Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Actually, you need to educate yourself ... never heard of gerrymandering and how it takes one party 30-40% MORE VOTES to acquire a district seat because of it?

>>>> All states currently choose presidential electors by POPULAR VOTE fool! <<<< You send me an article link about the electoral college something YOU should read. Furthermore, you make a statement about "gerrymandering" (something not once even mentioned in the article you provided about the ELECTORAL COLLEGE 🤫🤨)..

However I will educate you. GERRYMANDERING reduces voting power (keywords) IN A CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT.

The winner of the plurality of the statewide vote receives ALL of that state's electors. Now go look up what a statewide plurality vote means dimwit!

(Ahem) ***POPULAR VOTE***

"In single winner plurality voting, each voter is allowed to vote for only one candidate, and the winner of the election is whichever candidate represents a plurality of voters, that is, whoever received the largest number of votes."

Addendum: Next time actually READ the article BEFORE you decide to send it!👀
This is the chosen symbol of the liberal left, Trump haters. They should be proud of themselves. This is what the present liberal movement has become , Babylon where confusion reigns. Rude, vulgar, ignorant, violent, hate filled satanic liberalism out of control.

This is their answer for not having an argument for, any knowledge of or willingness to listen to others.

FU, FU, FU and F-Trump !! Brilliant response and a definite losing comeback. A sad state of affairs. View attachment 3633415

You've got to get thicker skin and not be so triggered.

Nobody is going to be convinced by impotent insults.
Van Jones Tells CNN Panel There's No Denying What Trump Has Done for Black Community
Van Jones :rolleyes:
Is there a sorrier black apologist in politics? Democrat or Republican? (Candace Owens- of course)
This guy was ran out of his White House job by Republicans because of bullshit. And he can't help but to kiss up to them.
He praised Trump as being presidential for reading half a speech. Ignoring the 20,000 documented lies, and the Tweets that even Trump supporters wish he would tone down.
He praised Ivanka and Jared, for, I forget but if its not for having a good partnership marriage, then it's some kiss ass praise.

And now he wants to praise Trump over criminal justice reform? As something for the Black community?
Umm, we are not all in prison.
We are not all coming before a criminal court.
This is something that affects all communities, and a disproportionate amount of the black community.

But, Jones’ worship of Trump on criminal justice is insane considering TRUMP ROLLED BACK many Obama-era prison reform policies.
For example, the Justice Department will use private prisons to house federal inmates, which reverses an Obama-era policy.
In addition, as The Washington Post reported, the Trump administration has “Overturned the sweeping criminal charging policy of former attorney general Eric H. Holder Jr. and directed his federal prosecutors to charge defendants with the most serious, provable crimes carrying the most severe penalties reports.” President Barack Obama made more criminal justice reforms than any president in U.S.
Trump also ended the 21st Century Task ******* on Policing, commissioned by the Obama administration to address tensions between police and the communities they serve. Sessions and Trump rolled this back under their “law and order” mandate.

Those are indisputable facts. However, when arguing with Trumpsters, facts mean *******. So, I will say this, Van Jones performs abortions on white women, while injecting fertility medicine in the water of illegal aliens. He does ******* transfusions to keep George Soros alive, and he is Nancy Pelosi's secret lover. Many people are talking about this.

I don't have links for the other stuff, but many people are talking about it I hear.
235 retired military leaders publicly endorse Trump in open letter – here it is
500. 500 is greater than 235. Except in Trump world.

It must hurt when Republican operatives stand against the Republican candidate.

What really hurts, is when officials from the last successful two term Republican Administration, say no to Trump.

Or when your own Trump Administration Officials support Biden.

Or when Trump's own family members support Biden.
Lot of butt hurt happening on that side.
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Oh GREAT ... right off; now THERE's and unbiased website if ever there was one. gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif NOT
Why not ask the dumbass orange Prez to just give us that info. You Trumptards are a total RIOT!
Joe is an attorney.
You have to have an undergraduate degree to get into law school.
So we know Joe graduated from college, at least twice.
That's two time more than we have proof of Trump.
What's your point?
This is the chosen symbol of the liberal left, Trump haters. They should be proud of themselves. This is what the present liberal movement has become , Babylon where confusion reigns. Rude, vulgar, ignorant, violent, hate filled satanic liberalism out of control.

This is their answer for not having an argument for, any knowledge of or willingness to listen to others.

FU, FU, FU and F-Trump !! Brilliant response and a definite losing comeback. A sad state of affairs. View attachment 3633415
This guy is talking about us not having any knowledge.
He is the caricature of a Trump voter that Trump voters hate.
I didn't say Obama I was talking about the crime bill biden pushed through

But you new that
I didn't say Obama I was talking about the crime bill biden pushed through

But you new that
Ah, he reformed himself as Obama's right hand man, together they delivered more reform than any other president in history.
It was Republicans who took the crime bill and made it horrible.
If Biden wins it sure is going to hurt, guess what, it will hurt everyone!!!!

How's that exactly?

Tucker Carlson hasn't yet figured out whether to convince you Biden is a secret commie or an authoritarian racist worse than Trump.

Not that you'd bother to do the critical thinking to examine whatever narrative (or abject lack of narrative) you're spoon-fed from your propaganda rags and facebook memes.
How's that exactly?

Tucker Carlson hasn't yet figured out whether to convince you Biden is a secret commie or an authoritarian racist worse than Trump.

Not that you'd bother to do the critical thinking to examine whatever narrative (or abject lack of narrative) you're spoon-fed from your propaganda rags and facebook memes.
I increased savings to the point it hurtssince he got nominated. Just in case lol