Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Feds sent L.A. County broken ventilators; Silicon Valley ...
6 hours ago · Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday said the federal government sent Los Angeles County 170 ventilators that arrived “not working,” and now a Silicon Valley company is …

California governor: 170 ventilators sent from Trump administration were 'not working'

California Gov. Gavin NewsomGavin Christopher NewsomGun sellers listed as 'critical' infrastructureCalifornia governor: 170 ventilators sent from Trump administration were 'not working' Texas AG says gun stores are essential, should remain open amid pandemicMORE (D) said Saturday that 170 ventilators shipped by the federal government to help his state respond to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus were "not working" when they arrived.

Newsom made the remarks during a press conference in which he noted that the number of coronavirus patients in intensive care units had doubled since Friday, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Newsom said that the stockpile of ventilators had been sent to Los Angeles County by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). He noted that a company called Bloom Energy was fixing the equipment.

Pelosi bashes Trump on coronavirus: 'As the president ...
6 hours ago · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday criticized President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic by saying that "as the president fiddles, people are dying." Pelosi

Pelosi: ‘As the president fiddles, people are dying ...
Mar 29, 2020 · “As the president fiddles, people are dying,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday morning. Speaking to host Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Pelosi
Is it really that hard to state how BADLY Trump responded the coronavirus pandemic? So hard for die-hard Republicans to ACTUALLY be honest, though how can they when they APPROVE and WORSHIP the Liar in the White House!

A Republican strategist even stated," Trump will lay the groundwork to BLAME everyone from Democratic governors to General Motors for whatever negative outcomes there may be!" And, that is ALL Trump is doing playing the BLAME GAME! He never EVER accepts RESPONSILIBILTY for ANYTHING, yet he's a STRONG President though! *******, when you have to BLAME somebody else for your FAILURES, that is a good EXAMPLE of a THIN-SKINNED WEAK individual, PERIOD!

‘******* on the president’s hands?’ Chuck Todd asks Joe ...
Mar 29, 2020 · NBC News anchor Chuck Todd posed that question to presidential hopeful Joe Biden on “Meet the Press” on Sunday morning, and many viewers …

Chuck Todd Asks If Trump Has ‘*******’ On His Hands For ...
Mar 29, 2020 · Todd was referencing Biden’s remarks that the president’s alleged “slow response” in managing the crisis and his supposed “failure to get going right away.” “I think that’s a little too harsh,” Biden responded on “Meet the Press.” “Someone … used …

Chuck Todd to Joe Biden: Is There ******* on Trump's Hands?
Chuck Todd spoke with Joe Biden Sunday morning on Meet the Press about coronavirus and President Donald Trump’s response in particular. Todd brought up the criticisms from Team Biden so far ...

What did Biden say?
Is it really that hard to state how BADLY Trump responded the coronavirus pandemic? So hard for die-hard Republicans to ACTUALLY be honest, though how can they when they APPROVE and WORSHIP the Liar at the White House!

51% of people disagree
Killer wouldn't lie would he.......…..survey says...….it's a given

Tracking Trump’s false or misleading coronavirus claims ...
Mar 14, 2020 · Ron Klain, the White House Ebola response coordinator under the Obama administration, told Congress on Feb. 5 that it was a misnomer to describe the …

Fact-checking Trump’s attacks on Obama and Biden’s swine ...
13 days ago · The first U.S. case of a new H1N1 influenza virus (also called swine flu) was detected in April 2009, three months after the Obama administration began. The pandemic took a toll on Americans, with an estimated 60.8 million H1N1 cases and 12,469 deaths from April 2009 to April 2010.

Obama Administration Gets High Marks on Swine Flu So Far
Apr 29, 2009 · WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans give the Obama administration high marks for its handling so far of the continuing spread of swine flu, or H1N1 virus, in …

Lack of virus test kits a 'national disgrace,' says ...
Mary Washington Healthcare CEO Dr. Michael McDermott heads a state group overseeing plans for hospital preparedness, and he says the lack of test kits is ‘a national disgrace.’

Trump’s tactics on coronavirus are wildly insufficient ...
Mar 02, 2020 · On Sunday, he tweeted a New York Post write-up of a Gallup poll that indicated broad confidence in handling of the virus. That poll was about confidence in the government’s response, not Trump ...

