Once a cheater, always a cheater??

Appreciate the honest response here
My experience, my wife was a serial cheater, she believed she had hidden it well from me. She was traveling to see a boyfriend and had an auto accident. The Trama of the accident along with being found out ended her cheating. I tried many times to get her to cuck me years after, but she refused.
Me being me
the forty years we were together, I’ve had a couple of slip ups, but I always left myself with a reason to leave the door open to forgiveness…the first time (before we were married), was on New Years, I got wasted and slept with a coworker…I quit drinking and we moved on. The next time I had to apologize I brought up I wasn’t drinking but it was another coworker…the next time I pointed out that I thought he was mad because it was a coworker, so I made sure this guy’s wasn‘t…next time I pointed out the last time was on a Wednesday, and I thought he just didn’t want me doing it on Wednesdays, so I did it on a Friday…the next time I told him I was actually helping him find someone for our next video, and on and on…each time I’d check off that excuse and make sure I didn’t use it again. Of course I’m being a bit facetious, but you get my point…it finally got to where he sat down and said ”on no days of the week, for any reason, whether I ever met them or not, whether it was sunny of raining, windy of snowing, a work day or an off day, etc. It really became impossible for him to cover everything that could lend itself to a tryst taking place, it wasn’t until I actually stopped that I stopped coming up with excuses that would exonerate me, otherwise I’d still be at it I guess LOL. Seriously…most of those circumstances occurred because the stars lined up, and not only was this a perfect time, but in my head I was ready for it, and if my hub was there to ask I knew he’d say it was okay, it’s just that he wasn’t and I took it on my own initiative. And again, of course I told him about it immediately, and we had our mutual understanding, they were never affairs and no deception was involved, plus they were one offs.
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the forty years we were together, I’ve had a couple of slip ups, but I always left myself with a reason to leave the door open to forgiveness…the first time (before we were married), was on New Years, I got wasted and slept with a coworker…I quit drinking and we moved on. The next time I had to apologize I brought up I wasn’t drinking but it was another coworker…the next time I pointed out that I thought he was mad because it was a coworker, so I made sure this guy’s wasn‘t…next time I pointed out the last time was on a Wednesday, and I thought he just didn’t want me doing it on Wednesdays, so I did it on a Friday…the next time I told him I was actually helping him find someone for our next video, and on and on…each time I’d check off that excuse and make sure I didn’t use it again. Of course I’m being a bit facetious, but you get my point…it finally got to where he sat down and said ”on no days of the week, for any reason, whether I ever met them or not, whether it was sunny of raining, windy of snowing, a work day or an off day, etc. It really became impossible for him to cover everything that could lend itself to a tryst taking place, it wasn’t until I actually stopped that I stopped coming up with excuses that would exonerate me, otherwise I’d still be at it I guess LOL. Seriously…most of those circumstances occurred because the stars lined up, and not only was this a perfect time, but in my head I was ready for it, and if my hub was there to ask I knew he’d say it was okay, it’s just that he wasn’t and I took it on my own initiative. And again, of course I told him about it immediately, and we had our mutual understanding, they were never affairs and no deception was involved, plus they were one offs.
The kind of bullshit people tell themselves. It's mind-boggling.
Is it cheating for your bull to go out and fuck others
The kind of bullshit people tell themselves. It's mind-boggling.
I agree, when you tell yourself something and the next day or next week it’s been proven you were wrong, yet you still stick to your mindset, then you’re definitely telling yourself some bullshit. But when it’s proven true for over forty years, exactly what time limit do you think I should impose till I can no longer regard it as bullshit? Granted, in a normal conversation one wouldn’t expect to hear such things and take them for reasonable, but on a site that revolves around interracial connections and cuckoldry, one has to take a more open stance as to how far outside what’s considered normal, in comparison to what’s considered bullshit. A person who goes Horseback riding, and a person who rides a Bucking Bronco, come away with two completely different realities, despite the fact that at the end of the day they meet in the stable. In the world of Hotwive’s and Cuckold’s there’s a ton of different facets in this genre, people meet at some intersections, and depart at others…no one expects everyone to comply to their particular facet…one man’s bullshit is another man’s facet. I’m not into S&M or Bondage, but if a cuck enjoys being tied up while he watches his wife get spanked because she asked her bull to do it, who am I to say “it’s bullshit”? By the same token if a cuck opens a door that allows him to compartmentalize certain things in his life, who am I not to walk through it? Just for the record, everyone here has been hurt by somebody at one time or another, they’ve wound up here as a way to accept it, justify it, live with it, whatever…it’s the price of admission, something that gives us a glimpse behind the curtain, once we see it, some of us decide to stay, even if some people believe it’s bullshit, we know what we know!
yes once someone goes behind your back and you don't put them in their place ( foot in the ass on the way out the door ) they will do it again. They'll say sorry and do it again say sorry and do it again. Seen it many times over in my life with friends and family. They may stop for awhile but eventually they will do it again. This isn't just a issue with men but women as well . Believe it or not women actually step out side their marriage around the same rate as men do. Infidelity is the most disrespectful and selfish thing you can do to you partner and/or ******* if you have any. That is one aspect people always seem to forget or refuse to bring up and that's the affect on the children when mom or dad cheats.
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typical female reply if i do it it's a mistake but if done to me I couldn't trust the man again double standard as usual
That’s one of the things that really drives my husband crazy, and almost everybody is guilty of it, except for those of us who are lucky enough to have a significant other who’d rather have honesty than an excuse…stop calling it a mistake, own it, it’s a choice, not a mistake, the choice was a mistake, but getting to it was a choice, each and every step along the way…the more you try to call it a mistake the harder it is for him to get passed it. It is true that women can be just as guilty as men, but men do it cause it’s there…women tell themselves they deserve it, or it’s because of something he did, they need to rationalize it, but it’s never a “mistake”!!!
That's how I started my journey into this lifestyle by cheating with a black co-worker and could stop after that. I cheated for about 10 more years before I cuck my ex-husband. Loved everything about it to.
you should really right a book. Who better to describe the lifestyle ;)
I agree, when you tell yourself something and the next day or next week it’s been proven you were wrong, yet you still stick to your mindset, then you’re definitely telling yourself some bullshit. But when it’s proven true for over forty years, exactly what time limit do you think I should impose till I can no longer regard it as bullshit? Granted, in a normal conversation one wouldn’t expect to hear such things and take them for reasonable, but on a site that revolves around interracial connections and cuckoldry, one has to take a more open stance as to how far outside what’s considered normal, in comparison to what’s considered bullshit. A person who goes Horseback riding, and a person who rides a Bucking Bronco, come away with two completely different realities, despite the fact that at the end of the day they meet in the stable. In the world of Hotwive’s and Cuckold’s there’s a ton of different facets in this genre, people meet at some intersections, and depart at others…no one expects everyone to comply to their particular facet…one man’s bullshit is another man’s facet. I’m not into S&M or Bondage, but if a cuck enjoys being tied up while he watches his wife get spanked because she asked her bull to do it, who am I to say “it’s bullshit”? By the same token if a cuck opens a door that allows him to compartmentalize certain things in his life, who am I not to walk through it? Just for the record, everyone here has been hurt by somebody at one time or another, they’ve wound up here as a way to accept it, justify it, live with it, whatever…it’s the price of admission, something that gives us a glimpse behind the curtain, once we see it, some of us decide to stay, even if some people believe it’s bullshit, we know what we know!
Your response touches on some compelling points about the complexity of human experiences and the different ways people navigate their lives and relationships. While I agree to some extent, I think it's important to consider a few additional aspects.

