Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Not Q Anon you fucking moron!!!!! Biden on national television disrespected blacks and called our military bastards and he said trump is at fault. Not his sick twisted ******* when they asked about him. He said focus on trump not what my ******* is doing you are so fucking mindwashed it makes me sick

"Dissing the military" ...sounds like Trump. If Trump loses Arizona, just remember dissing McCain came back to bite him, McCain's own family members are supporting Biden.. not because of Biden, but because of Trump..😌

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Look. This election has nothing to do with Democratic Party or Republican Party. This is Trump and his party who will shut the corrupt of all government down and help the citizens of America of all colors for good. He has proven everything but media lies and lies and lies and lies. God almighty on telivison reporter makes up a document and Mckiney said wtf are you saying and it was terrible. Then CNN behind the scenes they told the reporter you will say exactly what’s on this paper or you are fired. Wake the fuck up! Trump wins and all the corrupt ends. We go in peace I promise

Lies, lol lies such as "It will disappear by Easter" ...?
Q-Anon is so great.

Trump is supposed to arrest all the Democrats and free the children beneath Comet Pizza and finally clear all the Deep State.

Except that never happened, and he's in his fourth year in office. He's had a record number of indictments and arrests of his own staff.

So we need some magical conspiracy to explain why Trump never did the amazing stuff he was supposed to, and every week it's a new doomsday prophecy about how now it's really going to happen and Trump will fix everything and rid us of all our enemies and Hillary will get perp walked on the evening news. Then it doesn't, but then next week now it's really going to happen and....

Pretty much just what we thought. He's only a billionaire in his own imagination, and he's losing money hand over fist

The president’s tax returns suggest that as he approaches one of the most consequential elections in American history — down in most polls, under I.R.S. audit and heavily in debt — his businesses may not be well equipped to navigate what lies ahead.

As many of his companies continue to lose money, Mr. Trump has more than $300 million in loans, for which he is personally responsible, coming due within the next four years. He liquidated hundreds of millions of dollars in stocks in recent years and may have less than $1 million left in his portfolio, according to his public financial disclosures. The pandemic has crippled the hospitality and recreation industry that so much of his portfolio of properties is dependent on.

And hanging over his head is the audit. Should the I.R.S. reverse the huge refund he received 10 years ago, Mr. Trump could be on the hook for more than $100 million.
Look. This election has nothing to do with Democratic Party or Republican Party. This is Trump and his party who will shut the corrupt of all government down and help the citizens of America of all colors for good. He has proven everything but media lies and lies and lies and lies. God almighty on telivison reporter makes up a document and Mckiney said wtf are you saying and it was terrible. Then CNN behind the scenes they told the reporter you will say exactly what’s on this paper or you are fired. Wake the fuck up! Trump wins and all the corrupt ends. We go in peace I promise

Get some help kicking the prohibited substances.
Look. This election has nothing to do with Democratic Party or Republican Party. This is Trump and his party who will shut the corrupt of all government down and help the citizens of America of all colors for good. He has proven everything but media lies and lies and lies and lies. God almighty on telivison reporter makes up a document and Mckiney said wtf are you saying and it was terrible. Then CNN behind the scenes they told the reporter you will say exactly what’s on this paper or you are fired. Wake the fuck up! Trump wins and all the corrupt ends. We go in peace I promise

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Blain, they have already made up their minds about anyone that supports the orange man. It’s better to laugh it all off and deflect with kindness . I wouldn’t mind hanging out with any single person on this thread . Unity is what the world needs.♠️

🇺🇸🇺🇸KAG 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
I actually wanted to give Trump some benefit of the doubt when he was elected. On the campaign trail he talked a big game about a more comprehensive health care bill than Obamacare, and made a lot of promises about huge public works infrastructure projects.

Then he did none of those things, and instead spent his term insulting the media, bragging about himself, installing a bunch of incompetent donors and sycophants to important cabinet positions, selling out NATO, selling out our own troops, appointing a bunch of hard-right judges, promoting conspiracy theories like Q-Anon, and talking about what a bunch of "fine people" the Charlottesville white supremacists were.

Then Coronavirus hit, and he ******* the bed harder than I thought could ever be possible.
Blain, they have already made up their minds about anyone that supports the orange man. It’s better to laugh it all off and deflect with kindness . I wouldn’t mind hanging out with any single person on this thread . Unity is what the world needs.♠

🇺🇸🇺🇸KAG 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

And you really believe somewhere within your mind that Donald Trump has brought unity to the American people? Is this some type of sick joke? You claim that unity is what we need, while supporting the most divisive candidate we have seen in our lifetime.

Divided States of America or United States of America? Can't be both...
And you really believe somewhere within your mind that Donald Trump has brought unity to the American people? Is this some type of sick joke? You claim that unity is what we need, while supporting the most divisive candidate we have seen in our lifetime.

Divided States of America or United States of America? Can't be both...

Yes I do.🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

You should attend a rally! 🤘🏻