Pelosi Says Trump Lacks ‘Confidence’ In Dealing With ...
Mar 11, 2020 · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized President Trump’s handling of the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak, claiming he lacks “confidence” in the situation. This “lack of confidence” is evidenced in the financial market and the drops it has witnessed over the past couple of weeks, she told a group of reporters at the Women Who Empower ...

Trump Melts Down, Uses Old Poll in Desperate Attempt to ...
Mar 01, 2020 · In a stunning misuse of a poll President Trump tweeted that 77% of “U.S. adults have confidence in their government’s ability to handle the Coronavirus…” A Poll in today’s New York Post says that 77% of “U.S. adults have confidence in their government’s ability to handle the Coronavirus (Number One), compared to other health threats.” 64% for Zika, 58% for Ebola.
This is the same fear tactic the left uses over and over and over for the last 50 years. Hence the Race Card Jokes. This particularly has been traipsed out on every little thing since 2001. Seriously when a person farted in a store and ya'll called it racist attacks you lost all credibility.

So when the police reports are public and they are investigating one of the 1000000000 laws against hurting feelings the EU has I will pay attention.

The best part your third article was about the Hug a Chinese person you got fired up about. Hahhahahahahahah.
Hmmm 50 years? Right around the implementation of the Civil Right Act and the Voting Rights Act, give an election or two. Very interesting you picked that time period.
Why fuck around? Nobody knows you. Say what you mean player.
And last week he was saying Trump's administration was so responsive. And was happy with the response when the feds were sending his state supplies.

Now Cuomo's failures to take care of his state are becoming apparent the attacks on and denials of what was said with Trump ramp up from him. You do realize each state and most counties have a Health Office responsible for state Pandemic planning and Response. Most report to the Governor. Oops Dem controlled states passing blame and demanding the rest of the country give up their supplies to cover the Dem failures. Just like a psycho ex.
Ha! THe most liberal states support the red states. States like New York and Mass pay more in to the Federal than come back in Federal services. This is not New York's fault. The federal government is the at fault. And why would New York have 20 times the normal needed respiratory machines on hand? Oh, in case of a pandemic! Too bad tRump killed the office who's only charge was plan out what to do in different cases of a pandemic outbreak.
Don't ask for links again. I've linked to this a week ago and subhub17 has posted numerous cites and quotes.
And if you knew anything about Christianity you would know, "He who is free of sin cast the first stone."

Second you would know- HIs sin count is between him and his maker. Not some troglodyte screaming about sin as he commits the biggest sin of them all.
Get the fuck out!!!!
The Republican base, is religious evangelicals who's whole identity is judging who is worthy. From their beginning with the Moral Majority and Reagan in 1980 to their shameful support of tRumperv at CPAC every year, they have wielded judgment and fate over politicians as they gain power over the party. tRump is the most influential, The Evangelicals are #2, and FoxNews as a collective is #3.
Hmmm 50 years? Right around the implementation of the Civil Right Act and the Voting Rights Act, give an election or two. Very interesting you picked that time period.
Why fuck around? Nobody knows you. Say what you mean player.

I did say exactly what I meant. The Left can only scare people for so long before the people stop believing them and they lose what little credibility they had.
Ha! THe most liberal states support the red states. States like New York and Mass pay more in to the Federal than come back in Federal services. This is not New York's fault. The federal government is the at fault. And why would New York have 20 times the normal needed respiratory machines on hand? Oh, in case of a pandemic! Too bad tRump killed the office who's only charge was plan out what to do in different cases of a pandemic outbreak.
Don't ask for links again. I've linked to this a week ago and subhub17 has posted numerous cites and quotes.

Ha and they also take much more federal funding per capita and in total then they send. Oh and don't forget City official were telling people to go out and to attend the Chinese New Year Parade. In fact there is video of the NYC Mayor saying go out and eat if you are under 50 on March 13th.

And New York has it's own version of the CDC and it has it's own budget to prepare for Pandemics. Not to mention all the funding since they have a higher probability for terrorism. Hence why they would have more ventilators and be ready for this pandemic. That and CNN caught Cuomo admitting they had 1000s of ventilators already in storage ready to tap.
Republicans and their identity politics are destroying America

Instead of acknowledging facts, Republicans continue to perpetuate the racially-tinged myths that have gridlocked our government. Instead of acknowledging facts, Republicans choose to pontificate about the illegality of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), while simultaneously defending the unconstitutional racial profiling by Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and the unconstitutional muslim ban by President Trump.

