Thanks for all the comments my tatt is healing up better too
Still looking like I will have to have it re-done,

@ henluv, I am looking after it good
As instructed by the shop, hopefully I'm on the
Road to it getting better now,
@ kinkynick....
Slowly getting better thanks
@ Dana.... I chose my own tatt and where I wanted
It placed,
I wouldn't let any one else choose,
Love my tatt, just want it better
Thanks everybody
Thanks for everyone's interest.
My tatt is healing at last
I will have to have it re-done
as soon as my skin has recovered
Hopefully in a few weeks
It still looks inflamed after so long. Looks more like you got a brand rather than a tat/ I imagine/hope it will heal fine. But if you find you are getting fevers or lightheaded seek medical care.
It is still quite sore,
But so much better than it was,
Will definitely need re-doing it is grey instead
Of black,
And lots of parts with no colour in it at all,
But I'm just happy nowhere near as painful as it was,
Thanks for your interest
Curious to know what your tattooist does in real life ... plumbing, maybe? Looks to me like you might have been infected with a used needle; I'd suggest you get a ******* check as well, for hepatitis & a host of other vile diseases you can get from used needles. I'm serious! ;)

"youth is soooo wasted on the young"
Thanx for your reply
Luckily I kno it wasn't a dirty needle as they were
Sealed in sterile packs that he opened in front
Of me,
Apparently it was an allergic reaction to the make of ink
That was used,
The comment about the plumbing make me laugh,
Thinking you may be right
Seem to me u chattin out ur arse,
Jus cuz a gal f*** black man,
It don't mean I'm owned by anyone,
I'm my own person,
It jus my preference to chek black men,
I 100% know why black for me
after hearin ur bullshyt,
That's why I steer clear of ppl like u!!!
Seem to me u chattin out ur arse,
Jus cuz a gal f*** black man,
It don't mean I'm owned by anyone,
I'm my own person,
It jus my preference to chek black men,
I 100% know why black for me
after hearin ur bullshyt,
That's why I steer clear of ppl like u!!!
Well i am deeply sorry for being such a pathetic barking wimp :(
There's absolutely nothing worse than a poorly done tattoo. Should have gone to a military town to get your tattoo.
BEST places to get GREAT tattoos, actually. Some of the very best tattooists work the military bases. If the guy that did your tattoo worked around a military base, he would have gotten his ass severely beaten, I'm sure.
Here's one that's "original" ... it'd make me have erection problems, however, doing it doggy style.

Update pic of my tatt now it's getting betterView attachment 181826
The scabbing appears to be gone, but there is still some skin inflammation. It does look like an allergic reaction or sensitivity to the ink occurred, especially since this reaction has been going on for three weeks now. Seems that your skin is still reacting to the ink, but is slowly recovering and returning to normal. Hopefully the tat will look good when you have it redone - that's a nice design.