What If I end up Pregnant!

I had a really great talk last night with my husband about interracial sex/fantasies etc...As just the one thing that really concerned me about dating a black guy was getting pregnant as my hubby has had the op so we never use contraception between us (like I'm not on the pill or anything) and the topic came up that what happened if I did end up pregnant as lets face it,It could happen and certainly didn't want it to ruin my great marriage as I do love my husband,and throughout our long conversation it was pretty obvious if such a thing did happen he said nothing would come between us & nothing would run our marriage only make it stronger,I could tell he meant it & made me feel pretty great afterwards,only waking up this morning I can't get it out my mind now & sort of getting feelings of wanting to get preganat by a black stud,any other women on here worried or had same conversations with their husbands/boyfriends?.
I would be so proud of my beautiful wife if she ended up pregnant by a black man.