Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Why can't you too @MacNfries?
Oh, I'm not dismissing the possibility of Trump becoming re-elected, I'm just realistic about it. Trump is willing to lie, cheat, and steal his way to the Presidency because he's conditioned those who are willing to support him ... that includes his small % of voters, hand selected SCOTUS and AG, far-right Republicans, as well as Russia and other countries that wish to see democracy damaged beyond repair. And interestingly, because he has been doing these things constantly, no one flinches their eyes anymore. So, Trump has made "Winning" a no holds barred alley fight without an ounce of honesty or integrity in the job he holds. He's made the office of POTUS a sham for the world to see. I'm just amazed at the number of followers willing to accept his lies at their own expense.
I do know that several of the states that were damaged by election fraud are going back to paper ballots until the Russian thing is stopped.
Oh, I'm not dismissing the possibility of Trump becoming re-elected, I'm just realistic about it. Trump is willing to lie, cheat, and steal his way to the Presidency because he's conditioned those who are willing to support him ... that includes his small % of voters, hand selected SCOTUS and AG, far-right Republicans, as well as Russia and other countries that wish to see democracy damaged beyond repair. And interestingly, because he has been doing these things constantly, no one flinches their eyes anymore. So, Trump has made "Winning" a no holds barred alley fight without an ounce of honesty or integrity in the job he holds. He's made the office of POTUS a sham for the world to see. I'm just amazed at the number of followers willing to accept his lies at their own expense.
I do know that several of the states that were damaged by election fraud are going back to paper ballots until the Russian thing is stopped.
That is a fair solution where if America completely goes back to counting chads to determine whomever is POTUS. If it is Trump that wins in a just uncorrupted fashion I hope at that time you will say Russia had nothing to do with it in 2020 @MacNfries. Maybe put the blame on faulty electoral devices possibly? :unsure:
When the true antichrist reveals himself feel free to poke the bear and see if either he or his secret police comes for you @MacNfries. If that does happen you will look back to the Trump years as the good years and you will know I was correct should you recall this particular debate
I think you've been smoking too much "hooch" today, STIFF. There's absolutely NOTHING good about Donald Trump; not one thing. As far as the anti-Christ goes ... if the bible is to be taken at its printed word, Trump's not the anti-Christ.
I think you've been smoking too much "hooch" today, STIFF. There's absolutely NOTHING good about Donald Trump; not one thing. As far as the anti-Christ goes ... if the bible is to be taken at its printed word, Trump's not the anti-Christ.
We agree @MacNfries I always said Trump is NOT the antichrist! Even from where you quote me I suggested whomever the antichrist will be is someone in the future. So he is not presently making waves forsing people to follow him.
I think you've been smoking too much "hooch" today, STIFF. There's absolutely NOTHING good about Donald Trump; not one thing. As far as the anti-Christ goes ... if the bible is to be taken at its printed word, Trump's not the anti-Christ.
We disagree so often I am taken aback every so often we agree on something @MacNfries :)
Liberals - Trump is bad bad bad bad - Dems are good good good good - they know everything - can immediately tell who is right or wrong and who has a point and who does not - their democratic socialism will save the planet - and make everything wicked pissa - too bad that’s only in their own minds - for them ;}
Liberals - Trump is bad bad bad bad - Dems are good good good good - they know everything - can immediately tell who is right or wrong and who has a point and who does not - their democratic socialism will save the planet - and make everything wicked pissa - too bad that’s only in their own minds - for them ;}
Come now @blkdlaur did you not notice how @MacNfries said that Trump is NOT the antichrist? That is a tiny move in the right direction...
naturally wouldn't expect anything less from someone with no ability to think for himself......has to rely on the cartoon network for his facts and news....you have never had any input except tears and one liners
As a minority, I think you're a racist. I don't have any evidence to support my claims but it doesn't matter. You're a racist and it's true because I said so. Stop virtue signaling and check your privilege.
Liberals - Trump is bad bad bad bad - Dems are good good good good - they know everything - can immediately tell who is right or wrong and who has a point and who does not - their democratic socialism will save the planet - and make everything wicked pissa - too bad that’s only in their own minds - for them ;}
cut n paste

whaaaa booo hooo sob snif whaaaa
As a minority, I think you're a racist. I don't have any evidence to support my claims but it doesn't matter. You're a racist and it's true because I said so. Stop virtue signaling and check your privilege.

