Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I know you wish you had a great moderate centrist - like Bill Clinton - but fact is ya just DON’T : |

doesn't have to be.....the dems just know how to work a check book...….something the right doesn't!
do you think Clinton or Obama were some kind of economy experts? just made cuts where they needed to be and spent where they had to.....all the right know is increase big gov......cut taxes for the rich.....well when you cut your income with no way of covering that.....what would you expect to happen.....but the right has yet to figure that out....they did it with Reagan and Bush it didn't work both times we went into a recession.....and now you have trump doing it.....see a pattern here?

the right has NEVER done anything to help the or anything else....NEVER...….except to cut taxes for the rich

read the article...facts don't lie....check out the facts if you like....facts!

we keep telling you......showing you facts you could look up your self but don't.....what would you call someone who seems to have his head stuck in his ass and does not want to remove it
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It becomes more apparent, by the year, that just "cutting/increasing taxes" or just "providing entitlement adjustments" are not the total answer by themselves. The interest charges are making up more and more of the debt. Even with a balanced budget, we'd go decades with a national debt hanging over our heads. And, whether we admit it or not, it is OUR debt. The US is going to have to face the obvious, that it will take tax increases AND adjustments to entitlement programs, along with more frugal spending to defense spending that the military and Pentagon would definitely not like. The US wastefully spends way too much on these expenses. The pentagon has yet to provide an itemized spending report in over 30 years and refuses to validate the billions and billions of money that they get each year that never show any kind of receipts. Yet our military spending is larger than the next TEN top military budgets, including Russia AND China, all ADDED TOGETHER.
We're going to have to address the growing national debt BEFORE it address us with an economic collapse. EVERYONE will have to contribute, as we aren't referring to an event similar to the puny little 2008 recession. We're talking about the bottom coming out of the bucket and losing it all.
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Sorry pal the way you and the media see it is diametrically opposed to how I see it - and - I sincerely hope most of the rest of the country.

Democrats Are Better Than Republicans

1. Historical data from up to 70 years

post complain about how many times posted and yet you don't read......facts bother you trumptards
your party has not done ******* in a long time....except to lie and deceive the weak minded!

facts are dems have always had to bail out the right's mess!
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It becomes more apparent, by the year, that just "cutting/increasing taxes" or just "providing entitlement adjustments" are not the total answer by themselves. The interest charges are making up more and more of the debt. Even with a balanced budget, we'd go decades with a national debt hanging over our heads. And, whether we admit it or not, it is OUR debt. The US is going to have to face the obvious, that it will take tax increases AND adjustments to entitlement programs, along with more frugal spending to defense spending that the military and Pentagon would definitely not like. The US wastefully spends way too much on these expenses. The pentagon has yet to provide an itemized spending report in over 30 years and refuses to validate the billions and billions of money that they get each year that never show any kind of receipts. Yet our military spending is larger than the next TEN top military budgets, including Russia AND China, all ADDED TOGETHER.
We're going to have to address the growing national debt BEFORE it address us with an economic collapse. EVERYONE will have to contribute, as we aren't referring to an event similar to the puny little 2008 recession. We're talking about the bottom coming out of the bucket and losing it all.

it won't be from the trump himself once said.....if the economy takes a dump and people don't have money....just makes him that much richer...…..with that attitude do you think he cares
Trump’s scam is failing him, and he’s in a panic over it

As President Trump prepares to run for reelection on the claim that his populist nationalist agenda has been a smashing success, it’s awfully telling that Trump and his advisers have now launched a frantic, multi-front effort to deny glaring truths about that agenda that are all right there in plain sight, for all of us to see.

A new report in the New York Times documents an emerging pattern: Trump is increasingly explaining away warning signs of a potential recession by resorting to lurid conspiracy theories. Trump claims the Federal Reserve is working against him. He also says the “Fake News Media” is fabricating recession fears — and exaggerating the damage of Trump’s trade war with China, a key driver of those fears — to cloud his reelection chances.

What we’re seeing here should be understood as panic. The Times reports this on Trump’s private ventings to advisers:
Mr. Trump has been agitated in discussions of the economy, and by the news media’s reporting of warnings of a possible recession. He has said forces that do not want him to win have been overstating the damage his trade war has caused, according to people who have spoken with him.
Meanwhile, the Associated Press reports that Trump privately worries the economy might hurt him next year, and that Trump’s advisers are urging him to dial down the trade war with China, fearing that it’s damaging the economic outlook.

