Your favourite interracial photos

Two hours earlier she was serving you lunch at your regular diner, pretending to flirt with you to get a bigger tip, but going kind of neutral when felt you might be getting serious.

she’s in flirt mode for that nicer tip, but at the same time her mind is torn between,
”wait a minute! where is this going? be careful!”
”omg…look at him…and I’m so horny right now”
She's literally wet thinking about her after-work rendezvous, and it shows. You think she's hot for you (I mean, it *could* happen), and it's kind of a bummer when she goes cool. Was it something you said?

the flirting stopped, the chat got cooler. She got cautious, fearful she was leading the man on. In her diner of all places.
in another place, another time, his words, his smiles, his light touches on her arm
would lead to an inevitable meetup
and her eventual, ultimate, walk of shame (with a smile on her face...she did it. it happened. yes!)