Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

what's your point....I agree with that...….he is to far left.....just like trump is to far right.....the republicans have us out of money...….need to do what we can to help the country and still get the deficit down......we need another clinton
Lack of Support From Women Could Cost Trump the 2020 ...
Dec 17, 2019 · But according to the Fox poll, Trump – who took 41% of the women's vote to Clinton's 54% in 2016 – would lose female voters by bigger margins to Biden (who would get 51% of female voters

Women voters spell trouble for Trump in 2020 | TheHill
Polls show that President Trump is losing women voters by huge margins, presenting his reelection campaign with a massive hurdle to overcome.

Poll: Donald Trump Has a Woman Problem | America 2020 | US ...
Oct 24, 2019 · Donald Trump Has a Woman Problem The president is losing support among working class women, a group that voted for him by a 27-point margin in 2016.

White women helped elect Trump. Now he’s losing their ...
Jan 22, 2018 · Trump has also lost support from white women without a college degree — one of the demographics most supportive of him. Less than half -- 43 percent -- of these women approve of Trump's job performance. And 29 percent of those strongly approve of …
So was Trump's involvement with foreign governments to impact the 2016 Presidential election, as well as sharing highly classified documents with a foreign adversary. Of course, obstructing the functions of the legal systems could be considered local terrorism as far as I'm concerned. Now please don't start "chiming in" about his innocence, ok? Hell, the balless, dishonest & biased Senate not only helped him keep his Presidential seat, they basically have given him the encouragement to do what he needs to do in the 2020 election as well. A guilty man "walks" and you're proud of it. It'll happen again in the 2020 election, and in future elections, maybe a Democrat president, and probably holding the trifecta in Washington for a while. Just remember, it was Republicans that started this BS.
so you support violent political acts as long as it’s directed against your political foes?

And please tell me about the DNC funding the Steele dossier and how that is not foreign interference.

You are a laugh a minute Mac.
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This is truth, count on it! Just a sample of what will happen.

I keep watching the polls, and the Market. so far there is no concern for Sanders becoming President. That said if he starts acquiring delegates, winning states, the Market will start to react, By shedding stocks and bonds, and slowing growth, Manufacturing, and job growth will slow. and business will start moving assets out of the U.S. Sanders has alluded to Nationalizing Company's, eliminating private Ins. pushing out all fracking, thus killing America's oil production.and making us dependent in the Middle East Oil. and sending inflation back up, profit down, interest rates up. Transportation cost soar, Making the economy slow sending us back into a recession. So far the money people feel America won't vote in Socialism. But as we near the Nov vote I am starting March first to lay the groundwork for our Company , and all our holdings in America to leave by the first of Jan.2021 My staff is preparing a Company wide memo to inform all our Employees of the up coming action, should Trump not be reelected and Sanders elected President.

Trump is calling for a 6,7 billion reduction in this budget. Democrats won't even talk about reducing debt.and the lies will flow from the Democrats.

If this country was run like a stock company all would have been fired long ago. What strikes me as the height of American stupidity. The government is not held accountable to assure they at least break even in the cost of doing Business. How can an agency that charges for a service be losing money. Example USPS. National Park Service. Amtrak. just to name a few. These entities are wholly owned by the People of the United States and as stock holders they should demand profitability, or fire the person in charge. or fire all the House of Representatives, and all the US, Senate. and start again with people that can run a Country.
So was Trump's involvement with foreign governments to impact the 2016 Presidential election, as well as sharing highly classified documents with a foreign adversary. Of course, obstructing the functions of the legal systems could be considered local terrorism as far as I'm concerned. Now please don't start "chiming in" about his innocence, ok? Hell, the balless, dishonest & biased Senate not only helped him keep his Presidential seat, they basically have given him the encouragement to do what he needs to do in the 2020 election as well. A guilty man "walks" and you're proud of it. It'll happen again in the 2020 election, and in future elections, maybe a Democrat president, and probably holding the trifecta in Washington for a while. Just remember, it was Republicans that started this BS.
I don't know what your issue is! Democrat versus Republican, Obama versus Trump . Trump is evil but Obama was an angel ! Trump is not the cause of all the hate and violence in the country. Donald Trump is no more a criminal then Nixon, Reagan, H W Bush, W Clinton, W Bush, Obama-H Clinton or Biden. He is not the cause of all of this turmoil, hatred, violence, and despair because all of this has been building and festering my whole lifetime. Half the People in this country voted for a political outsider because we had lost control of our government. Trump is not the reason, he has become a symptom to show us how deep the worlds corruption really is. He is like a sniffle warning us that we have a deadly condition that needs extreme medical assistance or our country will succumb to our illness.
Many people don't see this!! Arguing gets us nowhere. The path the Democratic leftist are taking should not win in November, but after Trump the GIVE ME EVERYTHING generation could destroy our nation.
I don't know what your issue is! Democrat versus Republican, Obama versus Trump . Trump is evil but Obama was an angel ! Trump is not the cause of all the hate and violence in the country. Donald Trump is no more a criminal then Nixon, Reagan, H W Bush, W Clinton, W Bush, Obama-H Clinton or Biden. He is not the cause of all of this turmoil, hatred, violence, and despair because all of this has been building and festering my whole lifetime. Half the People in this country voted for a political outsider because we had lost control of our government. Trump is not the reason, he has become a symptom to show us how deep the worlds corruption really is. He is like a sniffle warning us that we have a deadly condition that needs extreme medical assistance or our country will succumb to our illness.
We know Trump didn't start the hate and violence in this country because it has been happening for years, BUT he does get credit for it getting WORSE in this country RIGHT NOW especially the division in this country! You don't need a magnifying glass to see that! Donald Trump is not a CRIMINAL? Lmao, Trump has ALWAYS been a criminal! Ask the people that know him VERY WELL in New York! Well, Obama didn't have anybody on his administration to be indicted though he isn't President though, Trump is! The cult supporters for Trump, for some reason, love to talk about Obama so much! Stick to Trump since ya'll LOVE him so much!
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He's got to ask for way more then he wants . letthem cut every ones happy, typical
Budget cuts are needed, of course, but he needs something to cover his ass for that expensive TAX cut policy that his WEAK party passed which increased the deficit even more! I thought Republicans were supposed to be against increasing the debt, or that's what THEY claim!
What's so funny, @Hottobe cucked? All of what I said is the truth! By the way, weird that the Secret Service is paying Trump to stay at his properties, yet so much of that taxpayer money is used to fly Trump back and forth to Mar-a-lago! If a Democratic President did that, the Republicans would be in an uproar!

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