What does the future look like for you in this lifestyle?

Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
I feel like that’s exactly the kind of perspective just cats dropping gems for the youngsters haha
The short answer is that I hope to never have one.

The long answer is...if I ever got back into the LS, I would hate it - especially if the site (the chat in particular) is any indication of the LS. Having to deal with the fakes, flakes, fools, and cucks - and those are all different groups: they're not interchangeable - would be a real pain. There should new enjoyment in meeting new people and having experiences, but that enjoyment is obviously dulled by the difficulties one has to deal with in getting to those experiences. I'm not sure it would be worth it to devote a particular energy to a situation that might not bring the desired level of fulfillment. There's a calculus involved, and it's different for each of us...but as I tell the single folk all the time in chat, y'all can have this.
Being a bull from age 18 and being almost 8 years in the lifestyle gives unique perspective to this question. I at first always saw it as an opportunity to have sex with hot ladies and gain sexual experience. Had a lot of fun times, but also a lot of shitty ones. Felt like a superior sexual specimen for a while because of me being called in to lay it down like a pro athlete of some sort. It’s been so ingrained in my lifestyle I forget it’s taboo in Society. I’ve dated women thru out the entire time but nothing serious. Feel sometimes this lifestyle is why, like my brain has been reprogrammed to avoid serious relationships to make time for my more exciting pastime. I always wanted to get married and still can I guess only 26, but do other guys in the still enjoy being a bull getting in your 40’s , 50’s? When it’s the right lady it’s always fire so I’m overthinking and should just chill? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
For me it's always been one of those things people say that you grow out of. Like at some point it will click in my head I want to stop having carefree sex and being a bit on the wild side and want a husband and to settle down but that day is not today. Life is short so as long as I want to keep playing and men keep wanting to play then things are good. I am sure there will be that moment to call it done but hopefully not anytime soon.
For me it's always been one of those things people say that you grow out of. Like at some point it will click in my head I want to stop having carefree sex and being a bit on the wild side and want a husband and to settle down but that day is not today. Life is short so as long as I want to keep playing and men keep wanting to play then things are good. I am sure there will be that moment to call it done but hopefully not anytime soon.
Hey maybe, maybe not. There are ladies in their 70's on this site lol. Might inspire you to stay longer .
For me it's always been one of those things people say that you grow out of. Like at some point it will click in my head I want to stop having carefree sex and being a bit on the wild side and want a husband and to settle down but that day is not today. Life is short so as long as I want to keep playing and men keep wanting to play then things are good. I am sure there will be that moment to call it done but hopefully not anytime soon.
The question is what exact lifestyle are you refering to? It looks like you are more in the "single and playing" field? But then be reminded that you do not have to "settle down" and stop neither "being (...) on the wild side" nor "having carefree sex" in a marriage with the 'right' husband. ;)

But what you say makes a lot of sense when i think of the plenty of "bulls" who sacrifice a lot when they are too deep in this kind of lifestyle for too long and miss the point of creating their own homes and families in favor of getting into another man's wife's panties. Eventually their sex drive will slow down and they will find themselves in an old guy solitude position.

It is always wise to not let a sexual lifestyle govern your life and distract you from building and having your own.
I think I’ll just become another white guy who is in chastity and pussy free, while my wife regularly fucks other men who can satisfy her.
Because that seems to be the natural progression of white cucks.
If that's your fantasy and you wish to submit yourself to it. But see, you are not alone! You say you are married to a Woman... You cannot have any lifestyle without your wife being an important part of the equation. So how does she feel about that "idea"? What are her wants and needs?
Let me give you the best advice you are going to get here. I have lots of worldly experience in life, relationships, and sex. I can also see the future of where relationships are going in the western world. At 26 you have at least a good 8 years before you should think about marriage and 14 years before thinking about *******. There are many people today doing this by accident anyway but you will be much more successful at it since you have experience being a bull. Get yourself out there and pleasure as many married women as you can while also dating single women. Your goal is to eventually find a younger girl to be your wife and bare children but also understands you are a bull and will be needed once in a while to pleasure other women who are married. A bull is a bull for life. It’s possible this could work with a black woman as your wife since I have seen it personally but your chances will be much higher if you marry a white woman. There will be less jealousy. By the time you are mid thirties you are looking for the one and by forty you are producing offspring with a woman who is at least 15 years younger. This will give you time to produce enough children and you may also be producing children with young married white women as long as the husband agrees to full financial support from them. By that time this will be more common. All in all you have more than enough time to sow more wild oats. Trust me on that.
If you want to keep it up, you've got to keep it up!