Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you mean he ALMOST at 50%......and still way behind most other presidents

A panel of 170 politics experts has decided that President Donald Trump is the worst president in history after he has served just one year in office, the New York Times reported Monday. The panel moved former President Barack Obama up to 8th place from his previous 18th place from a 2014 ranking.

Where Donald Trump Lands on a List of Worst Presidents
Nov 06, 2019 · Where Would Donald Trump Land on a List of Worst Presidents? Public polls suggest Trump is among the least popular presidents of the modern era. But how will history remember him?
Odd for me to stick up for @subhub174014 @nanci whiteboy but for the years I was arguing and debating Trump against him he did throw lots of insults at me but..... I neither saw him fling that dreaded n* word at me nor anyone else.

I never said that he did.

It is sad though that @subhub174014 is not accepting of the newly flourishing LGBTQ+ community though. Its growth is so massive even in my city from observation I have witnessed many young adults that have difficulty adjusting to the LGBTQ+ community just as . Hopefully in time, if ever, maybe that may change too?

When I am at work in the islands, I wear a company polo and relaxed khaki shorts -- island business casual -- no clitty bump visible. I'm 5'6" and 114 lbs of thin t-girl fitness. Because I transitioned young, I pass for a cute female. I do my job as a girl, period. But occasionally someone finds out that I was a boi and have a penis. Some of my friends find it quite amusing to let this "slip" to some guy who has commented on my female hotness. :rolleyes:
  • Invariably, when the conservative-minded learn this bit about me, they recover pretty quickly and respond with dignity, grace and courtesy. This is because conservatives fundamentally value the sovereignty of the individual.
  • The only people who regularly react badly, with foul language, or unpleasant public displays; are older liberal white males -- and they use all the common slurs. This is because that generation of liberal white male is locked in the dying mindset of their failed worldview.
The best part is when a squawking liberal white male draws the attention of my Black squad. It's quite amusing to watch my beefy Black squad towering over the loudmouth whiteboi, asking why he has a problem with their nanci. You've never seen anyone back-pedal so fast. :LOL:
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Not in the closet @subhub174014 I am very much exclusively attracted to large breasts and vaginas and that will never change. It's jjust from my personal experience facing racism it doesn't really help to spread that kind of intolerance around. Plus I am a city slicker living in a metropolis with all kinds of demographics I suspect that don't exist in your area. To cope we have to get along otherwise it would be war.

well I have lived in several states.....and I'm still a country fuck!
and funny....even though this is the south and all would not believe all the IR...…...but have no idea if there are any gays around and pretty sure it wouldn't go over well...… for me....saw and worked with them a lot at the airline....not my cup of long as they did their job and never brought up their sex...things fine...want to talk politics/sports or whatever fine...… for the other just prefer they stay in the closet
sore many times just today

The shoe FITS !!!!!

ALL you Dems do is piss and moan and WHINE !!!!!!

Lost the 2016 election

Lost with Mueller

Lost with Ukraine

Look at whose running your party now - cavalcade of LOSERS



Commie sumbitches !!!!!

Your party’s goose is cooked - bunch o whining - run by commies - sore LOSERS!!!!!!!!
I never eat crow...….I am Mr.Facts remember?
True you are Mr. Facts, maybe even a Phd of Facts? It's just your conclusions where we disagree mostly. And because of that you will eat crow for all the prior years where you said Trump would not have lasted as long as he did. Anyone can go back in time on these threads around 3 years ago and verify what you said about Trump @subhub174014 . :)
for someone who constantly cries sore loser.....and you watch CNN more than I do...…...just a little bit hypocritical wouldn't you think....after all the only thing I watch on Fox is football

Not at all - I LIKE to see what shite the opposition is spewing out - constant shite show on CNN - President Trump is SO in their heads just like yours - TDS on parade :}

Maybe you missed date

I didn't miss anything....Obama was in for 8 years and saved the country from a right wing created disaster

trump been in for 3 and already fucked everyone but that upper few....of which you are not you have just been mind fucked