Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

There is a huge difference between "free speech" and being allowed to call people names. It would be actually having sensible discussions sharing various viewpoints without degradation and put downs. We are all allowed to have our own beliefs and should be able to voice them without being told we live in the gutter, or how stupid we are. To learn that would be to show intelligence.
well you have already shown any conversation with you that doesn't go how you want......I am not allowed to comment any best just to not reply!

kind of shoots the hell out of free speech and the purpose of this thread...…..but then dealing with some of these right wing whacko's would expect nothing less

The reason not to limit your freedom of speech, but the fact that you were rude in discussion, you must remain polite and respect opponent if you have no opportunity to convince opponent arguments, it gives you the right to go on offense language, better take a break for a Cup of tea and chill.

I hope you will listen to me, and we will not return to such remarks in the future.

That goes for you too @MacNfries!

Gee, STIFF, where were YOU when Republicans were stalking President Obama at every turn? The racist Right started out his first term by having a private meeting (led by Newt Gingrich) to "Just say NO" to anything Obama wanted to do ... Republicans became so comfortable at saying NO that it has continued to THIS DAY ... the DO Nothing Republicans. If you really need a history reminder, that's where the polarization of politics basically began.
Politics at that position is like mud wrestling as you are well aware @MacNfries and it would appear that the winner is the one who comes out looking the cleanest. But if you want to mention history how is it that Obama got the Nobel Peace prize within his first 11 days in office??? I do not doubt that Obama should earn such a distinguished award but that should at least awarded he served a little longer in office? Contrast that to Trump who only experienced loathing and disrespect at that point in time when all he did at that time was defeating Hillary? For all of the hatred Trump receives maybe he should be given a Nobel as well out of respect once he leaves office as well?

Contrast that to Trump who only experienced loathing and disrespect at that point in time when all he did at that time was defeating Hillary?
Obama wasn't recorded "grab them by the pussy" and other un-presidential terminologies. There's no comparison between these two men, and Trump's name should never appear in the same sentence as Obama's. Trump's entire mud-slinging run for the presidency has been surrounded with one controversy after other. Even Republicans are ashamed and embarrassed of this ambassador to the USA. He's an adulterer, con-artist, fake, stupid of politics, and vulture capitalist. ALL PROVABLE along with his umpteen thousand LIES he's told since becoming President. Has been involved in over 3,000 lawsuits, 5 bankruptcies, and when it all irons out down the road, he'll be convicted of tax evasion, fraud, and embezzlement. Stay tuned ... "lap dog".
If that's rude ... too bad. It IS what it IS.
As far as the Nobel Prize is concerned, Obama didn't ASK for the Nobel Prize ... Trump basically DID, and as everything else with him, it was FAKE too. Trump had to "brag about it" to the press. Just like his 7 years of declaring Obama a non-citizen of the US that he NEVER PROVED.

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Obama wasn't recorded "grab them by the pussy" and other un-presidential terminologies. There's no comparison between these two men, and Trump's name should never appear in the same sentence as Obama's. Trump's entire mud-slinging run for the presidency has been surrounded with one controversy after other. Even Republicans are ashamed and embarrassed of this ambassador to the USA. He's an adulterer, con-artist, fake, stupid of politics, and vulture capitalist. ALL PROVABLE. Has been involved in over 3,000 lawsuits, 5 bankruptcies, and when it all irons out down the road, he'll be convicted of tax evasion, fraud, and embezzlement. Stay tuned ... "lap dog".
The reason not to limit your freedom of speech, but the fact that you were rude in discussion, you must remain polite and respect opponent if you have no opportunity to convince opponent arguments, it gives you the right to go on offense language, better take a break for a Cup of tea and chill.

I hope you will listen to me, and we will not return to such remarks in the future.

That goes for you too @MacNfries!

Ouch @MacNfries remember what @FunnyBunny just said about being rude in speech? I did not insult you yet you called me a "lap dog". I hope that this does not jeopardize your standing with B2W?

Anyways as you and @subhub174014 and others have proven crystal clear Trump is not perfect and if the Democrats can find a champion to dethrone him all the power to you. I could speak of Trump's accomplishments by avoiding a military conflict in North Korea, defending American interests against China, acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital, defending the rights of the unborn, and other things but it would go on deaf ears.
I could speak of Trump's accomplishments by avoiding a military conflict in North Korea, defending American interests against China, acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital, defending the rights of the unborn, and other things but it would go on deaf ears.
Get to talking then, STIFF ... GO FOR IT ... tell us what his accomplishments have been. Certainly he's made NO headway in the de-nuclearization of Iran or N Korea. All he's managed to do in those countries is piss them off. They still have their missiles, bubba! And when they start firing those missles, regardless of who's in the right or wrong, just remember those million + lives that were instantlly extinguished are ALL ON TRUMP and his bully pulpit. He says he's the KING of negotiators; he couldn't negotiate himself out of a paper bag.
In fact, for every accomplishment he's made, I'll name five he hasn't accomplished that he basically LIED to the voters about.
And if you so desire to get me kicked off this site, go for it ... balls in YOUR COURT.
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Get to talking then, STIFF ... GO FOR IT ... tell us what his accomplishments have been. Certainly he's made NO headway in the de-nuclearization of Iran or N Korea. All he's managed to do in those countries is piss them off. They still have their missiles, bubba! And when they start firing those missles, regardless of who's in the right or wrong, just remember those million + lives that were instantlly extinguished are ALL ON TRUMP and his bully pulpit.
In fact, for every accomplishment he's made, I'll name five he hasn't accomplished that he basically LIED to the voters about.
And if you so desire to get me kicked off this site, go for it ... balls in YOUR COURT.
You appear to be very pugnacious about this issue and I get it as American politics is very charged and emotional and I would be saddened if you were removed from this site as your perspectives are interesting at times, but if you feel so strongly against Trump would it not be better for you to create a thread of your own to disrespect Trump instead? This thread's purpose appears to applaud Trump and it's clear you wish not to participate in that exercise? Then as November 2020 approaches the anonymous American voter can look between both threads and he/she can arrive at their own conclusions? Plus there is so much acrimony against Trump some people desire an oasis somewhere to celebrate his accomplishments, however few you feel there are. After all people in the LGBTQ+ movement have earned the right to have Gay Pride parades. Here we are after a Trump pride parade. I'd invite you onto the bandwagon but I suspect you would refuse and maybe burn it down? ????????????????
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Some of y’all scared of sharia law ???? lets be serious here if Muslims really wanted to take over America they could easily do it but y’all continue with y’all divide and conquer strategy
Oh please. If any of us had done even one fourth of what is being done and said against the current POTUS when it was Obama in office, we would have been publicly crucified. We couldn't say a damn thing without being called racist.
That’s because most of y’all are racist and that’s a fact no need to bite the nail closeted racists are the worst ????????