This isn’t Trump’s public posture at all. To explain away the harm from the trade war with China, Trump’s basic claim has been that China is bearing the full brunt of the damage.

For instance, Trump falsely says China pays his tariffs — supporting his narrative that he’s shaking down China for money it stole from us. His top trade adviser says the tariffs’ costs aren’t falling on Americans.

But studies show otherwise. And Trump himself implicitly conceded as much by delaying his latest tariffs out of fears of higher prices for U.S. consumers during Christmas season.

Meanwhile, Trump’s efforts to downplay the trade war’s carnage at home — which his advisers are also gamely echoing — are also undermined by the niggling fact that his own administration has secured billions and billions of dollars in aid to farmers harmed by China’s retaliations.

More broadly, Trump has hand-waved away recession worries in a manner that’s unintentionally revealing. Asked Sunday about those fears, Trump said: “Our consumers are rich. I gave a tremendous tax cut, and they’re loaded up with money.”

This is remarkable. Trump’s economic agenda represents a fusion of populist and nationalist trade hostilities with a full-on embrace of conventional GOP plutocracy — huge attempted cuts to the safety net and a massive corporate tax cut that showered most of its benefits on the very top earners, completely betraying his campaign posture.

On both these fronts, Trump’s economic agenda has failed to deliver for workers. The tax cut didn’t produce its promised explosion of job-creating investments. As Paul Krugman notes, it produced a “sugar high” of stimulus, but growth has reverted to pre-stimulus rates.

And while it’s true that consumers are spending, the idea that Trump’s tax plan was primarily a “tremendous” tax cut for ordinary American consumers that left them “rich,” as Trump now claims, is laughable.

Meanwhile, the trade war wreckage continues to mount, damaging Trump’s own constituencies and, now, helping to threaten a possible recession.

Trump is trying to minimize the mounting signs of failure in the one area where he actually attempted some form of economic populist nationalist agenda — albeit wrongheadedly — by pointing, in hilariously misleading fashion, to the area where he actually embraced plutocracy.

The failures of Trumponomics

In a good piece, economics writer Neil Irwin points out that the gathering threat of a recession is being driven in part by the fact that corporate investment is “softening” because Trump’s trade wars are feeding uncertainty about business decision making. Yet Trump’s tax cut was supposed to fuel that investment.

As Irwin points out, recessions can happen when a core assumption about our future is undermined. In this case, it’s the idea that the world will “become more stable and interconnected over time,” and that trade and diplomatic relationships “can be counted upon.” Trump is helping undermine that assumption, and a freezing up of business investment could be the emerging result.

Trump isn’t the only factor undermining that assumption. Others include the weakening of the Chinese and European economies (which also has something to do with Trump’s trade wars). And it’s certainly possible that our economy can contain this damage.

But the bottom line is that Trump’s “America First” nationalism is looming as an economically destructive factor to a far greater extent than Trump’s plutocratic tax cut is acting as an economic positive (though it did produce lots of stock buybacks).

The story Trump told was that he would end the selling out of workers by “elites,” by shaking down China and other countries, forsing them to revamp trade deals that were robbing workers blind. Meanwhile, his tax cut would put tons of cash in workers’ pockets and fuel an explosion of trickle-down investment.

But the former is threatening disaster. And the latter did a lot more for those hated elites than it has done for working people.
Trump is still telling that same story. It’s certainly possible that this story might work among just enough Rust Belt voters to drive an electoral college win amid an even bigger popular-vote loss this time. But it’s clear that Trump himself fears his story is at serious risk of failing him.

dump trump
A great depression won't help the debt. You like the idea reality would be a travesty. We need to spend less and tax more good luck selling that.
That's NOT the reason I even stated about WHY we need a Great Depression! You dip like so many of your comrades, and get it WRONG every single time! My redbone who was reading the thread was wondering to herself "Did he even READ your post?"! At least subhub UNDERSTOOD what I am saying, which I appreciate! The Great Depression, that I posted about, ISN'T about getting OUT of debt, LMAO! It is about something TOTALLY different! Anyhow, looks like it will be a crowded night and tomorrow in "Black Hollywood"! I wonder how many celebrities will be there! Hopefully, the Dungeon Family will be there in the Zone 4 section!
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someone does NOT like trump the to love it......been in this red state about 22 years now...NEVER seen a democratic ad run on TV....until now.....and he is running a lot of them...….using trumps own speeches to show how fucking illiterate the guy is!

Michael Bloomberg’s massive ad spending greatly affecting TV markets

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is spending so much money on television spots across the country that it’s causing ad rates to soar, a new analysis shows.

