Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

saw that....but actually has little to do with trump....they are also working on a couple of vaccines that have been around for years that might be a cure also...….a flu vaccine from japan......and a malaria ******* been around for years....I suppose you want to give him credit for those also....
the only credit he gets is for fucking this up from the start....he ignored people in the know......and chose to surround himself with yes people who tell him nothing he doesn't want to hear
saw that....but actually has little to do with trump....they are also working on a couple of vaccines that have been around for years that might be a cure also...….a flu vaccine from japan......and a malaria ******* been around for years....I suppose you want to give him credit for those also....
the only credit he gets is for fucking this up from the start....he ignored people in the know......and chose to surround himself with yes people who tell him nothing he doesn't want to hear
He deregulated time to market for FDA approval read
So many Democrats are missing the mark every time they shoot of their mouths. Trump, Pence and many leaders throughout America are making an incredibly productive effort to fight this virus, it is a sad demonstration that all of America isn't willing to support them, more are then aren't though. It is the petty, jealous, fault finding hypocrites on the left and all fake news that are being totally unrealistic.
So many Democrats are missing the mark every time they shoot of their mouths. Trump, Pence and many leaders throughout America are making an incredibly productive effort to fight this virus, it is a sad demonstration that all of America isn't willing to support them, more are then aren't though. It is the petty, jealous, fault finding hypocrites on the left and all fake news that are being totally unrealistic.

talk about shooting their mouths....true...a lot are making a valent effort...nothing to do with jealousy....pure fuck up by the man in charge and still unwilling to take watch a Cuomo report...he is top of everything....knows the numbers....what is going on....what he needs and etc....very knowledgable and on top of what he can....knows what he needs....trump stands there waiting for others to thank him for things he has done....what he has through cuts has put this country in danger...…………….. you don't see people in a Cuomo press conference step and say what all they are doing under the direction of the gov...and praise him for doing his job...….HE tells you what is going on and where things stand
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Still has full support of every one I know accept few here

a lot of you on here would say he did a great job....if he did nothing....he was smart enough to stay out of the way....misguided devotion!

no doubt I don't like him and think/knew/see how he is fucking the country with the help of the blind.....but that was just corruption and greed...…..this put the country at risk...….something he supposedly took and oath to protect....but then an oath or anything binding means nothing to him
trump stands there waiting for others to thank him for things he has done....what he has through cuts has put this country in danger...……………..
Before Trump's first term is OVER, he will probably have added over $6 trillion dollars to the National Debt. This coming from the man who said he could pay off the debt in 10 years. He's already close to doubling the deficit spending.
If the Democrats allow Congress to approve $500 billion for discretionary spending, you can count on that WALL being built on the taxpayer's dime.
Before Trump's first term is OVER, he will probably have added over $6 trillion dollars to the National Debt. This coming from the man who said he could pay off the debt in 10 years. He's already close to doubling the deficit spending.
If the Democrats allow Congress to approve $500 billion for discretionary spending, you can count on that WALL being built on the taxpayer's dime.
He's still got till 2024
I have looked in on some Senate, proceedings and find so much Disgust. My friend stated to me that this morning: I personally have supervised a group of children who have more class and brains than the Democrats. There refusal to address the Virus that is hurting so many people and Businesses, is showing me the true purpose of that party is nothing but destroying America;s jobs and those that produce them. The lowest earners, the one's living week to week, are the ones taking the brunt of this.
Let's reflect on the Great Joke called Obama, and his stimulus package, Hundreds of Millions to shovel ready jobs. (A LIE) He gave handouts of billions to Corporations (pay back to his parties big donors) And finally the biggest middle finger to American workers 300 hundred dollars a person, The Corporations bought back stock and executives all got bonus money and salary increases, The ones who pay the taxes got little to nothing, except more national debt. Trump is giving low cost loans to business not hand outs, If they use the money on themselves they pay high interest on the loans given, If they continue to pay their laid off workers.It stays an interest free LOAN, NOT THE OBAMA HAND OUT. and people get a 1200 tax-free payment. I only hope the American people fully see the Democratic Party for the Fakes, Frauds, and Liars they are.