Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Best people hand picked By Trump. Religious bigot to get that radical christian vote. Organizer and promoter of white supremacy who's had more than one internet sight or blog closed for excessive hate. A old fool duped by Russian agents into buying a doctored hard drive and they video him doing it also sold. To top that he gets taped with his hand down his pants. A peddler of false information. They did their jobs Mr President but they got caught doing them. We believe even though all of their deeds benefited you and you call them all good friends, you have no connection. My question is does Steve have to give you half of the millions he got from the build the wall fund for a pardon, or will that be from the kindness of your heart. Best people.jpg
Put money on it!
What is it with you and betting ?
Hey a sexist
Hillary was plain Jane ugly in college, hate for that hag has nothing to do with being sexist. The problem with you leftist is you live in a fantasy land where you actually think you can magically decide how every human being has to feel. People have every right to hate or love be sexist, racist or any other emotion. The progressive left think they can actually ******* other people to feel a certain way.
The problem with you leftist is you live in a fantasy land where you actually think you can magically decide how every human being has to feel. People have every right to hate or love be sexist, racist or any other emotion. The progressive left think they can actually ******* other people to feel a certain way.
Ah, so if someone tells you something that's in your best interest that YOU SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT to accept it or decline it, right?
What if the thing people are telling you to do is for the good of OTHERS?
Still think you have the right to DECLINE TO DO THE RIGHT THING?
So refusing to wear masks during the covid-19 virus is ok? You have no problem infecting OTHERS and SPREADING THE VIRUS and possibly KILLING innocent others who ARE choosing to do the RIGHT THING? Do you understand what airborne means?
What if I had the VIRUS and came around you and your family and got your ENTIRE family DEATHLY SICK & Infected ... do I have the RIGHT TO DO THAT?
The Covid virus is spreading because of the Retards who believe & follow Trump's every word ... that's why we call them Trumptards. Why would you chance going out and getting yourself infected and then going home and infecting your entire family? When the scientists & doctors say if everyone wears a mask and social distances from others,s the virus will begin to diminish. Why would you take TRUMP'S word over doctors & scientists?
And BEFORE you give me one of your "full of gif_CRAP.gif" explanations, tell us all how many TIMES you've been tested for Covid-19?
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It's fun to take money from cultists
Just bet him 6 months not coming on B2W ... see if he'll nibble at that? Then when he loses and doesn't honor his agreement, we can call him a Hypocrite just like the Republican Congress that voted in another SCOTUS.
Just bet him 6 months not coming on B2W ... see if he'll nibble at that? Then when he loses and doesn't honor his agreement, we can call him a Hypocrite just like the Republican Congress that voted in another SCOTUS.
hmmmm....very much like your pledge in 2016 to withdraw from the B2W political forums for a whole year after Trump won....which you broke your word on in just one month....Hypocrite

I am withdrawing from the political forums for the next year
Hillary had the same obnoxious laugh.
What an astute political observation. You should make signs and t-shirts.
Have you noticed how America is not listening to your whine and bullshit?
Have you learned nothing? Almost half have voted already. Everything, Trump and Republicans are doing now, everything, will be reversed. You're dying on hill that will be forgotten in a year.
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What is it with you and betting ?

Hillary was plain Jane ugly in college, hate for that hag has nothing to do with being sexist. The problem with you leftist is you live in a fantasy land where you actually think you can magically decide how every human being has to feel. People have every right to hate or love be sexist, racist or any other emotion. The progressive left think they can actually ******* other people to feel a certain way.
It is one of the simplest things one can do in this life - i.e., "recognize an idiot by what they write!"
You are right, I've heard he has done some great things in China. And today when he thought he was running against George Bush, steel trap of a mind
This is the stupidity and utter nonsense you Trumptards wallow in.
What is the accusation against Biden and China? Nothing. Your empty headed *******, has nothing.

Multiples years of business interests in China,
Paid more taxes in China in one year, than ten years in American taxes.
Holds a previously unreported ACTIVE bank account in China with millions.
Owe almost half a billion dollars to China.
******* granted over 18 trademarks to China leading up to Conference with China.
Trump properties have made millions from China, while Trump was president!
And the kicker, you suckers who buy his merchadise, are donated to Trump and China!
GTFOH with your Biden and China bs. Like your underwear, it's old and full of *******.
Another good clip is where Biden's wife is at the podium and Joe is wandering around the stage. like he's lost his pill caddy. Elder abuse to even have him out there. At the last debate at one point when he was trying to say Giuliani's last name his face spasamed so bad I thought he needed an exorcism.
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