I deal in facts with links...…..you have nothing but trump type statements

with a couple others on here just like you...so I guess you fit in with the rest of them

whaaaa booo hooo sob snif whaaaa
According to the left - our President is:

A Nazi
A Russian agent and plant
A white Supremist
A bigot and racist
An aspiring dictator
Etc etc etc

Is it me or do these yo yos seem just a lil daft
and desperate????

Shouldn’t they pick one and stick with it -
or do they think these shotgun attacks further their case. To me it just makes them look hopelessly INSANE :|

they all fit....I have shown you that....but you have your head in the sand...and take things for what you THINK they are....and cry when someone tells you different
I would not say @subhub174014 is illogical, but to me he is so blinded by his perspective that he refuses to alter his opinion when faced with proper evidence. @subhub174014 might drive on the wrong side of the road if he thought it was correct despite street signs, honking from other cars, and cops telling him to stop because @subhub174014 is rarely incorrect?

who is the one that doesn't want to face the proper evidence...….it's all over the trump thread......but not something that agrees with you so it's false.....I provided links to all his corruption's...right off the net....but you want to post a movie or someone's pic and call the evidence...it isn't.....I think mac gave a shortened version on here....all true....how can you idolize someone so corrupt....even the record shows the majority of the country doesn't like him....you look it up and see for yourself...but you won't
Come now @blkdlaur did you not notice how @MacNfries said that Trump is NOT the antichrist? That is a tiny move in the right direction...

maybe he is...maybe not.....but he sure fits a lot of the criteria to be one....and about as close as we have seen....more to follow

In an election wracked with invocations of Lucifer and the approaching end times, the confusion of Donald Trump with the Antichrist is fitting. Depending on whom you ask, Satan has made himself known on both sides of the aisle. Some right-wingers — including InfowarsAlex Jones, Ryan Zinke, a GOP Congressional candidate from Montana, and a gaggle of conservative Christian commentators — saw Hillary Clinton as their demonic archetype. Still others saw Trump and his Satan-inspired chief strategist, Steve Bannon. A Time magazine cover that inadvertently gave Trump devil horns didn’t help matters.

But while the question of whether Donald Trump is an — or even the — Antichrist may be impossible to answer, the fact that the apocalyptic figure has even made an appearance this election cycle is notable for what it says about the country as a whole. That is, these comparisons simultaneously allow their proponents to schlep whatever guilt they may feel for Trump’s rise, while also permitting them to set boundaries between themselves and the president-elect’s supporters, and the president-elect himself.

Despite the religious fervor that end-time prophecy usually induces, the term “Antichrist”’s few appearances in the Bible shows it originally had a meaning that differs wildly than how it is used today. Initially, “Antichrist,” which appears exclusively in the otherwise minor epistles John I and II, was used by early Christians to denote those who refused to confess Christ’s presence on Earth or his divinity. As persecution continued to follow the early church, it began to hone its apocalyptic vision even more. By the end of the second century, Irenaeus, an early Christian writer and bishop, theorized that the Antichrist would be a single figure.

Other books — including Revelation in the New Testament and the books Daniel, Ezekiel, and Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible — provide ample fodder for end-times speculation. From the “beasts” in Daniel and Revelation, to the epic battle in Ezekiel 38-39, the use of symbolism and metaphor has made practicing prophecy a struggle. These pieces of apocalyptic literature — which, quite literally, deal with the “unveiling” of events to come — leave hints at what the Antichrist may do, namely face off with Christ as the ultimate expression of evil, thereby bringing about the end of days. Yet what he will look like is less fleshed out. Though not named as such, the Antichrist is often read into the two beasts, one from the earth and the other from the sea, that appear in the last book of the Bible, Revelation. (One of these beasts is said to bear the number 666 — a number that also corresponds to a “mark” given to those ruled over by the beast. In both prophetic literature and popular culture, the number has, as a result, frequently been cited as indicating the presence of the Antichrist.) Lacking textual anchors, those troubled by the coming end times have been free to succumb to their imaginations.

