What would be the role of Whitebois in a BNWO future? Our ideas

Pero hay muchas chicas trans que tienen la pinga más grande que muchos hombres negros
porke no transitan con hormones o hacen pausas.

Another thing for BNWO: We should adopt Spanish and Portuguese as trans majority language... they sound so sexy.
You guys are in outer space ,And high on something with all your so far fetched stupid motherfucking Idea's will never work. You guys don't even know the real truth about our history. You guys or so against the white race, it reminds me of Germany and the Jews, they tried to exterminate. May be you guys want to do this so you can be charged with cruelty against humanity. Maybe you guys are not educated or old enough to even know what the German Holocaust was even about, Because reading what you guys say, it is clear that you don't even know your own history. If you aren't even smart enough to know your real history, then how the hell can you even begin to predict the future. I hope you guys are just talking ******* and joking around about what you are saying here, or you better leave the serious and real decisions to the smarter ones of our black race, or you guys will have us in a racial, civil. or world war three if you think the white people are going to go along with what your saying. I want some of what you guy's are smoking !!! The white people are not dumb and weak like you guys are suggesting. Now check this out, because this is how American history has not been honest about to whole truth of our African history. You can investigate what I am saying to prove what I* am saying is true. First of all the African people were not from Africa originally. The african people were descendants from the dark and black indians, and the spanish people, and it was they who moved and or located the race of those two descends, mixing together, that made up the African people. Also for your info so you may sleep better at night, it was not the white people that enslaved us. It was our own stronger tribes that rounded up black people from the weaker tribes, and enslaved them, there for selling their own people, to the English, the Americans, the French people and some others. So the white man did not enslave the blacks, and guess who was one of the first people to purchase slaves?? It was a Black man !! Check this all out and see that I am telling you the truth. So after the slaves that came to America, were in slaved for like three hundred years. it was eventually the white man who stopped slavery, AND YOU GUYS HATE ON WHITE PEOPLE, LIKE IT IS ALL THEIR FAULT !! I am sure you are not even aware of all this because these are facts that they left out of the history books and sold everybody a lie. I want you to check this out to see if I am telling you guys the truth or blowing smoke up your ass. We should be thanking the white people. Think of all of sports teams and how much money the players make. What they all have, and what kind of life they enjoy. How would they all be doing if they were still in AFRICIA, ????? So black people need to really know the truth, and know that in all reality, the white man really did us black people a favor!!!! Now I took the time to write all this so you will maybe be able to sleep better at night,
Most attractive white bois will be milked for their cum and it’ll be used to breed future generations of perfect 10/10 white girls for use by us.

All others will be sterilized.

They’ll be put to use as a house slave / servant and errand boys.
I think most bulls and cucks would agree to such arrangement. No matter how much I want to talk myself out of it. It just makes perfect sense as the most reasonable option.
You guys are in outer space ,And high on something with all your so far fetched stupid motherfucking Idea's will never work. You guys don't even know the real truth about our history. You guys or so against the white race, it reminds me of Germany and the Jews, they tried to exterminate. May be you guys want to do this so you can be charged with cruelty against humanity. Maybe you guys are not educated or old enough to even know what the German Holocaust was even about, Because reading what you guys say, it is clear that you don't even know your own history. If you aren't even smart enough to know your real history, then how the hell can you even begin to predict the future. I hope you guys are just talking ******* and joking around about what you are saying here, or you better leave the serious and real decisions to the smarter ones of our black race, or you guys will have us in a racial, civil. or world war three if you think the white people are going to go along with what your saying. I want some of what you guy's are smoking !!! The white people are not dumb and weak like you guys are suggesting. Now check this out, because this is how American history has not been honest about to whole truth of our African history. You can investigate what I am saying to prove what I* am saying is true. First of all the African people were not from Africa originally. The african people were descendants from the dark and black indians, and the spanish people, and it was they who moved and or located the race of those two descends, mixing together, that made up the African people. Also for your info so you may sleep better at night, it was not the white people that enslaved us. It was our own stronger tribes that rounded up black people from the weaker tribes, and enslaved them, there for selling their own people, to the English, the Americans, the French people and some others. So the white man did not enslave the blacks, and guess who was one of the first people to purchase slaves?? It was a Black man !! Check this all out and see that I am telling you the truth. So after the slaves that came to America, were in slaved for like three hundred years. it was eventually the white man who stopped slavery, AND YOU GUYS HATE ON WHITE PEOPLE, LIKE IT IS ALL THEIR FAULT !! I am sure you are not even aware of all this because these are facts that they left out of the history books and sold everybody a lie. I want you to check this out to see if I am telling you guys the truth or blowing smoke up your ass. We should be thanking the white people. Think of all of sports teams and how much money the players make. What they all have, and what kind of life they enjoy. How would they all be doing if they were still in AFRICIA, ????? So black people need to really know the truth, and know that in all reality, the white man really did us black people a favor!!!! Now I took the time to write all this so you will maybe be able to sleep better at night,
Bro chill. We are talking about hypothetical scenarios and having fun. Relax 😊
To Cookman 1963.

My strongest recommendation is for you to seek certified psychological help. That and find some real Anthropological history of African ancestry and evolution and origin of human species. Too many issues raised by your post today so here is a short comment on your diatribe. Sorry if the big words confuse your limited cranial capacity.

There is a very good possibility that we (yah I’m a white guy) as a human species came from the African continent. Oh my Lord, there is actually Black DNA in me, Oh crap, maybe I can ******* bleach to wash it out of me, (sound familiar). Anthropologists have empirical data to support that theory. Brave Black men ventured out of Africa (probably Warriors) and sought new lands and new opportunities to expand the human race. The other stuff your postulating is not worth commenting on.

As to the title of this thread, “ What would be the role of Whitebois in a BNWO future? Our ideas! Lets remind ourselves what Beo27 posted. “Bro chill. We are talking about hypothetical scenarios and having fun. Relax 😊

If there is ANY question as to what is fantasy and what could be in our pale male futures, just go to the hundreds of web sites and read the thousands of profiles of white males become sissies, cum dumps and so much more for the ‘Superior Black Race” (their words)! Some, of course, are pure fantasy and wishful thinking, but there are too many with videos and pictures of pale males giving it up to please their Black Gods carnal desires! I myself love these forum entries about husbands being sissies for their lovers, bending over to please their owners and so on.

I am the Kathy Masters that started the thread: “Position your sissy well!”


Simply put, there are too many of us that love this aspect of B2W. We will do most anything to pay homage to a Big Beautiful Black Man that will impale our white souls with his shaft of power over us. Cheers mate.
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In an ideal BNWO society, first, white and oriental men chasing white and oriental women for sexual intercourse would be legally classed as perverts. The right order of things should be the intercourse between black men and other women / sissies. White bois and sissies with the right muscles in the right places should be tasked with neighbourhood watches to prevent pervert white men approaching white females. How about that?
I am a white "male" but... I think personally that we owe the black men in this country a debt... a debt for what we did to there ancestors and where we shoveled them into society. And I'm not saying this debt is conventional or monetary but, we will be handing over our women, our mouths, our assholes, and our service to these black men.