Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Yeah I guess these underreported acts make Trump a racist...
If I was that kid's parent, after seeing him kiss my kid on the lips like that, I'd sue the president for *******, I swear.
Surely you realize that is ONLY a photo-op staging for Christ sake.
if you feel so strongly against Trump would it not be better for you to create a thread of your own to disrespect Trump instead? This thread's purpose appears to applaud Trump and it's clear you wish not to participate in that exercise?
Although I have no desire to start another thread ( I have 5 going now), you make a good point regarding this thread's purpose obviously IS to applaud Trump and I have no desire to applaud anything he does other than his resignation. Therefore, I will cease & desist in posting on this thread. I have nothing POSITIVE I can offer it about Trump.
Although I have no desire to start another thread ( I have 5 going now), you make a good point regarding this thread's purpose obviously IS to applaud Trump and I have no desire to applaud anything he does other than his resignation. Therefore, I will cease & desist in posting on this thread. I have nothing POSITIVE I can offer it about Trump.
In the final analysis though you should be thanking me @MacNfries, and @subhub174014 as well, as I identified many American individuals that secretly support Trump as seen in the link beneath this post. They were not formally mentioned but if you check in the area of other individuals and celebrities you will discover that in addition you will find Mike Tyson and Shaq and Rodman are also in that list and MrPutin as well. In between now and then you can do what is possible to contact some or all of them and persuade them to change their vote with Trump. Otherwise without taking such extreme efforts on your part you might discover Trump might be re-elected. Even if you were to convince me of the same it would be meaningless for as you know I am a Canadian, living in Canada, without any form of dual citizenship, allowing me to legally vote in your election. ;)

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If I was that kid's parent, after seeing him kiss my kid on the lips like that, I'd sue the president for *******, I swear.
Surely you realize that is ONLY a photo-op staging for Christ sake.
It was on that occasion, but Trump's actions are his own. For all you know on his spare time Trump might have taken a playbook out of Obama's playbook and acts as a community organizer where he could secretly do stuff and not ask for any credit for such acts? Being in America you might not know of our previous mayor of Toronto "Rob Ford". Perhaps you might as the media often portrayed him as the mayor addicted to crack an addictive white substance? Yup it was him.

Despite his weakness for illicit ******* he came from an extremely wealthy family, but no association with Ford Motors though that I know of, and he never stole a penny and he refused any benefit his office as mayor or as a previous counsellor could grant him. He worked like a dog and he secretly did many things where he did not want any credit and helped many people and he was loved for it locally. He began campaigning the day after the election and he never stopped until his demise, imagine that? Perhaps Trump is the same way given all the deficits we both understand he has?

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Although I have no desire to start another thread ( I have 5 going now), you make a good point regarding this thread's purpose obviously IS to applaud Trump and I have no desire to applaud anything he does other than his resignation. Therefore, I will cease & desist in posting on this thread. I have nothing POSITIVE I can offer it about Trump.

Don’t bother - I answered him - he’s dense - just ignores what you say and comes back with the Democrat talking points.
Confronting them is not so much an exercise to convince @MacNfries or @subhub174014 as nothing could convince them but it is for the benefit of the anonymous American voter viewing this that is a fence sitter and he/she is undecided how they should use their vote.
That’s because most of y’all are racist and that’s a fact no need to bite the nail closeted racists are the worst ????????
Very nice. ?? Please remind me, when have we met? Because in order for you to have made that deduction, we must have. Otherwise, you know nothing about me and cannot/should not lump everyone in the same bucket. Very narrow minded of you.