trump running for re-election on the economy

I have a college degree - paid for it working three jobs - paid off loans 10 years after graduating.

Inferring Trump supporters are stupid is just left wing HORSESHITE !!!!!!

Only idiots woulda voted for Hillary
I have a college degree - paid for it working three jobs - paid off loans 10 years after graduating.

Inferring Trump supporters are stupid is just left wing HORSESHITE !!!!!!

Only idiots woulda voted for Hillary

Trump knows his supporters are a bunch of fools! Trump supporters are the craziest people in the country. He could literally take off his shoe mid-speech, hold it up to his ear, say he is getting a call from Batman and they would be quiet until he hung up his shoe.”
saving jobs and adding more jobs?

Cisco swings the axe on permanent staff – hundreds laid ...
Nov 06, 2018 · Exclusive Cisco has confirmed to The Register it launched a round of layoffs on Monday, effectively slashing its Customer Experience (CX) team, after insiders alerted us to …

Cisco Layoffs 2019: 500 Lose Jobs In Engineering At San Jose And Milpitas

Trump's Numbers -
Jan 19, 2018 · It’s a respectable gain, to be sure. But it’s 12 percent lower than the 2.01 million jobs that were created in the 11 months before he entered office. The average monthly job gain under Trump is now 167,182, well behind the average monthly gain of 216,958 jobs during Obama’s entire second term.

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
  • Author: Eric-Schaal
    1. General Motors. Trump administration contracts: $323 million. Outsourced jobs: 2,781. Trump …
    2. Boeing. Trump administration contracts: $9.46 billion. Outsourced jobs: 2,681. In terms of federal …
    3. United Technologies. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,414. In …
    4. Pfizer. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,200. You may recall the …
    See all full list on
Manufacturing Jobs ‘Roaring Back’?

Atkinson, co-author of a 2015 report called “The Myth of America’s Manufacturing Renaissance: The Real State of U.S. Manufacturing,” said that being 1.2 million short of the pre-recession jobs level is just one indication that manufacturing is not back.

“Almost 10 years and NO growth in real output. This is not roaring back, or even back,” Atkinson, citing Bureau of Economic Analysis data, told us in an email.

“When you look at manufacturing labor productivity stats over the last 3 years, they are abysmal,” Atkinson told us. “Shocking low if not negative in some quarters. Job creation with negative productivity cannot be the goal.”

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
  • Author: Eric-Schaal
    1. General Motors. Trump administration contracts: $323 million. Outsourced jobs: 2,781. Trump …
    2. Boeing. Trump administration contracts: $9.46 billion. Outsourced jobs: 2,681. In terms of federal …
    3. United Technologies. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,414. In …
    4. Pfizer. Trump administration contracts: $1.07 billion. Outsourced jobs: 1,200. You may recall the …
    See all full list on
Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump ... · Jun 02, 2019

Sorry Chuck, the Trump economy isn't so great in much of ...
Jun 24, 2019 · A common theme with the Trump economy is that a few big gainers at the top make the overall numbers look good. But the typical American state and person is barely any better off, and they will be the ones most likely to be the first to feel the pain …

Economy under Trump is growing but not for everyone ... · Jul 08, 2019
Farm bankruptcies are surging as Trump's trade war drags ...
Nov 28, 2018 · Farm bankruptcies are surging as Trump's trade war drags on. Gina Heeb. Nov. 28, 2018, 06:09 AM ... States where bankruptcies are on the rise

Farm bankruptcies rise as Trump’s trade war grinds on ...
12 days ago · Where family farm bankruptcies are on the rise From July 2017 through June 2018, there were 467 Chapter 12 bankruptcy filings nationwide. Over the next year, there were 514.

"They're Running Out Of Options" - Farm Bankruptcies Surge ...
The Farm Belt helped cement President Trump's historic electoral triumph over Hillary Clinton. But even before Trump started his trade war with China nearly one year ago, Trump's protectionist bent has added to the collective woes of farmers, who were already struggling with low prices for corn, soy beans and other agricultural commodities.