But a lack of Biblical support never stopped anyone. Trump does fit several of the criteria attached to popular perceptions of the Antichrist. Many earnest sources of apocalyptic speculation, including the best-selling Left Behind series by the late Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, imagine the Antichrist as a truly modern figure. Although the wildly popular 17-book series, which was published between 1995 and 2007 and has sold over 65 million copies, is fictional, the vision embraced by LaHaye and Jenkins portrays the coming apocalypse as an event where non-believers are ****** to reckon with the damage wrought by the Antichrist. Here, the Antichrist is a worldly, charismatic man, often of Eastern European and Jewish heritage, who embraces modern technology and institutions for his own sinister ends. This interpretation, which is common among a large subset of American Evangelicals, believes the Antichrist’s reign — a period known as the “tribulation” — will follow the rapture of true followers of Christ.

It’s easy to extrapolate this to Trump. He’s vainglorious, charismatic (at least in the eyes of some Americans), and obsessed with wealth. Kushner Companies, a real estate company jointly owned by Jared Kushner, Trump’s *******-in-law, is headquartered at 666 5th Ave. Trump, while not Eastern European himself, has a proclivity for Eastern European women and promises better relations with Russia, a country that figures prominently in 20th and 21st century apocalyptic tales. And while Trump says that his favorite book is the Bible, he did once note that he’s “not sure” as to whether he’s asked God for forgiveness of his sins.

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just a little food for thought

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ...
www.thehypertexts.com/Donald Trump Antichrist 666.htm
Trump is sounding doom and he was born on a ******* moon. A trump is a little horn and in the first reference to the Antichrist in the Bible, the prophet Daniel called the greatest human enemy of God a "little horn.". The number 666 is the major sign of the Antichrist.

I Have Proven Evidence!!! Donald Trump is the ANTICHRIST ...
The Antichrist (TRUMP) will be worshiped by all the lost people of the world, but not from the start.%uFEFF He will win people over as time passes, and grow in influence. Dan 8:9 3. The Bible says, Antichrist (TRUMP) Will be a a strong leader who is admired and respected by the world's leaders and he will be very persuasive.

this one probably best describes it/him

A court evangelical says what he really thinks - Religion ...
CE: You mean, Donald Trump the liar, the cheat, the bully, the thoroughly despicable human being who doesn’t have a spiritual bone in his body? Of course he bothers me. I wouldn’t let my 16 ...
who is the one that doesn't want to face the proper evidence...….it's all over the trump thread......but not something that agrees with you so it's false.....I provided links to all his corruption's...right off the net....but you want to post a movie or someone's pic and call the evidence...it isn't.....I think mac gave a shortened version on here....all true....how can you idolize someone so corrupt....even the record shows the majority of the country doesn't like him....you look it up and see for yourself...but you won't
The evidence from the websites and videos are based on fact @subhub174014 . If anyone desired to challenge those facts can simply contact those individuals and ask them if they have those views like Steve Cortes or Robert L. Johnson of BET where they support President Trump or not. Just as in the same fashion professors of a university would check the footnotes of a doctoral thesis of a Phd candidate. Have you done so? Did you contact these individuals and ask them their opinion of Trump? If you have verified proof of that I will gladly retract that as evidence but I don't think you ever did @subhub174014 for fear of them more vociferously supporting Trump where he is not a racist.

Our ongoing debates about Trump which literally spanned over years essentially started off where we debated Trump's longevity and I always stated he would not only last throughout his first term, which is something you are finally beginning to accept, but also serve a second term.