“The typical [TV] market increased their rates by 22 percent as the political spending poured in,” an Advertising Analytics analysis found.

“Houston was among the markets that responded most actively to the new advertiser,” it added. “This is partially attributable to Bloomberg’s $1 [million] buy increasing the political spending in the market tenfold. This shock spending increase was matched by a 45% increase in rates, which is among the highest of any market.”

That means the massive spending is driving up advertising costs for Bloomberg’s competitors and other advertisers, an Advertising Analytics’ analysis of the billionaire’s first week of ad spending found.

The Houston ad buy is one of dozens made by the billionaire media mogul’s campaign, which is shelling out an average of $25.5 million a week on campaign ads to woo Democrats since he joined the Democratic primary race in late November, records reviewed by The Post show.

Since announcing his candidacy a month ago, billionaire Bloomberg has booked $119 million in TV ads in markets throughout the country through Dec. 31 and another $15.2 million in digital ads, according to Advertising Analytics.
That comes to nearly $135 million.

If the pace continues, New York’s last mayor will blow through $357 million on TV ads by the March 3 primaries and $561 million by the time New Yorkers finally head to the polls on April 28.

And that extraordinary total doesn’t count the campaign’s staff hiring spree to put boots on the ground in states across the country.

Experts say Bloomberg’s will likely spending totals will easily cross the $1 billion if he wins the nomination to challenge President Trump in November.

There’s no historical comparison to Bloomberg’s early ad spending, said John Link, Advertising Analytics vice president of sales and marketing.

“With no end in sight for his ad blitz, we will continue to collect data on the way Bloomberg’s spending affects rates in markets across the country,” the analysis said

According to the analysis, Bloomberg has spent $20.7 million on national TV ads, nearly $6 million in both the Los Angeles and New York City markets, $4 million in Houston, $3.8 million in Dallas/Ft. Worth, $3.6 million in San Francisco, $3.5 million in Miami, more than $2.6 million in Chicago and Orlando, $2.4 million in Seattle/Tacoma, $2.2 million in District of Columbia and about $2 million each in Philadelphia, Boston and Tampa.

The Bloomberg camp repeated its pledge Friday to spend “whatever it takes” to beat President Trump in 2020.
“Another four years of Trump would be devastating for our country,” said campaign spokesman Michael Frazier.

so you republican boys and girls better get out you check books....SFB needs money.....I don't think Bloomberg will make it.....but he is sure making Adolph Shitler look bad....using his own words against him...…………………..and that is one thing that is easy to use against any republican...….they have no idea what the truth is...….they just bullshit the weak minded.....see it on here everyday
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good to see the new leader of the free world step up to try and protect freedom...…. especially since Comrade Chump is just a puppet for P.utin….and America's wealthy!

hell Trump would love to meet P.utin at the kremlin...…..he has more secrets he wants to give the homeland....

Merkel, Putin discuss Middle East flashpoints at Kremlin ...
20 hours ago · German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on Saturday for talks set to focus on flashpoints in the Middle East. Merkel and Putin shook hands at …

Merkel, Putin discuss Middle East flashpoints at Kremlin ...
20 hours ago · Read more about Merkel, Putin discuss Middle East flashpoints at Kremlin meeting on Business Standard. German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on Saturday for talks set to focus on flashpoints in the Middle East.Merkel and Putin shook hands at the start of the meeting which the German leader said would
someone does NOT like trump the to love it......been in this red state about 22 years now...NEVER seen a democratic ad run on TV....until now.....and he is running a lot of them...….using trumps own speeches to show how fucking illiterate the guy is!

Michael Bloomberg’s massive ad spending greatly affecting TV markets

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is spending so much money on television spots across the country that it’s causing ad rates to soar, a new analysis shows.

“The typical [TV] market increased their rates by 22 percent as the political spending poured in,” an Advertising Analytics analysis found.

“Houston was among the markets that responded most actively to the new advertiser,” it added. “This is partially attributable to Bloomberg’s $1 [million] buy increasing the political spending in the market tenfold. This shock spending increase was matched by a 45% increase in rates, which is among the highest of any market.”

That means the massive spending is driving up advertising costs for Bloomberg’s competitors and other advertisers, an Advertising Analytics’ analysis of the billionaire’s first week of ad spending found.

The Houston ad buy is one of dozens made by the billionaire media mogul’s campaign, which is shelling out an average of $25.5 million a week on campaign ads to woo Democrats since he joined the Democratic primary race in late November, records reviewed by The Post show.