First, it's true that people often find themselves in different realities based on their experiences and choices. Your analogy of horseback riding versus riding a bucking bronco is quite apt. Each person's reality shapes their perspective, and what might seem like "bullshit" to one person could be a deeply meaningful experience to another. However, it's also important to recognize that not everyone operates under the same definitions or thresholds for trust and betrayal.

When it comes to infidelity, the phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater" might hold true in many cases, but granted, it's not an absolute rule. People can change, and sometimes the circumstances that led to cheating in the past might not be present in the future. Personal growth, therapy, and changing life circumstances can all contribute to someone making different choices later on.

Your point about the diversity within communities that engage in alternative relationship styles is valid. These communities often embrace a wide range of experiences and dynamics that might be misunderstood or dismissed by those outside of them. However, it's also crucial to ensure that these experiences are grounded in mutual consent and respect. Justifying hurtful behavior by compartmentalizing it doesn't necessarily make it healthy or acceptable.

Ultimately, the key is communication and understanding within any relationship. Whether someone is into cuckoldry, S&M, or any other lifestyle, what matters most is that all parties involved are on the same page and that their interactions are consensual and respectful. It's about finding a balance between personal freedom and the well-being of others.

So, while I can see where you're coming from, I still believe that broad generalizations, like "once a cheater, always a cheater," need to be approached with caution. People are complex, and their ability to change should not be underestimated, even as we acknowledge the patterns that might exist in certain behaviors.