What happened to any semblance of political consistency? Republicans shouldn’t have to add falsities into their arguments, but they choose to. Republicans shouldn’t have to play to insecurities and fears to drive their party’s agenda, but they choose to. Republicans shouldn’t be willing to trick and misinform voters to win a political battle, but they choose to. Republicans are making a choice.

Rewriting our political and racial history using identity politics isn’t just immoral and dangerous, it’s a desperate choice. Identity politics are destroying our ability to have honest conversations. Identity politics are destroying our ability to govern. Identity politics are a tool for distracting away from actual policy debates.

Republicans know that it’s easier to distract than it is to discuss our obligations. Republicans know that nothing works more effectively to rile up the Republican base than identity politics. It’s no accident that Republican voters increasingly believe that the “takers” are lazy minorities who depend on the government and that immigrants here illegally are ******* the system dry.

What Republican politicians don’t publicly acknowledge is that statistics show that approximately 40 percent of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients are white Americans, and specifically, white southern Americans, many of whom are Republicans. If Republicans have the better argument, if Republicans have the better policies and if Republicans have the better ideas, shouldn’t they be able to rise above the identity politics that they purport to hate and argue facts?

Look no further than the health care debate for proof. Republican voters have been told repeatedly that a single-payer system would mean the end of the private markets. Republican voters have been told repeatedly that a single payer system means government-controlled health care. Republican voters have been lied to repeatedly. A single-payer system doesn’t mean the private market disappears, it just means that you don’t die if you can’t afford health insurance. It’s that simple. Isn’t that what being the greatest country in the world is all about? There’s nothing great about letting your citizens die from preventable and curable diseases, right?

As the most powerful nation in the history of the world, we can afford to improve the lives of all Americans. The question we must ask is whether that’s a priority. How we spend our money is directly tied to what kind of future we want to have and what kind of country we want to be. The notion that we can’t afford better schools, better roads, better health care and a better shot at the American dream isn’t outdated, it’s flat out wrong. We have choices.

We can afford what we want to afford. At the end of the day, our budget is a moral document. Our budget reflects our priorities and our preferences. Our budget reflects our fiscal and moral obligations. Republican politicians have made their choice, and now it’s our turn. If we want to pay for a public school system that isn’t funded in a way that keeps poor children in inadequately-funded schools, then that’s a choice that we can make. We can choose to give every baby a real shot at climbing the economic ladder. We can choose to ensure that every American has access to medicine when they’re sick, food if they’re hungry and an education that not only informs them but prepares them to compete in an evolving marketplace. We have that choice.

We understand that we won’t meet the needs of everyone or be the answer to everyone’s prayers, but we can certainly try to be. We have that choice. Not everyone will maximize their full potential, but that’s not a reason to give up trying. Whether we like it or not, we are in this together. We sink or we swim together. In order to succeed, we must have a real conversation about everyone paying their fair share. If you can afford to fly on a private plane, you can afford to kick in a little more to the communal pot to ensure that we are meeting our obligations. That’s not redistributing wealth, that’s being part of something bigger than yourself.

We are the greatest country in the world, but with greatness comes an obligation. We are obligated to continue to strive to be greater. We are obligated to live up to our highest morals and the standard of greatness that we constantly espouse. Every other country in the world is trying to catch up to us. We cannot take our foot off the pedal. We cannot let up. Luckily, we have choices about how we move forward.

At some point, Republicans will run out of distractions. At some point, our problems will become so severe and debilitating that coy responses and allegations of fake news won’t be enough. At some point, the American people will demand answers. When that day comes, it won’t be enough to attack Colin Kaepernick for silently kneeling to show his disapproval of our country’s moral failures. When that day comes, it won’t be enough to throw around terms like “welfare queens” or “leeches,” as if we don’t understand dog-whistle politics.

When that day comes, it won’t be enough to mock and malign the dreamers, who are examples of what makes America truly great. When that day comes, Republicans will have to tell Americans what they stand for, not merely what they stand in opposition to. When that day comes, Republicans will have to answer for the decades of distractions, divisiveness and identity politics that have hurt countless Americans. When that day comes, it will be a truly great day. But until then, we have choices.

We're beating it? That's news to the world. Last we checked, the number are rising will continue in the millions. And it also tells of how GM was working well with others until tRump interferred. As a matter of fact, they were stepping up and doing with agreements between the states and corporations - very States Rights like, until the federal government (sans the Army Corps of Engineers) got involved and gummed everything up. Thanks for this.
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