Since announcing his candidacy a month ago, billionaire Bloomberg has booked $119 million in TV ads in markets throughout the country through Dec. 31 and another $15.2 million in digital ads, according to Advertising Analytics.
That comes to nearly $135 million.

If the pace continues, New York’s last mayor will blow through $357 million on TV ads by the March 3 primaries and $561 million by the time New Yorkers finally head to the polls on April 28.

And that extraordinary total doesn’t count the campaign’s staff hiring spree to put boots on the ground in states across the country.

Experts say Bloomberg’s will likely spending totals will easily cross the $1 billion if he wins the nomination to challenge President Trump in November.

There’s no historical comparison to Bloomberg’s early ad spending, said John Link, Advertising Analytics vice president of sales and marketing.

“With no end in sight for his ad blitz, we will continue to collect data on the way Bloomberg’s spending affects rates in markets across the country,” the analysis said

According to the analysis, Bloomberg has spent $20.7 million on national TV ads, nearly $6 million in both the Los Angeles and New York City markets, $4 million in Houston, $3.8 million in Dallas/Ft. Worth, $3.6 million in San Francisco, $3.5 million in Miami, more than $2.6 million in Chicago and Orlando, $2.4 million in Seattle/Tacoma, $2.2 million in District of Columbia and about $2 million each in Philadelphia, Boston and Tampa.

The Bloomberg camp repeated its pledge Friday to spend “whatever it takes” to beat President Trump in 2020.
“Another four years of Trump would be devastating for our country,” said campaign spokesman Michael Frazier.

so you republican boys and girls better get out you check books....SFB needs money.....I don't think Bloomberg will make it.....but he is sure making Adolph Shitler look bad....using his own words against him...…………………..and that is one thing that is easy to use against any republican...….they have no idea what the truth is...….they just bullshit the weak minded.....see it on here everyday
Look at any of the polls you like for the DNC Nomination @subhub174014 . RealClearPolitics examined a lot of them, if not all of them, (there are a lot more that do not fit into the screen shot I took) and Bloomberg appears to have difficulty breaking into the double digits as he is nowhere, at this time, crossed even crossed 10% in any of the polls with the sole exception of the Hill/HarrisX poll where he got at most 11%. And none of the leading candidates even attained 40% either. That suggests a lot of confusion just to decide who even will win the nomination. It doesn't look good for the Dems.

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With the theme of this very site about hooking up for temporary sexual relations for the most part, I don't think people outside regular readers of these political threads will say, "Wait as much as we need to fuck let's think 50 moves ahead about those young lives we are bringing into this world?" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

So I guess AOC's words fall on deaf ears, if any, of those who regularly use this site? It's not as if people will stop fucking :unsure: unless it's Japan but they have a much different set of problems.*******-because-of-climate-crisis/


Not that anyone cares but this is what I meant about Japan if anyone is interested:

:unsure: :eek::oops:
Look at any of the polls you like for the DNC Nomination @subhub174014 . RealClearPolitics examined a lot of them, if not all of them, (there are a lot more that do not fit into the screen shot I took) and Bloomberg appears to have difficulty breaking into the double digits as he is nowhere, at this time, crossed even crossed 10% in any of the polls with the sole exception of the Hill/HarrisX poll where he got at most 11%. And none of the leading candidates even attained 40% either. That suggests a lot of confusion just to decide who even will win the nomination. It doesn't look good for the Dems.

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I seem to recall you people saying several times in the past few weeks polls mean nothing.....remember last election?....or does that only work one way....odd how that works...polls in your favor...they are great......not in your favor...remember last election
I seem to recall you people saying several times in the past few weeks polls mean nothing.....remember last election?....or does that only work one way....odd how that works...polls in your favor...they are great......not in your favor...remember last election
True, the best poll is the one on election day, or whomever wins the DNC Nomination, but in the meantime we both know that everyone polls behind the scenes and that was the pulse of America during those occasions. :)
With all the propaganda strewn about in here it’s good to know only about 20% of the population are actually rabid Dems like those so clearly illustrated in this thread :}
Interesting that it is ONLY propaganda when its something about the alt-President. Yet its the President that can't seem to tell the truth about anything.
Least you forget about last week's lies .... easily recorded as he goes around the US campaigning, he can't help but exaggerate & lie. Please tell us which of these are propaganda.

Trump can't get Obama out of his brain ... brings him up constantly on the campaign trail. Its eating him alive ... just wait until the real campaign starts. He's really gonna hate Obama's comments then, as Trump has fulfilled practically none of his 2016 campaign promises.