We're Only Friends

If this photo was photo shopped, how much of it was changed. The black guy obviously had someone petite in his arms
don’t you think.. like you say, if it’s photoshopped it’s a good one.
It's only her face that's changed
If this photo was photo shopped, how much of it was changed. The black guy obviously had someone petite in his arms
don’t you think.. like you say, if it’s photoshopped it’s a good one.
It‘s just a simple face swap,,,look at the darkness and sharpness of his eyelashes,,,hers have a faded appearance, that‘s why I said she needed more contrast and sharpening, my hub would fix all that, and he likes to “glamourize” them,,,mascara, lipstick eyeshadow and sometimes so rouge to bring out the cheekbones, does that by request for a lot of people, but he doesn’t change things that would need plastic surgery (he does with strangers, just not with people who request his skills, it can be taken as an insult by most women). Can’t say when, but if he works on it you can expect to see it amongst our captions in the future, LOL
Love this photo and would really like to see more of them together.. she looks so petite in the arms of this huge muscular black man
Like I said, I grabbed that photo and told my hub to make it better,,,didn't want to wait till he came up with a text for it and posted it, so I grabbed it as soon as he finished the face,,,plus this post is already down a few pages, so here it is,,,


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Like I said, I grabbed that photo and told my hub to make it better,,,didn't want to wait till he came up with a text for it and posted it, so I grabbed it as soon as he finished the face,,,plus this post is already down a few pages, so here it is,,,
Is It Real Or Is It Memorex... Neither😏?
I Can Appreciate Your Husband's Skill. However, For My Taste I Prefer The "Original". It Looks More "Real" To Me. A Realistic Image...Unless It's Designed To Be A Obvious Fake. Appeals To Me More. Who Is The Lovely Female In Your Avatar?
BTW The Dude In The Photo Is Pornstar Davin King.
All The Best😉.


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