Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

and that why you need an Avenue like the British, French, Canadians etc where both side on national television can just talk. Also your president needs to do a town hall, best way to ferment conversation, but that not happening 🤷‍♂️

oh hell the last thing he wants to do is to answer for anything...he just hoodwinks those weak minded
I used to think Biden was a good guy. The evidence shows he isn't as greed and power overtook him if he ever was a honest man. Trump had every right to have one question answered, What was the story about Biden involved in corruption? Political candidates dig up dirt on their rivals every election cycle. But Biden's situation was important because, why would OUR President put blinders on and allow the American people to elect a corrupt candidate, which Biden is, just like Trump stopped corrupt Hillary Clinton. Anyone willing to vote for Socialist Sanders, the liar Warren, or the proven corrupt Biden is a foolish, close minded waste of effort.

got proof that Biden did something or are you just taking trumps word for it....because several have looked into it and found nothing

Our president put blinders on....he has fill you with nothing but lies and blinders since he was a just fell for the lies....
Yes I agree that ripping each other apart is lame ! I have tried to just converse but instead I have been called every degrading name and have had all kinds of vulgarities directed at me, because I don't have a right to my opinion, only useless propaganda.

you have not done anything but worship a false god ….with nothing to support you crazy statements...making you the fool...
you have shown yourself time and again that you have no idea what you are saying......good example...Biden one found anything....but you did?

stupid statement require stupid response
I am not hood winked....I am of sound mind and not worshiping a false god like you and others seem to be

No worship - just fair-mindedness

Dems have been after him since before the 2016 election

One scheme after another to delegitimize his Presidency - now to remove him over NOTHING - and take him out of contention for 2020 cause your candidates are bozos and the Democratic Party is poopin their pants :}
Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, but the optics might give corrupt people like Trump an opening to spread conspircies. Hunter, being on the board in Ukraine, is what Trump seized on to claim the ******* and the ******* were taking bribes to kick the prosecutor off the case of mass corruption in that country.
What did Hunter Biden do wrong? - Quora

Fact check: What Trump has been getting wrong on Biden and ...
Sep 23, 2019 · President Donald Trump is facing intense criticism over a July phone call during which, according to a person familiar with the matter, he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ...

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine -
Claim: "It was something where [then-Vice President Joe Biden] said, “I’m not going to give billions of dollars to Ukraine unless they remove this prosecutor.” ... And the prosecutor was prosecuting the com…
Distorts The Facts
Fact checked by

Fact check: What Joe and Hunter Biden actually did in Ukraine

President Trump and his allies have made a barrage of allegations and insinuations — some legitimate, others fabricated — about the activities of Joe Biden and his ******* Hunter in Ukraine.
Why it matters: The president’s defenders and opponents have used a similar set of facts to shape wildly different narratives on this issue. As a result, there has been much confusion over whether Trump’s leading 2020 challenger is being unfairly maligned or has something to answer for.
Hunter Biden’s work:
  • True: Beginning in 2014, Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, that faced allegations of corruption. He was paid "as much as $50,000 per month," per the NYT.
  • False:His work for Burisma was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.
Joe Biden’s intervention:
  • True: Joe Biden was the Obama administration's point man on Ukraine while his ******* was working for Burisma, visiting the country several times from 2014 to 2016.
  • True: The then-vice president did tell Ukrainian leaders they had to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to get $1 billion in U.S. aid, according to a version of the story Biden himself told in 2018.
  • False:Biden pushed for Shokin's ouster to protect his *******.
    • European countries and international bodies had accused Shokin of failing to pursue corruption, including in the Burisma

      • Biden was also not freelancing for personal reasons — he was pursuing the Obama administration's policy.
    • The bottom line:
      • True: Hunter Biden’s role with Burisma raised conflict-of-interest concerns at the time.
        • The State Department claimed in 2014 that there was no conflict, noting the younger Biden was a “private citizen.”
      • False: There's evidence Joe Biden committed "corruption" of any sort in Ukraine, as Trump alleges.
    • Go deeper: Adam Entous' deep look at Hunter Biden in the New Yorker

Dems have been after him since before the 2016 election

wish I had a nickel for everytime you have said that...…….funny Richard Nixon made the same claim the entire time he was in office

matter of fact he had over a 30% approval rating AFTER he was impeached..or left office

that would be called stupidity through the ages
you have not done anything but worship a false god ….with nothing to support you crazy statements...making you the fool...
you have shown yourself time and again that you have no idea what you are saying......good example...Biden one found anything....but you did?

stupid statement require stupid response

Biden’s entire family - brothers James and Frank - his sister - his ******* and others have all been made wealthy by him selling influence.

The Dems response is always the same - it’s been debunked - just more lefty HORSESHITE - it hasn’t.

I always liked Joe Biden too - but he’s been caught DIRTY and all the denying isn’t gonna make it go away now that it’s being dug out.

Swamp is getting drained.

You gotta understand if Hillary had got in all of this NASTY shite would have remained hidden. Too bad bout ole Uncle Joe his goose is cooked - he just doesn’t get it yet.
Biden’s entire family - brothers James and Frank - his sister - his ******* and others have all been made wealthy by him selling influence.

The Dems response is always the same - it’s been debunked - just more lefty HORSESHITE - it hasn’t.

I always liked Joe Biden too - but he’s been caught DIRTY and all the denying isn’t gonna make it go away now that it’s being dug out.

Swamp is getting drained.

You gotta understand if Hillary had got in all of this NASTY shite would have remained hidden. Too bad bout ole Uncle Joe his goose is cooked - he just doesn’t get it yet.

damn you are as fullof ******* as hottobe….got any thing to back up that wild ass statements...just trump facts


  1. cruel and oppressive government or rule.
    "people who survive war and escape tyranny" ·
    despotism · absolutism · absolute power · autocracy · dictatorship · undemocratic rule · reign of terror · totalitarianism · Fascism · oppression · suppression · repression ·
    • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
    • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
      "the tyranny of the nine-to-five day" ·
    • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who has absolute power without legal right.