Afterwards I was defending the fact that Trump is not a racist which is something that you strongly disbelieve. And I don't think I could ever prove to you that Donald Trump is not a racist even after finding a video from 2000 where he was interviewed on the "Today Show" where he shunned any association with David Duke as seen here ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/post-2513976 ), in addition to the testimony of a Black woman that dated Donald Trump before he married any of his wives as seen here ( https://newsone.com/3732475/trump-not-racist-black-girlfriend-kara-young/ ), plus the testimony of loads of other people seen here ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/page-6 ). Frankly I am not sure what kind of evidence you need @subhub174014 to even develop an ounce of doubt about Donald Trump being a racist? If I could resurrect the late Chuck Berry and have him tell you that Trump was not racist I would as I recall you greatly respect him, otherwise I am at a loss as what could convince you? So here I don't really post so much to convince you but instead it is for others who stumble on these threads who might be more objective about the fact that Donald Trump is not a racist.

After the charges of racism you are literally throwing everything against Trump except the kitchen sink where he is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a *******, a pawn of Russia, and countless other things. It is becoming a full time job to counter every one of those charges and my sole focus is to say he will serve another term and that Donald Trump is not a racist. Those various charges are an attack on his legacy
after he is POTUS. Here anything can happen? He could be to your disgust regarded as a legendary president where all your allegations overtime are disproved with evidence I currently lack, or Donald Trump's legacy will be just as a disgrace as Jeffery Epstein and a scammer like Bernard Madoff? Time will have to tell with that.

I concede that you provided disturbing evidence of Trump being a ******* @subhub174014. I hope you did you exercised your right as an American to blow the whistle against Trump on this issue but one has to wonder that Trump has many enemies in the media and the FBI and many others hate his guts to the degree where they are itching to jump on his ass and impeach him and then arrest him. If this evidence is so widely known that Donald Trump is a ******* why is there no ongoing breaking news about Trump's sexual weaknesses just as they did with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky on CNN? If professional media companies like CNN and the FBI lack professional data miners like you to find that evidence by all means, share it with them, impeach Trump, and arrest his ass. If this is chess you have checkmate so why not make the checkmating move @subhub174014 where at the very least you say you emailled all these institutions at the very least?

My Evidence
The evidence from the websites and videos are based on fact @subhub174014 . If anyone desired to challenge those facts can simply contact those individuals and ask them if they have those views like Steve Cortes or Robert L. Johnson of BET where they support President Trump or not. Just as in the same fashion professors of a university would check the footnotes of a doctoral thesis of a Phd candidate. Have you done so? Did you contact these individuals and ask them their opinion of Trump? If you have verified proof of that I will gladly retract that as evidence but I don't think you ever did @subhub174014 for fear of them more vociferously supporting Trump where he is not a racist.

Our ongoing debates about Trump which literally spanned over years essentially started off where we debated Trump's longevity and I always stated he would not only last throughout his first term, which is something you are finally beginning to accept, but also serve a second term.

Afterwards I was defending the fact that Trump is not a racist which is something that you strongly disbelieve. And I don't think I could ever prove to you that Donald Trump is not a racist even after finding a video from 2000 where he was interviewed on the "Today Show" where he shunned any association with David Duke as seen here ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/post-2513976 ), in addition to the testimony of a Black woman that dated Donald Trump before he married any of his wives as seen here ( https://newsone.com/3732475/trump-not-racist-black-girlfriend-kara-young/ ), plus the testimony of loads of other people seen here ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/go-trump.160047/page-6 ). Frankly I am not sure what kind of evidence you need @subhub174014 to even develop an ounce of doubt about Donald Trump being a racist? If I could resurrect the late Chuck Berry and have him tell you that Trump was not racist I would as I recall you greatly respect him, otherwise I am at a loss as what could convince you? So here I don't really post so much to convince you but instead it is for others who stumble on these threads who might be more objective about the fact that Donald Trump is not a racist.

After the charges of racism you are literally throwing everything against Trump except the kitchen sink where he is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a *******, a pawn of Russia, and countless other things. It is becoming a full time job to counter every one of those charges and my sole focus is to say he will serve another term and that Donald Trump is not a racist. Those various charges are an attack on his legacy
after he is POTUS. Here anything can happen? He could be to your disgust regarded as a legendary president where all your allegations overtime are disproved with evidence I currently lack, or Donald Trump's legacy will be just as a disgrace as Jeffery Epstein and a scammer like Bernard Madoff? Time will have to tell with that.