Farm bankruptcies are on the rise, and bankers worry that ...
Farm bankruptcies are on the rise, and bankers worry that far more are on the way ... Trump's trade dispute is just the latest factor in a longer-term decline in farm income. ... The situation for …

They voted for Donald Trump. Now soybean farmers could get ...
Aug 09, 2019 · Bret Davis voted for Donald Trump in 2016, as did many of his fellow farmers in central Ohio. But as a brewing Chinese trade war begins to threaten U.S. exports, Davis fears his fifth-generation ...

Farmers Fed Up With Trump's Trade War Are Running Against Him
POLITICAL FALLOUT Farmers Fed Up With Trump's Trade War Are Running Against Him. Iowa farmers running for office as Democrats could see their political viability rise as Trump

Trump Trade War Prompts $4.7B in Farm Aid. But Farmers ...
Aug 28, 2018 · The U.S. government has announced $4.7 billion in direct payments to American farmers, as part of its previously-announced strategy for mitigating the effects of President Donald Trump
You probably watch Fox News so...

Nope, sorry.
The dow closing at 800 points down is hardly something to get worked up about, let alone start rumors of a recession. Down or up 500 points is quite common, 300 more isn't that far off. What other intelligent statements do you have to say?

Strong GDP and jobs numbers don't tell the whole story about America's economic reality

  • GDP and unemployment numbers support the notion that times are good. They say our economic policy is sound, and the status quo is working.
  • But a different picture emerges looking at the homeless people gathered by the Federal Reserve building in DC, or in visiting my hometown, York, Pennsylvania, where wages have stagnated and factories have closed.
  • In reality, most Americans actually are poorer now than they were before.
Recession Outlook Summary
  • Despite robust gross domestic product (GDP) growth this year, our Recession Probability Model...
  • While there is little risk of downturn in the near term, more restrictive monetary policy will overtake an...
  • We examine why, despite prevailing sentiment to the contrary, the flattening yield curve remains...
Forecasting the Next Recession: The Yield Curve Doesn’t Lie | Gugg……

Recession Watch 2019: Outlook Not So Good -
Mar 15, 2019 · While the probability of a recession was approximately 15% in late 2018, today it is closer to 30%.

3 Charts Indicate That a U.S. Economic Recession Is Nearing
Nov 19, 2018 · Recession Indicators Flashing Red: Just Look at the Business Inventories. A recession could be looming for the U.S. economy. 2019 could go down in the books as the year the U.S. economy slowed down and faced severe headwinds. To predict a recession, there are a few things economists generally look at.
The left - HOPING and facilitating the idea that the economy is failing and headed toward recession - so sick with TDS that they’d rather the entire country suffer than prosper under our current President :{
The left - HOPING and facilitating the idea that the economy is failing and headed toward recession - so sick with TDS that they’d rather the entire country suffer than prosper under our current President :{

Yep, I remember Bill Maher hoping for a recession if it would hurt Trump. The left is willing to create one, just to hurt Trump. Tell me again who has the American people at heart.
The left - HOPING and facilitating the idea that the economy is failing and headed toward recession - so sick with TDS that they’d rather the entire country suffer than prosper under our current President :{

YOUR current pres is taking the country down just like he did all his other biz
you seem to have a problem with facts and people who don't see it like you....ever think it might be you

Nope - your “FACTS” are leftwing media propaganda - I see that journalism has been compromised - the truth is no longer relevant - the days of Walter Chronkite and Tim Russett are far behind us - now it’s just a constant stream of biased reporting - hell mostly anonymous and single sourced stories - anything and everything that can be reported to hurt the President are thrown out there - when found to be false - often retractions aren’t even issued or buried if they are. You eat the negative reporting up - I and thankfully MOST other Americans see it for what it is.