What does it taste like?

Ladies, this is for you. When you suck on your man's penis, how long can you go before he ejaculates? For those who let him ejaculate in your mouth, what does it taste like?
My ex wife said all her white lovers’ cum in her past tasted like SNOT!! She stopped sucking me. After our divorce, she found a new awakening with black men and I was pleased to find out she now eagerly swallows black semen!
Taste depends on diet. For a man that eats a high salt high red meat diet, It is usually strong salty sour taste. For a man that eats a lot of salad , veggies and fruit, it will be sweet and slightly salty.

Time is another question. Iy depends on if I want to play with it. If I want , I can normally make a man cum in minutes.