I concede that you provided disturbing evidence of Trump being a ******* @subhub174014. I hope you did you exercised your right as an American to blow the whistle against Trump on this issue but one has to wonder that Trump has many enemies in the media and the FBI and many others hate his guts to the degree where they are itching to jump on his ass and impeach him and then arrest him. If this evidence is so widely known that Donald Trump is a ******* why is there no ongoing breaking news about Trump's sexual weaknesses just as they did with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky on CNN? If professional media companies like CNN and the FBI lack professional data miners like you to find that evidence by all means, share it with them, impeach Trump, and arrest his ass. If this is chess you have checkmate so why not make the checkmating move @subhub174014 where at the very least you say you emailled all these institutions at the very least?

My Evidence

same as always......a COUPLE of blacks that support trump....that is far from what most think of him

Blacks' approval of Trump reaches a high of 21% and NAACP ...
His approval among all blacks increased from 8.9 percent to 16.5 percent. In the NAACP poll, 21 percent of blacks approve of the president, up 3.5 percent over the Reuters poll, and his ...

Trump and the Black Vote - FactCheck.org
Trump and the Black Vote. That was the case in 2008 and 2012, when Barack Obama — the nation’s first black president — was on the ballot. But from 1980 to 2004, the Republican candidate received 8 percent to 12 percent, which is consistent with Trump’s support among blacks.

just so you know...100% is everyone....12%...is 88% shy of having a lot of support....can you figure that out...not sure how much more simple I can make it

Donald Trump's approval rating among black Americans is ...
While the White House struggles to combat Omarosa Manigault Newman's charge that Trump used a racial slur, the president has touted misleading figures concerning his approval rating among black

Did Trump Say ‘Laziness Is a Trait in Blacks; No Black ...
Aug 08, 2016 · A quote image gives the impression that Donald Trump claimed that there won't be a black president again any time soon because 'laziness is a trait in blacks.'

Trump: 'laziness is a trait in blacks ... I believe that'
Jul 20, 2016 · “I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. ... “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza — black guys ...

but go ahead and believe all you want about him not being a racist ...the above ones are different than the last ones...….there are page after page of trumps statements against blacks...……..but I know...that doesn't apply to you......you and him are so close and all
just a little food for thought

Donald Trump Antichrist 666 Beast Little Horn Trump of ...
www.thehypertexts.com/Donald Trump Antichrist 666.htm
Trump is sounding doom and he was born on a ******* moon. A trump is a little horn and in the first reference to the Antichrist in the Bible, the prophet Daniel called the greatest human enemy of God a "little horn.". The number 666 is the major sign of the Antichrist.

I Have Proven Evidence!!! Donald Trump is the ANTICHRIST ...
The Antichrist (TRUMP) will be worshiped by all the lost people of the world, but not from the start.%uFEFF He will win people over as time passes, and grow in influence. Dan 8:9 3. The Bible says, Antichrist (TRUMP) Will be a a strong leader who is admired and respected by the world's leaders and he will be very persuasive.

this one probably best describes it/him

A court evangelical says what he really thinks - Religion ...
CE: You mean, Donald Trump the liar, the cheat, the bully, the thoroughly despicable human being who doesn’t have a spiritual bone in his body? Of course he bothers me. I wouldn’t let my 16 ...
Besides the fact that the antichrist will have a deadly wound that is healed in Revelation 13:3 @subhub174014 let me also quote a mutual friend and someone I know you greatly respect who says that Trump is not the antichrist as well despite generally agreeing with you that Trump is a bad person. If you don't believe me I know you will have words with him where he says:

"I think you've been smoking too much 'hooch' today, STIFF. There's absolutely NOTHING good about Donald Trump; not one thing. As far as the anti-Christ goes ... if the bible is to be taken at its printed word, Trump's not the anti-Christ. "
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/post-2515497 )

Hopefully that will end the debate about Donald Trump being the antichrist? If an ally and an adversary tells you the same thing @subhub174014 you should realize there must be some truth there?

My Evidence
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