Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Poor poor Uncle Joe - just completely fucked up telling a completely bogus war story about pinning a Silver Star on a soldier - got everything wrong.

Then - I hear - he actually forgot Obama’s name during a campaign speech and had ta say my former boss - Oooooooooo NO
Shhhhh…... thinking......trying to remember if you have ever said anything intelligent

nope pretty sure you haven't....makes you a complete idiot....and you just keep increasing those statistics

People that buy into OBVIOUS propaganda are the true idiots ;}
Funny how the right starts losing an argument....or can't think of an answer...or afraid of being caught in a lie...they post vids and meme's….been that way for a while...started on the politics thread and moving to all of them now....guess they just get easily mind fucked and have no idea what to do
Shhhhh…... thinking......trying to remember if you have ever said anything intelligent

nope pretty sure you haven't....makes you a complete idiot....and you just keep increasing those statistics
And they increase faster than Kelly-Ann's Alternative Facts! (Translation ..... Kelly-Ann's Horse *******!)
Instead of accepting defeat like good losers and planning ahead, this losing party spews hatred for the victor and those who voted for him.
What can we say, Hottobe? Democrats learned from the best when Obama kicked Republican "ass" two terms in a row. Its called KARMA!
Oh wait, that didn't happen, did it? That's all fake news, right?
If you think it is only helping the Republican party, however, I'd think ReThuglicans would be silent about it and let the Democrats dig their own grave.
"Me thinks" you Rightards are scared shitless of how badly you're gonna get your fat asses kicked in 2020. I noticed, just today, yet another Republican in the Senate has announced he would be resigning his seat effective January 1 of 2020; not even finishing his term in office. So, what I'm seeing are a lot of Republicans deciding to leave their party rather than serve another year under Trump.
What can we say, Hottobe? Democrats learned from the best when Obama kicked Republican "ass" two terms in a row. Its called KARMA!
Oh wait, that didn't happen, did it? That's all fake news, right?
If you think it is only helping the Republican party, however, I'd think ReThuglicans would be silent about it and let the Democrats dig their own grave.
"Me thinks" you Rightards are scared shitless of how badly you're gonna get your fat asses kicked in 2020. I noticed, just today, yet another Republican in the Senate has announced he would be resigning his seat effective January 1 of 2020; not even finishing his term in office. So, what I'm seeing are a lot of Republicans deciding to leave their party rather than serve another year under Trump.

that's going to put both Georgia senate seats up for grabs in 2020....first time ever….think a lot of the right wingers know trump has pretty much destroyed the party.....it has been in the decline for a while now......he just epitomizes the greed and corruption within the party....the die hard greedy ones will stick around out of loyalty...but alot will leave...hopefully the dems can make a decent showing if they don't have to many giveaways....and fulfill their promises

it has always been the independents that dictate the elections...dems and repub's both have about the same...when there is voter turnout....but just like that farmer..no way voting for trump again....and no way voting dem...what does that leave?

kind of like last election with the lowest voter turnout in a pres election in ?????years....trump will bring out the voters this time...for or against!
There are a few people who prefer to be unnamed that would compete with you for hating Trump more @subhub174014 , plus the so called late night comics, madonna, lebron james, whoopi goldberg, rosie o'donnell ... etc.

true...he has alot of haters......that's why his approval has barely hit 40%...……..but i'm talking here....there are a bunch here...Mac for one......and some that just post on occasion....but i'm pretty much the dem whipping boy on a daily basis
he can only play dictator for so long....and then there is a lot that is going to come bite him in the ass once he leaves office....a lot of pending charges...both civil and federal

John Brennan warns Trump that his 'protective cocoon' is ...
9 hours ago · Former CIA Director John Brennan warned President Trump that the "protective cocoon" protecting him is "only temporary" in an ominous tweet defending James Comey. After President Trump
Comey and Brennan are the ones that are looking at prison time once the IG’s Report is done regarding the FISA warrants.
NUTS! That's an insane comment! OOPPPSS! Sorry! More like an insane Trump comment!
Hitler caused WW2 which cost 70 to 85 million lives lost!
German Red Cross reported in 2005 that the records of the military search list total Wehrmacht
losses at 4.3 million men (3.1 million dead and 1.2 million missing) in World War II, plus another
1/2 million German civilians killed! Is that your definition of someone fighting for their country?
The only gun Hitler fired in WW2 was the one that put a bullet through his own head!
No, I'm pointing out that with all the comparisons between trump and Hitler, at least you can say that Hitler actually fought himself at Ypres in WW1, whereas trump is a draft Dodger and coward.
Of course, Hitler didn't pick up a weapon himself in WW2. cheers
Comey and Brennan are the ones that are looking at prison time once the IG’s Report is done regarding the FISA warrants.
you mean AG?......trump is pushing I'm sure...like any dictator of a third world country he wants his enemies in prison or dead...but I don't think the AG will go that far...….trump faces a lot of charges after he leaves office.....don't think the AG will want to join him...he will only go so far....he may be doing trumps beck and call...but he isn't stupid either....false imprisonment is jail time also
No, I'm pointing out that with all the comparisons between trump and Hitler, at least you can say that Hitler actually fought himself at Ypres in WW1, whereas trump is a draft Dodger and coward.
Of course, Hitler didn't pick up a weapon himself in WW2. cheers

there are a lot of similarities between the two that's for sure.....a lot of articles about comparing the two

5 Ways Donald Trump Perfectly Mirrors Hitler's Rise To ...

    1. He Used To Keep A Copy Of Hitler's Sequel To Mein Kampf By His Bed. Flickr/Gage Skidmore. …
    2. Not Taking Him Seriously Makes Him More Dangerous. Flickr/Michael Vadon. One of the first …
    3. Don't Think Concentration Camps, Just Think Prisons. Wikipedia. The problem with Hitler was that …
    4. He'll Sell His Hate As Hope For The Poorest Citizens In This Country. Flickr/Michael Vadon. Do I …
    See all full list on cracked.com
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