55yr old lady,what are your thoughts.

Wah everyone is lying to me but not dump.
Honestly these MAGA are just lost in a jungle of information.
They cant fathom their guy is this corrupt so they go with denial

You can not fathom TRUTH - you can only fathom the pablum a corrupt media feeds ya.
I’d rather vote for joe than a convicted criminal, ******* fraudster

Convicted by a corrupt justice system to interfere with the election - very clear to lucid people - why he’s higher in the poll’s than he was against either Hillary or Debacle Joe at this time 😝
Why was the court case a sham?
His lawyers picked the jury ?
His lawyers argued
Trump declined to take the stand even when he said he would
Is the hunter Biden case a scam also?
The Democrat Robert Mendez case? Is that a scam ? No democrat has said either of these cases are rigged ? No Democrat has attacked the judges or their families.
No Democrat has attacked the judicial system

The jury pool was 90% against him starting out and his lawyers didn’t “pick” them - they could only challenge so many to keep them off.

No defendant is generally advised to take the stand by their lawyers for very good reason. He wanted to take the stand but was advised NOT to. Wouldn’t have made any difference anyways the verdict had been predetermined before the case was even heard because Dems WANTED so desperately to be able to call him a convicted felon and that biased judge did everything in his power to make that happen - hell most legal experts including CNN’s saw the legal sham that trial was. You don’t Jane cause you want it so desperately to be true to feed your TDS.

The other cases are irrelevant to this discussion. Debacle Joe will pardon Hunter at any rate to protect himself - they caught Menendez red handed and wanted him gone for a long time anyways so not comparing apples to apples - they committed election interference by trying Trump for election interference but that trial was a tenfold more egregious example of it.
You can not fathom TRUTH - you can only fathom the pablum a corrupt media feeds ya.
Truth? Let's take Afghanistan withdrawal.
Trump negotiated and end to the war, without involving the Afghans. He negotiated with the Taliban only in Feb 2020
Trump released over 5000 Taliban and Isis members, in which they returned to the battlefield.
Trump set a withdrawal date of May 2021 (again, no plan of withdrawal, no involvement of the Afghan gov't)
Trump reduced U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
Trump did not have a plan for the biggest airlift in history.
Biden wins the election and see this mess and says 3 months won't be enough time. He extends the date twice.
Biden meets with the Afghan gov't and set a plan.
Biden still ended America's longest war and performed the largest airlift in history.

Which part of that long list is NOT true? Let's see if you can be honest for five minutes an recognize truth.
Convicted by a corrupt justice system to interfere with the election
Which one was corrupt?
He was indicted based on the evidence in multiple courtrooms in multiple state overseen by multiple judges.
And if we are being real, over multiple years. This is not his first conviction.
- very clear to lucid people
know exactly who he is.
- why he’s higher in the poll’s than he was against either Hillary or Debacle Joe at this time 😝
What fucking polls are they feeding you over at FOX?
He got less votes than Hillary and Joe, but he's not running against them.
His numbers are lower than Harris numbers.
And that’s why you think “most Americans”
Do you remember a time when you judged filling stadiums as a sign you’d win
What about Harris filling two stadiums in the same week in the same place?

When people start to see the California liberal / socialist / commie she really is - the sugar high will be over. So far all she’s doing is shifting all her positions to Trump’s - ya hear now she wants to build the wall 😆
Truth? Let's take Afghanistan withdrawal.
Trump negotiated and end to the war, without involving the Afghans. He negotiated with the Taliban only in Feb 2020
Trump released over 5000 Taliban and Isis members, in which they returned to the battlefield.
Trump set a withdrawal date of May 2021 (again, no plan of withdrawal, no involvement of the Afghan gov't)
Trump reduced U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
Trump did not have a plan for the biggest airlift in history.
Biden wins the election and see this mess and says 3 months won't be enough time. He extends the date twice.
Biden meets with the Afghan gov't and set a plan.
Biden still ended America's longest war and performed the largest airlift in history.

Which part of that long list is NOT true? Let's see if you can be honest for five minutes an recognize truth.

Trump wasn’t in charge at the time - DEBACLE Joe Biden WAS - Joe went ahead with it against the advice of his military advisers and created one of the biggest messes in American history. If it was done PROPERLY they wouldn’t have needed “the largest airlift in history” nor left American citizens behind - it was a DISGRACE and showed American weakness to the world and that’s the TRUTH!!!!! Biden OWNS it!!!!

