Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I get the feeling your going to keep asking till you get the answer you preconceived before you asked. I see liying as some peoples response to being attacked . What makes a question viable for an answer. The answer you get matches the way you ask it. White lies are part of polite small talk. The amount of lies would be based on the number of bullshit questions
There is no preconceived answer. They are all yes or no so that doesn't even make sense. You keep dancing around the questions. It isn't difficult. Just admit you don't want to answer.

But one thing I can glean from what you did post is that you think at least small lies are O.K. And that unlimited lying is O.K. as well.
trump has to meet with the NRA before he can announce anything on gun violence?

guess he needs permission to release anything...and to ask what they are willing to give up....I'm guessing it is nothing....except maybe some background checks.....which is a start!
trump has to meet with the NRA before he can announce anything on gun violence?

guess he needs permission to release anything...and to ask what they are willing to give up....I'm guessing it is nothing....except maybe some background checks.....which is a start!
imagine formulating a plan before you open your mouth
imagine formulating a plan before you open your mouth

if you remember right after that shooting in fla he announced some changes in gun laws....had a meeting with the NRA and backtracked his remarks......I really hate the NRA...think they are phoney…..if you look they get most of their money from gun think they are going to allow someone to tell them to stop making guns?...we are not the NRA...the NRA is a spokesman for Ruger and browning and several others!

he says both of the shooters had mental health issues......well that was part of the cuts the right made a while back....also having mental health issues...….most of his supporters have that

I agree with the 3 judges and 5 states that have already implemented the assault rifle ban in their the judge said....there is nothing in the second amendment that says you need an assault rifle to protect your home and family
Guns are just what used take them away youll get bombings instead gums are the problem all talk like that does is boost gun and ammo sales

I agree with take the gun away they will just use something else...and I'm not saying take the guns away...hell I have a bunch myself......but assault weapons are designed for one thing....killing people..alot of people...don't need them on the street!
quit some of these sales where they don't go through a store so that they can all get a background check...they need better back ground checks...hell when I buy a gun...they get on the phone...give someone my #ss and within 2 minutes it's over and I have the gun...some states have a 3 day waiting period...Kansas for one...….bought a few guns there...pain in the ass waiting the 3 days...maybe that's what we need...….don't know...just that I am against assault rifles…...and I don't think trump helps this whole situation any at all!
not far from where I live and old army base....probably ww2......anyway they still have the shooting range...and bunch of steel tables and a burn on down where you set up your own targets.....a couple years ago...several of us there sighting in our scopes and etc getting ready for deer season....2 young guys come up and wait for us to stop so they can take these card board bowex out and set up.....maybe 100 feet away...we go back to shooting and checking our spread when all of a sudden damned automatic assault rifle started shooting......both of them laughing and joking about what it did to the cardboard boxes...if there was ever 2 guys that shouldn't have one it was those 2
also the guy that does some of my mechanical work.....trump supporter...lot of them around here...but prior to the election he bragged about buying 2 more of those.....saying if trump lost the election he was going to find out why.....

people with those types of guns for the most part are fucking nuts!
I live in ma pretty strict every morning news people shoot each most ileagal guns take those away they will use something else

******* here in Okl you can't turn on the news in the morning without someone having shot someone else

at that same gun range I was telling you about....3 years ago a guy there with one shooting it......someone shot him in the back of the head and took the gun....he didn't die right away...lived long enough to identify the guy then died a few months later

I will admit a lot of it is the culture we live in and a lot of changes need to be on several different fronts....way to many crazies out there anymore
I agree with take the gun away they will just use something else...and I'm not saying take the guns away...hell I have a bunch myself......but assault weapons are designed for one thing....killing people..alot of people...don't need them on the street!
quit some of these sales where they don't go through a store so that they can all get a background check...they need better back ground checks...hell when I buy a gun...they get on the phone...give someone my #ss and within 2 minutes it's over and I have the gun...some states have a 3 day waiting period...Kansas for one...….bought a few guns there...pain in the ass waiting the 3 days...maybe that's what we need...….don't know...just that I am against assault rifles…...and I don't think trump helps this whole situation any at all!
Guns are too easy. Make them find more difficult ways.
2 good examples of a serious problem....but....enough of the thoughts and prayers speeches......they need to work on this at least....something they have avoided in how many years now

just saw a thing on TV that there is a 216% rise in violence in the counties where trump has his rallies!
he is not helping and even encouraging right's not all on him....but been a major rise while he has been in's time to start watching some of these groups...keeping an eye on the whacko's....although these 2 this week were not part of a group...people saw signs on both of following ******* on the net...the other with a list of people he would like to *******....both were known about before hand!
2 good examples of a serious problem....but....enough of the thoughts and prayers speeches......they need to work on this at least....something they have avoided in how many years now

just saw a thing on TV that there is a 216% rise in violence in the counties where trump has his rallies!
he is not helping and even encouraging right's not all on him....but been a major rise while he has been in's time to start watching some of these groups...keeping an eye on the whacko's....although these 2 this week were not part of a group...people saw signs on both of following ******* on the net...the other with a list of people he would like to *******....both were known about before hand!
They did not turn this way since last election.