Once a cheater, always a cheater??

It's pointless because I'm not feeding into your beta cuck fantasy. Your wife cheated on you, why? Probably because she found something in another man that you don't have like a real cock, or he treated her like a man is supposed to treat woman.
Instead of learning to be more of a man to your wife you'll come on here and worry about her cheating on your bitch ass again.
You need to shut the f..k up you silly bitch! No-one needs your silly reply here. Stupid idiot!
It's pointless because I'm not feeding into your beta cuck fantasy. Your wife cheated on you, why? Probably because she found something in another man that you don't have like a real cock, or he treated her like a man is supposed to treat woman.
Instead of learning to be more of a man to your wife you'll come on here and worry about her cheating on your bitch ass again
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No because everyone is an individual and mistakes can happen. However, if a man were to cheat on me it'd be hard to truly trust him again..at least for me
Right there is where most women make a mistake,,,by referring to it as making a “Mistake”,,,a mistake is when you fuck’d a guy dressed as Zorro at a Halloween costume party, cause someone else wore the same Zorro costume as your husband. But if your husband wore a gorilla costume and you fuck’d Zorro,,,that’s called a “decision”,,,period! For the most part, there’s no such thing as mistakenly cheated,,,every step of the way up to the moment his cock slides into you, or your cock slides into her, you’ve had to continue deciding to let it go to the next step, that’s cheating. Oh sure,,,sitting in the courtroom listening to the lawyers telling the judge what a miserable excuse for a human you are, you may think to yourself “I’ve made a big mistake”,,,but if you think of it, you really made a decision to cheat that turned out to be a mistake,,,why? Cause your ass got caught, and everybody knows you’re a worthless POS, and now you wish you never did it. Here were all about honesty, we’re honest with our partners, we’ve come to an agreement on a solution, and the bond remains strong,,,I’ve lost count of the amount of men my hub and I agreed to me having sex with, we did it for 23 years, and we’re coming up on our 39th anniversary. Oh yeah,,,I’ve cheated, and we figured out the difference decades ago, if you’re still at the “I made a mistake“ stage, then the chances of your relationship lasting is still up in the air!
Love yo
Right there is where most women make a mistake,,,by referring to it as making a “Mistake”,,,a mistake is when you fuck’d a guy dressed as Zorro at a Halloween costume party, cause someone else wore the same Zorro costume as your husband. But if your husband wore a gorilla costume and you fuck’d Zorro,,,that’s called a “decision”,,,period! For the most part, there’s no such thing as mistakenly cheated,,,every step of the way up to the moment his cock slides into you, or your cock slides into her, you’ve had to continue deciding to let it go to the next step, that’s cheating. Oh sure,,,sitting in the courtroom listening to the lawyers telling the judge what a miserable excuse for a human you are, you may think to yourself “I’ve made a big mistake”,,,but if you think of it, you really made a decision to cheat that turned out to be a mistake,,,why? Cause your ass got caught, and everybody knows you’re a worthless POS, and now you wish you never did it. Here were all about honesty, we’re honest with our partners, we’ve come to an agreement on a solution, and the bond remains strong,,,I’ve lost count of the amount of men my hub and I agreed to me having sex with, we did it for 23 years, and we’re coming up on our 39th anniversary. Oh yeah,,,I’ve cheated, and we figured out the difference decades ago, if you’re still at the “I made a mistake“ stage, then the chances of your relationship lasting is still up in the air!
Love you, love your stuff, please make ellipses with periods ... not commas,,,
Once anyways has gotten away with it once they'll do it again, because they got away with it.

Same with people that ******* and drive. "Oh I made it home OK last so if I do the same thing I should be fine". They'll keep doing it until caught or they harm or ******* someone.

If you're at the point we're you're thinking about cheating you might as well leave your partner.
Love yo

Love you, love your stuff, please make ellipses with periods ... not commas,,,
You know…you’ve got a point. I originally got into the habit as something I saw as my own creation, a way to show a dramatic pause, so I kinda got into the habit and upon discovery that my creation already existed, I just never made the transition. But I am getting tired of having to explain it, especially when it never ends with my explanation as being considered correct. Personally since a comma‘s whole existence is a pause, it only makes sense that the more comma’s you use, the longer the pause…but I guess the reason why people say English is the hardest language to master is primarily due to the fact that it rarely makes sense…oh well, I hope you noticed that I made it a point (at least for this response), of correcting my punctuation, LOL