Videos that will help convince wives to go black

I love to watch harmoni get fucked, she's really hot. I wish I was the one fucking her, a woman like herself would never be seen in Fairfield, Ca.. Besides she's a professional, having everything scripted and told certain positions and choreographed is not much of a turn ob for me. I prefer homemade, amateur scripts, no actors!
I'm not sure how a professionally made porn video where every second is choreographed and the woman say what they're being paid to say will convince anyone of anything. Porn is fake- and those videos are made not to convince women of anything. They're made so that white guys like you can jack off. It's entirely possible that the actresses in these videos are lesbians and they might not want any man whether he's black or white.

Yes. Subtlety is quite a bit more effective than this ‘ram it in your face’ type. The point is to plant the seed and let the course take its own due time.
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With all due respect you are wrong about these particular videos. None of those people are paid, I know because I've filmed with Dfw and Mandy.

Those particular videos may be professionally produced but that is Mandy and her real husband. Dfw is a very good lover and I went out with him a couple of times before I ever considered going public. I did take pics of my fun.

I've fucked Dfw on and off camera, the only thing scripted are the times we arrive for our dates, once we start kissing everything is real, at least in my scenes and Mandy's too. The comment about mandy being a lesbian is also incorrect. Very few girls I have met in the business are lesbian.

You are correct, I make my videos because I hope men are going to jack off to them! That is a massive turn on for me. Most IR porn is fake, some of DFW's are set ups, but not near as many as you might think.

Thank you for reading my post, I hope it explains a little.

Ms Harmoni, please, with all due respect.........I have seen the movies you made with the Knight and I enjoy your work, but you're telling people that Mandy nor the Knight get paid ? After they produce a movie together, they each market those movies on their own sites for right around 20 bucks a copy. The Knight has like 90 movies to choose from, and so does Mandy. Each of those sites are knocking down serious $$ for each of those performers, so I wouldnt go as far as to tell people neither of them are getting paid. In actuality, each of them get paid PLENTY selling their movies !! Neither Mandy nor Will are working 8 to 5 jobs, because their sites are making serious scratch !! (I hope the term 'scratch' doesnt date me, 'cuz I'm an old guy)