Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I hope all your great plans blow up in your faces, I suppose it don't matter because if you out of control liberally Democrats manage to put Harris in office because Biden can't serve 4 years. You will reap the harvest of your ignorance.
Isn't that a coincidence ... we said the exact same thing when Trumptards put Trump in office. What's mystifying all of us is the fact that even after 4 years of daily fuckups & embarrassments by Trump, you folks STLL want that dumb MF in office. He lies to you daily, doesn't give a rats ass about you (his own base), yet you stick with him. I'm telling you, with Trump, you're getting all you're gonna get from him.
I hope all your great plans blow up in your faces
Democrats are use to hearing/seeing these type of comments coming from Republicans ... as are the voters. Maybe that's why the Republican party is so "popular" (pun intended) these days. Look at how they treated Obama from day one of his first presidency. Republicans lost their way back when Clinton was president ... believe it was Newt Gingrich that started the "hate" Democrats policy of refusing to work across the isle. You can probably get away with that kind of strategy when you're being "productive" for the country. Problem is, the Republican party hasn't been focused on the "country" in decades, actually ... starting back with 'ole Ronny Reagan. Tis why the national debt zoomed from under a $trillion when Ronny came in and up to $10 trillion by the time Obama became president. The damage of the selfish "trickle down" philosophical LIES allowed our country to become selfish & polarized ... so, its critically TIME for a more level thinking Democrat party (excluding the extremists) to come in for the next few presidential cycles and do some major "house cleaning".
Selfish & unbudgeted past Rethuglican tax cuts are to be thanked for the condition of the country right now.
Why do you think he didn't run last time new this was out there thought no one had proof so gave it a go
Because his *******, was dead. His second baby he lost. Probably takes a toll on an individual. A normal one.
Hillary had cornered the market on major donors and endorsements after starting he run two years early. Most feeling obligated after abandoning her in 2008 for a winner.

Take it from someone who worked in politics. Rarely is a secret kept, for years. Rarely is there a magical bullet that will turn people from candidate to another after their minds have been made up. Is there anything that will make you vote for Biden over Trump? No. Well is like that times two on the our side. Remember, we are voting against Trump, more than for Biden. He's never getting those votes

At this point, no major group of Democrats are supporting Trump. Major Republicans and Republican groups have gone over to Biden.
The undecideds are so small, and Biden's support is so far ahead of Trump, that if all went for Trump, he would still fall behind Biden because of the Republicans supporting him.

So what's the point of yet another nothing burger to grab headlines for a day? You'll have to ask Trump that.
It's been days, and nothing. Just like the email and spying story was going to get Obama arrested. Nothing.
Just like his health care plan that been coming out in two weeks for over two years now. Nothing.
You've fallen for another sight of hand rhetorical practice that Trump has done for years.
Where's the proof?
Because his *******, was dead. His second baby he lost. Probably takes a toll on an individual. A normal one.
Hillary had cornered the market on major donors and endorsements after starting he run two years early. Most feeling obligated after abandoning her in 2008 for a winner.

Take it from someone who worked in politics. Rarely is a secret kept, for years. Rarely is there a magical bullet that will turn people from candidate to another after their minds have been made up. Is there anything that will make you vote for Biden over Trump? No. Well is like that times two on the our side. Remember, we are voting against Trump, more than for Biden. He's never getting those votes

At this point, no major group of Democrats are supporting Trump. Major Republicans and Republican groups have gone over to Biden.
The undecideds are so small, and Biden's support is so far ahead of Trump, that if all went for Trump, he would still fall behind Biden because of the Republicans supporting him.

So what's the point of yet another nothing burger to grab headlines for a day? You'll have to ask Trump that.
It's been days, and nothing. Just like the email and spying story was going to get Obama arrested. Nothing.
Just like his health care plan that been coming out in two weeks for over two years now. Nothing.
You've fallen for another sight of hand rhetorical practice that Trump has done for years.
Where's the proof?
Gears turn slow but they turn, health care is on second term . no worries. Career politician 47 years of lies and screwing america
So the worst thing for JOE Biden, is that he may have met the head of Burismo?
You ever go to a fundraiser or White House event? There is a long line of people waiting to spend 5 seconds with the principle. Big Deal.
Now, that's if everything is true- which we know it's not, then Hunter will have some explaining to do, while his ******* is presidenting. When I see something credible besides alleged stuff printed in the paper that created Donald Trump, or the chanel that pretty much made him President, then you'll have regular people taking not. Until then, bitch about the fake news ignoring it, and hoping for a miracle for your guy that you must know by now, majority of Americans reject.