O and Ed - Kamala used to like to brag that she was the last one in the room when those idiotic decisions were being made and that she approved of them - like everything else she stands for I’m sure that’s changed now 🤨
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Which one was corrupt?
He was indicted based on the evidence in multiple courtrooms in multiple state overseen by multiple judges.
And if we are being real, over multiple years. This is not his first conviction.

know exactly who he is.

What fucking polls are they feeding you over at FOX?
He got less votes than Hillary and Joe, but he's not running against them.
His numbers are lower than Harris numbers.
His numbers are HIGHER at this time in the election cycle than they were against Hillary or Biden - stopped watching Fox when they fired Tucker I keep telling you guys - seems ya only listen to propaganda REALLY 😉
When people start to see the California liberal / socialist / commie she really is - the sugar high will be over. So far all she’s doing is shifting all her positions to Trump’s - ya hear now she wants to build the wall 😆
Because you think people aren't familiar with California?
And her wanting to build the wall is more bullshit from a guy that can't back up his own statements.
You got proof for anything you throw up on these pages? I'll wait.
Trump wasn’t in charge at the time - DEBACLE Joe Biden WAS - Joe went ahead with it against the advice of his military advisers and created one of the biggest messes in American history. If it was done PROPERLY they wouldn’t have needed “the largest airlift in history” nor left American citizens behind - it was a DISGRACE and showed American weakness to the world and that’s the TRUTH!!!!! Biden OWNS it!!!!

O and Ed - Kamala used to like to brag that she was the last one in the room when those idiotic decisions were being made and that she approved of them - like everything else she stands for I’m sure that’s changed now 🤨
So, you don't disagree with anything on that list? Didn't think so. You just come back with more lies, expecting us to debunk it while you look for more lies. Tell enough of them fast enough and you'll get just enough votes to come in second place.

See folks thats what these Trumpers are left with. They absolutely cannot stand by the truth, so they ignore the question and throw more ******* at the wall.
His numbers are HIGHER at this time in the election cycle than they were against Hillary or Biden - stopped watching Fox when they fired Tucker I keep telling you guys - seems ya only listen to propaganda REALLY 😉
How much of a liability do you have to be to get fired from a station who's brand is lying and was levied the biggest fine in broadcast history, almost a billion dollars, for pumping out bullshit.

For years Tucker hosted what many people would agree was—and what The New York Times literally called—“the most racist show in the history of cable news.” He regularly promoted the “great replacement theory,” a concept beloved by white supremacists who falsely claim that Democrats are replacing white Americans with nonwhite immigrants so they can control the country. He told his viewers that Black Lives Matter protesters were coming for them and defended a man convicted of murdering a protester at a BLM rally. He said that immigrants make the United States “poorer and dirtier.” He borrowed material from neo-Nazis. And he insisted—after a gunman wrote about a “Hispanic invasion” in his manifesto and then killed 23 people in El Paso—that white supremacy is “not a real problem.”

No wonder he's your guy.
Because you think people aren't familiar with California?
And her wanting to build the wall is more bullshit from a guy that can't back up his own statements.
You got proof for anything you throw up on these pages? I'll wait.

O ya telling me now Ed that ya haven’t heard she won’t ban fracking and that she wants to build the wall now 😆
So, you don't disagree with anything on that list? Didn't think so. You just come back with more lies, expecting us to debunk it while you look for more lies. Tell enough of them fast enough and you'll get just enough votes to come in second place.

See folks thats what these Trumpers are left with. They absolutely cannot stand by the truth, so they ignore the question and throw more ******* at the wall.

O so now your telling me that the truth is Debacle Joe Biden wasn’t the Commander in Chief when the Afghanistan Debacle went down and it wasn’t HIS orders that caused it


How much of a liability do you have to be to get fired from a station who's brand is lying and was levied the biggest fine in broadcast history, almost a billion dollars, for pumping out bullshit.

For years Tucker hosted what many people would agree was—and what The New York Times literally called—“the most racist show in the history of cable news.” He regularly promoted the “great replacement theory,” a concept beloved by white supremacists who falsely claim that Democrats are replacing white Americans with nonwhite immigrants so they can control the country. He told his viewers that Black Lives Matter protesters were coming for them and defended a man convicted of murdering a protester at a BLM rally. He said that immigrants make the United States “poorer and dirtier.” He borrowed material from neo-Nazis. And he insisted—after a gunman wrote about a “Hispanic invasion” in his manifesto and then killed 23 people in El Paso—that white supremacy is “not a real problem.”

No wonder he's your guy.

Geez Ed - all I said was I stopped watching Fox when they fired the guy - nice job of propagandizing me though - very well done 👏