Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The Bigger the government the more our freedoms are lost. Half of our country wants everything for free. When we allow the government to take responsibility for our health care, the food we eat, the wages we earn, control how we drive our cars, tell landlords how much they can charge, and every other detail of our lives. Tell Dairy Farmers what they can produce and how much. Our government is to large and has way to much power over the people.

care to shoot off your mouth again about something you don't know what you are talking about? suffer from a serious case of foot n mouth disease...

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest domestic spending increases, four were Republicans.

Republicans Become the Party of Big Government | Cato ...
Become the Party of Big Government . ... politicians often act as if they aren’t responsible for the rapid spending increases that occur in entitlements. ... The culture of spending ...

The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud
Oct 08, 2017 · Republican-proposed-and-supported budget policies could easily result in a permanent $1 trillion annual budget deficit for the U.S. and dramatically increased federal government borrowing.
Awesome truth !

oh damn that is another mainstream article......why not post all about him

The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas
With new evidence that Clarence Thomas lied to get onto the Supreme Court after being accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill while working at the EEOC, it’s time to take the idea of ...

A Brief History of Clarence Thomas' Ethical Entanglements ...
Once the news came out, Thomas amended 13 years’ worth of disclosure reports to include details of his wife's income, Politico reports. He wrote it was a “misunderstanding of the filing ...

The Nation: Clarence Thomas Vs. Legal Ethics : NPR
Nov 15, 2011 · The Nation: Clarence Thomas Vs. Legal Ethics The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to the health care reform law—renewing concerns about Clarence Thomas's conflict of interest.The Nation's ...

there is more...he also ruled in favor of a ******* company....his wife works for...….before trying to look just keep quit you won't look quite so stupid

you have made 2 posts today...…..both completely fucked up and entirely wrong...….care to try for 3? only made one stupid statement today.....the other was allfor trying to pass off more right wing lies as truths....something the "Russian Bot" seems to do a lot of
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Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump?

Is Something Neurologically Wrong With Donald Trump? It is best not to diagnose the president from afar, which is why the federal government needs a system to evaluate him up close.

Opinion | What Trump’s Speech Says About His Mental ...

Feb 06, 2018 · As part of the discussion about Donald Trump’s lack of fitness for the presidency, some have argued that his linguistic capacities have worsened, suggesting significant cognitive decline. In interviews in the 1980s and 1990s, Mr. Trump speaks in complete sentences, using mature vocabulary and expressions.

Mental health professionals warn Trump is incapable of ...

Mental health professionals warn Trump is incapable of being president. The 35 mental health professionals said Mr Trump’s “words and behaviour suggest a profound inability to empathise”. The President’s tendency to “distort reality” to fit his “personal myth of greatness” and attack those who challenge him with facts was likely to increase in a position of power, they added.
6 Reasons Donald Trump Isn’t Fit To Be President - Townhall

Apr 26, 2016 · 6 Reasons Donald Trump Isn’t Fit To Be President. Couple that with Trump and his henchman Roger Stone’s subtle threats of violence if he loses at the convention and it’s no wonder that you’re seeing assaults at his rallies and regular death threats against people who oppose him. Among many others, Liz Mair, Erick Erickson, Sierra Marlee,...
Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say ...

Apr 21, 2017 · Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference. Dr Gartner, who is also a founding member of Duty to Warn, an organisation of several dozen mental health professionals who think Mr Trump is mentally unfit to be president, said the President's statement about having the largest crowd at an inauguration was just one of many that served as warnings of a …

Giuliani ****** to defend Trump as ‘mentally’ capable of ...******-to-defend-trump-as-mentally-capable...

May 25, 2019 · President Donald Trump's television defense attorney, Rudy Giuliani, had to defend the president's mental fitness after a week of public hysterics from the commander-in-chief.

Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very ...

Jan 06, 2018 · Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very Stable Genius’Trump, Defending His Mental Fitness, Says He’s a ‘Very Stable Genius’. After the president boasted that his “nuclear button” was bigger than Kim Jong-un’s in North Korea, Richard W. Painter, a former adviser to President George W. Bush, described the claim as proof that Mr. Trump is “psychologically unfit” …

Is Trump Unfit for Office? The Constitution Says Yes
Is Trump Unfit for Office? The Constitution Says Yes. Robert Dallek On 12/16/17 at 6:00 AM EST A woman holds up a copy of the U.S. Constitution. ... Medicine aside, it is clear Trump is unfit to …

more right wing fantasies.....seems to be what you live you ever have any real knowledge of a subject?

James Carville Called 80% of Democrats Politically ...
Users who upload quotes can provide a source, but the user that uploaded James Carville’s alleged quotes about Democrats being politically clueless didn’t provide a source, and we weren’t able to find any record of Carville saying or writing the statement: “Ideologies aren’t all that important. What’s important is psychology.