Allowing teachers to ccw

here in Okl...we have a serious teacher problem to begin with.....a clerk at QT makes more than a teacher......they promote home schooling ALOT....the state legislature so far this year has granted 160 special teaching permits to people without a degree!
and on that note they also passed a law saying that any teacher who wanted to take a special class could carry a gun to school!

and who says the south is not on top of everything!
fund raising? Will you please get on the same page of discussion 'fool' ... I wasn't the one suggesting FUND RAISING. The state of NC started our state lottery (by a democrat governor at the protest of republicans in the general assembly) to raise funds to further enhance the public school system. They even named it the Education Lottery as a guaranteed amount of funds had to FIRST go to the public school system before money was paid out in prize money .... then the Republicans took over the state and first thing they went to was the Education Lottery and started putting it into a GENERAL FUND instead of a public education fund.
Now please, shut the hell up ... you don't even know what you're talking about. Go Back To Sleep!

Hahahahaha.....i never said you were suggesting it. I suggested it dipshit and your the one who brought up republicans taking money from the schools which had nothing to do with what i suggested so its you as usual thats on the wrong page. You just say a bunch of ******* and try to twist facts and what was said. My original point had everything to do with schools and protecting our ******* but as usual you just fucked it up and got things twisted. Were all used to that with you though.
the right is good at crying and spouting ******* about this and that...and it has no bearing on the facts....5 states have already banned the assault weapon....and the right has yet to make a valid argument...just repeat the same old ******* no one heard it the first 50 times they said it........they want to talk about the laws we already have...not the guns it is the...???

they should have cut a deal a long time the time these ******* get done.....there will likely be a ban that a lot of us don't want!

They have not banned them.....they have banned future purchases. If you already were grandfathered in then you can still own one. And the other 45 states have not banned sales so it not on us the right that has to make a valid argument its on you the left that has to make the valid argument why they should be banned and yet 90 percent of the country still says its ok to buy and own as it is in my state so.
They have not banned them.....they have banned future purchases. If you already were grandfathered in then you can still own one. And the other 45 states have not banned sales so it not on us the right that has to make a valid argument its on you the left that has to make the valid argument why they should be banned and yet 90 percent of the country still says its ok to buy and own as it is in my state so.

Now the left wants to associate "assault weapon" with "Semi-Auto", knowing that the uneducated will be in support of a ban on "semi-Auto" because of that association. The fact is they really have no idea what it means, but it sounds bad so they will be in support of a semi-auto ban.

Be careful what you wish for...
They have not banned them

are you that forgetful?
I posted several article...right here where they were banned!...court ordered!

so it not on us the right that has to make a valid argument its on you the left that has to make the valid argument why they should be banned

again several judges have already made that ruling.....and the right can not do anything but cry this and that...which has not held a valid argument as to why you need want to keep them you better do more than listen to 2bi

yet 90 percent of the country still says its ok to buy and own as it is in my state so
can you prove those numbers....I think not!
just your pipe dream!
Now the left wants to associate "assault weapon" with "Semi-Auto", knowing that the uneducated will be in support of a ban on "semi-Auto" because of that association. The fact is they really have no idea what it means, but it sounds bad so they will be in support of a semi-auto ban.
ha ... sounds like the 'right' and Obamacare, does it? Let's face it, people hear what they want to hear. Trump's drones are living (maybe they're living, not sure) proof of hearing and believing what they want.
I can assure you, as a liberal who owns several rifles, shotguns, and pistols, they are not going after your semi-auto Remington 22's, ok?
View attachment 1786187
ha ... sounds like the 'right' and Obamacare, does it? Let's face it, people hear what they want to hear. Trump's drones are living (maybe they're living, not sure) proof of hearing and believing what they want.
I can assure you, as a liberal who owns several rifles, shotguns, and pistols, they are not going after your semi-auto Remington 22's, ok?
View attachment 1786186

You obviously haven't been paying attention - Watch the videos I posted previously. Those morons think people can still buy fully automatic. Ignorance is bliss i guess. Talk to people, I'm betting you will find that most now associate semi-auto with Assault weapon, or they will call it an "automatic riffle". Do a search, you will find hundreds of articles calling for a ban on "all" semi-auto firearms. It was the left that started calling the AR-15 and "assault Weapon" in the first place makes it more scary. Now the left pounds the term "semi-auto assault weapon" into everyone. The students in Florida are in fact calling for a ban on all semi-auto weapons. Like I said, be careful what you wish for, and obviously you will only hear what you want to hear.

