The cardinal rule always applies, do your stuff by yourself and keep it to yourself. Most times when stuff hits the fan it when someone talks too much. Your a55 can't be broke on Monday then Friday you driving a. Benz when you got no job lol.
Ehhh, I wasn't too interested in the teachers I've had back in high school, but there's this one hispanic lady who taught health class I had a fondness for, but she ended up quitting and did something else.

It's too dry in my local area to find something similar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My French teacher had a bow leg, and when the sunlight hit her dress and the rays came thru that gap, as a 14 yr old, that was heaven to me lol. She could Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir with me anytime haha.