Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Easy victory 2020

more from mom Russia...….trying to make Joe look tried the same last time with Hillary...….only problem.....trump knows...…..that's why he risked impeachment to try and stop Joe......he can see the handwriting on the wall......and needs a face to face with his geed friend Vlady
...laugh all you want....there will come a time soon when you will call him "Mr. President"....unless the right is going to try the same thing they did with Obama
oh, there is no doubt that Trump and his "drain the swamp" replacements will try to influence the election with outside influences ... no doubt at all. A few more EYES watching this time, I assume. Maybe this time someone will "squeal piggy piggy" when they get caught. Unfortunately, Trump feels emboldened, indestructible, and unstoppable with the Republican congress watching his back.

Just a note to blklaur ... I'm willing to give you the same challenge I gave H/H .... list Trump's accomplishments during his first term. H/H never did because he knew there was NOTHING to report "positive" other than appointing a bunch of biased judges to key positions he might need to access later. I listed his FAILURES ... practically everything he promised has FAILED ... PROVE ME WRONG! The man's a narcissistic LIAR ... we all know that. The sad thing is you folks feel its better to back a lying, cheating dog like Trump rather than a moral, moderate liberal.
Just be prepared in November to see close to a "clean sweep" of RightTards in Washington, DC./ even recent Republican congress members are voting against Republicans this time around. Maybe, together, we can un-polarize what the Republicans polarized.
Looking forward to your list of Trump's first term accomplishments, blklaur. Impress me!
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Pretty sure China owns his bumbling arse.

nope.….again you are thinking of trump...…..and you really think he is working for this country

NYT report: Trump owes money to Bank of China, Goldman Sachs
The New York Times published on Saturday a detailed analysis of Donald Trump's business dealings and found that his real estate holdings are racked in debt and he owes money to some organizations ...

How Much Money Does Donald Trump Owe China?
Aug 20, 2016 · According to the Times, a building on the Avenue of the Americas in New York City’s Manhattan borough that is partially owned by Trump has a loan of $950 million that was paid for by a few different entities, including the Bank of China and Goldman Sachs.
Gun grabbing Wuhan Joe
Russian bot postings.....and proven false time and again...….just a message from gun manuf to the fools dumb enough to run out and buy more guns.....amazing how many idiots fall for it every election year...…..but now with Russia.....the NRA and the GOP all one big family....they will really fuck the weak minded