A semi-automatic weapon, on the other hand, could be described as a civilian version of a military machine gun, one that is less capable of rapid fire. Although the firearm automatically reloads, a shooter must pull the trigger separately in order to fire another round. Semi-automatic weapons are typically pistols, rifles and shotguns, including the AK-47 and AR-15 rifles, the UZI submachine guns, and MAC-10 machine pistols. These firearms are often referred to as "assault weapons," based on their rapid-fire capability. Gun rights advocates have taken issue with the term, however, arguing that it only applies to fully automatic, "spray firing" weapons [source: Violence Policy Center].

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are you that forgetful?
I posted several article...right here where they were banned!...court ordered!

again several judges have already made that ruling.....and the right can not do anything but cry this and that...which has not held a valid argument as to why you need want to keep them you better do more than listen to 2bi

can you prove those numbers....I think not!
just your pipe dream!

I want to see the article of where in the country its completely illegal to own an AR whether u owned it prior to any new gun laws or not. Banned meaning you cannot own it and must turn in the weapon if you have one. I think your wrong...doesnt exist...banned for sale not to own.Oh and those numbers....those are your numbers dummy. You said 5 states its illegal...well that leaves 45 states where its legal thats 90 percent....i know the math is hard for you
Some education

They will never get it 2bi....they dont understand how many semi auto weapons that are nearly the same and just look different. They dont realize the AR is even legal to hunt with in some states. Its just a fact that the majority of shootings lately have used AR type weapons. If these shootings had all used shotguns they would be calling for a shotgun ban. Its just a knee jerk reaction and an easy solution from what they percieve is such an evil weapon.
they dont understand how many semi auto weapons that are nearly the same and just look different
you are talking to the wrong people!
everyone here understands what is what.... we just disagree on the banning.....but none of us will have much say in what happens when the time comes....just hope that there is not another shooting to soon!

all we need right now is some copy cat asshole go nuts and.......sooner or later it will be one to many....already the NRA not in high regards in the country...and they are spending a ton right now trying to sway what they can...but other assholes are not helping the situation any either...threatening those ******* that are marching......that's not helping at all either!
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I can assure you, as a liberal who owns several rifles, shotguns, and pistols, they are not going after your semi-auto Remington 22's, ok?
View attachment 1786186
Bullshit. The democraps in Ohio sure as hell are coming after your Remington 22 as I demonstrated already on here. Here's the text straight from their bill, currently working through the legislature:

(D) As used in this section, "assault weapon" means an
automatic firearm that has not been rendered permanently
inoperable, a semi-automatic firearm capable of accepting a
detachable magazine with the capacity to accept ten or more
cartridges, and a semi-automatic firearm with a fixed magazine
with the capacity to accept ten or more cartridges.

If they get their way with that bill, just possessing your old semi-auto Remington 22 will be a felony.

Please explain how that Remington 22 is not a: semi-automatic firearm with a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept ten or more cartridges.
have you guys changed your mind and agree that assault weapons should be banned?
I doubt it!
Have mac and I and a few others changed our minds about not banning them
we have been going back and forth on this thread for 60 pages.....and no one here has changed their mind
and yet everyone here....has very little say in what the final outcome is....all we can do is read the paper and keep abreast of what is going on!
Please explain how that Remington 22 is not a: semi-automatic firearm with a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept ten or more cartridges.
Please explain to me where I said it wasn't? Are you trying to start another argument? I think the groundhog saw its shadow, shouldn't you be underground for another 3 months or so (hopefully)?
Please explain to me where I said it wasn't? Are you trying to start another argument? I think the groundhog saw its shadow, shouldn't you be underground for another 3 months or so (hopefully)?

You said:
they are not going after your semi-auto Remington 22's, ok?

I proved that yes, they damn sure are coming after Remington 22s. So are you now going to man up and admit being wrong or are you going to just mindlessly argue. Probably about time for one of your classic deflects to another topic....or just some good ole 6th grade name callin huh?