Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing. What else would inspire subhub to write 300,000 words in a month to an indifferent audience on a sex site? To post 100 links to bogus fake news sites, and circularly referenced blogs?! It's complete insanity, and unfortunately its not beign. It's quite dangerous, because people with this illness believe that any action by the "right" side is justified, and any action from the other side is not - all, regardless of merit or reason. Take the recent discussions about Rapinoe - poor subhub thought it was a discussion about Trump. It was NOT. It was about whether it is appropriate for an individual (Rapinoe) to bring a divisive political stance to a team in a such a way as to marginalise some players and divide the team. Subhub thinks that's OK, as long as it's anti-Trump.
More nonsense. You put me in mind of those who would defend Hitler. You are an apologist - a gullible and easily-led acolyte of a man so devoid of principle that he is willing to destroy America from within in the name of his ridiculous narcissism. He'd rather destroy America than break his hair or risk looking stupid.

This isn't hyperbole - America is in more danger now than it was during the Cuban missile crisis. The enemy within is the ******* of immigrants and is married to one. America was built largely on an idea - a great idea and an idea that gave it strength and resilience. This man is the antithesis of that idea and will rot your country from within and your friends won't stay silent whilst it happens.

This is why the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia ( to name just a few ) will remain vocal in their opposition to this man. We are not your yes men, we are your wake up alarm.
I don't like it, but there is no way around it. Americans WILL vote for Trump, and Trump WILL win again in 2020.
But I wonder how this racist comments of his, are going down?
You guys think Trump is ALL FOR white wives enjoying thick, long, hard BBCs? Or is he going to tweet BBCs should go back to the horrible place they came from?
I don't like it, but there is no way around it. Americans WILL vote for Trump, and Trump WILL win again in 2020.
But I wonder how this racist comments of his, are going down?
You guys think Trump is ALL FOR white wives enjoying thick, long, hard BBCs? Or is he going to tweet BBCs should go back to the horrible place they came from?

I saw an interview one time before the election that a black hotel worker was to make herself "scarce" when trump was there
Black Restaurant Workers Sue Trump Organization for Racial ...
Sep 21, 2017 · Black Restaurant Workers Sue Trump Organization for Racial Discrimination One employee at BLT Prime in Trump International Hotel says a White coworker told him, "This is White America time, you need to get used to it."

Is Donald Trump a Racist? Here's What His Record Shows ...
Jun 07, 2016 · One rental agent said Trump’s ******* had told him not ... Trump casino worker who said that in the 1980s black employees were hidden from view when Trump and his wife Ivana were around. No black ...

Donald Trump Was Once Sued By Justice Department For Not ...
Jun 29, 2011 · But Trump has been called out several times for racial insensitivity by former co-workers and civil rights activists. In 1991, Trump was accused of making racial slurs against black people in a book written by John R. O'Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, called “Trumped!"

“Laziness Is a Trait in Blacks,” 1991 Book Quotes Trump as Saying

The Washington Post has a story Wednesday about Donald Trump’s standing with black Americans (summary: his standing is bad), which cites a crazy quote from a 1991 book written about Trump by former Trump Plaza casino COO John O’Donnell. Via Google Books, here’s the relevant excerpt:

I don't like it, but there is no way around it. Americans WILL vote for Trump, and Trump WILL win again in 2020.
But I wonder how this racist comments of his, are going down?
You guys think Trump is ALL FOR white wives enjoying thick, long, hard BBCs? Or is he going to tweet BBCs should go back to the horrible place they came from?

he won't win without outside help again...….wiki-leaks in jail...….we are onto Russia....he only holds a 40% approval rating....unless the Dems ******* each other in the primary and in congress...…..he is out!
You are going to need therapy in 2020 Go Trump

well when he are going to need to relax....and I'm sure that posture you are in now isn't helping just pull real hard and your head should pop right out of your ass!

or in Military terms if you need to watch where you walk.....and quit stepping on your own dick
As a Blackman and Trump supporter....I hate the dumbass tweets....but I hate the lies the media puts out more. This is your ass off, study hard, and guess what, you get what you want!

they are only lies because trump doesn't want you to hear them so he labels them fakes news and turns...JUST HIS SUPPORTERS against them