Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I believe the courts have recently decided that everything President Trump did was in keeping with the law and separation of powers. So no - no obstruction - why would he want to cooperate with a Kangaroo Court predetermined to find him guilty ?????
I wonder why I hoped you would form your OWN opinion about a topic and be willing to discuss it? You have no constructive thoughts on anything political, do you? Just a parrot for the party and Trump. Think what they tell you to think, do what they tell you to do! Zombies!
Well, I'm not accusing you Rightards of being commies ... I'm accusing Trump and his administration of fascism. Chew on that a while!

Chewing and have for a while. By definition fascism is characterized by dictatorial power and forcible suppression of opposition - sorry just don’t see that - guess only left-tards can make a case for that - proceed please
I wonder why I hoped you would form your OWN opinion about a topic and be willing to discuss it? You have no constructive thoughts on anything political, do you? Just a parrot for the party and Trump. Think what they tell you to think, do what they tell you to do! Zombies!

Geez “Think what they tell you to think , do what they tell you to do” sounds EXACTLY like you guys responding to the horrendously biased leftwing media ;}
fascism is characterized by dictatorial power and forcible suppression of opposition - sorry just don’t see that
I normally would say it always helps to open your eyes, but since your head is buried so deeply up your posterior, I guess that's pretty irrelevant. At least I know you're smelling what you're shoveling out to everyone else.
I normally would say it always helps to open your eyes, but since your head is buried so deeply up your posterior, I guess that's pretty irrelevant. At least I know you're smelling what you're shoveling out to everyone else.

So your - o so typical lefty response is to insult - instead of proceeding to explain where there is dictatorial power illustrated and FORCIBLE suppression of opposition - that’s ok - kinda expected behavior - when ya have nuttin :}
Guess that's your response to my request for documentation on your #5070 ... which is NONE. A lot of right wing rhetoric but no proof. Live the LIE, live the LIE!
Your insults are useless directed at me. Documentation, I don't recall, it was someones comment I found during a search I was doing.It hit the nail right on the head and put into words my thoughts, so I posted it. You might want to consider keeping your arrogant attitude to yourself, it does you no justice. 😴😴😴😴
Trump supporters believe these 10 incredibly fake facts ...
Apr 29, 2019 · Trump had been accusing President Obama of not being born in America for years, which seems to have resonated with his supporters: 59 percent of Trump supporters didn’t think Obama was born in ...

Trump’s Lies Made Fools of His Supporters – the truth with ...
Apr 03, 2017 · Trump will never understand the 320 million people he was elected to serve. We all make mistakes, but for those who supported and continue to support Trump, their mistake will change America forever, and not for the better.

American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
The Trump supporters are out of touch reality on every level, and they have taken over the Republican Party. Donald Trump is just a symptom of the …

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · In the end, a summary of whether Trump supporters are as stupid as we think is probably stated best by actor and comedian, John Cleese, of Monty Python fame: “The problem with people like this is that they are so stupid, they have no idea how stupid they are.”

Are Trump Supporters Too Dumb To Know They’re Dumb ...
Aug 03, 2018 · Trump is completely inept, and his supporters are way too poorly-informed to know that he’s inept, and too dumb themselves to know how dumb they are. That’s why Trump’s supporters are so sure they’re smart and their president is smart that they won’t listen to reason. The effect is strong in these people.

Trump Supporters are Delusional Traitors
Aug 02, 2018 · We already know that Trump supporters are delusional, bigoted, ignorant, hateful, and treasonous. That’s been established, and there’s no good reason to keep reporting news that supports this (other than for future generations to look back and think, WTF America?).

Jared Kushner 'admitted Donald Trump lies to his base ...
May 31, 2017 · Donald Trump lied to his Republican base and thought they were so stupid they would believe it, according to Jared Kushner.
Your insults are useless directed at me. Documentation, I don't recall, it was someones comment I found during a search I was doing.It hit the nail right on the head and put into words my thoughts, so I posted it. You might want to consider keeping your arrogant attitude to yourself, it does you no justice. 😴😴😴😴

What is fascism? A Yale philosopher explains how it works ...
Dec 15, 2018 · A Yale philosopher on fascism, truth, and Donald Trump. ... “Fascism” is a word that gets tossed around pretty loosely these days, usually as …

Trump’s Fascism is Trumpism | Motanomics
May 30, 2019 · Trump’s Fascism is Trumpism From the early stages of his campaign and right into the Oval Office, Donald Trump has spoken harshly about the institutions and principles that make up the foundations of open government.

Is Donald Trump a fascist? An expert on fascism weighs in.
Feb 10, 2016 · Trump has been written off as an entertainer and circus clown, but he has been tagged with another, much more serious label: fascist. Trump’s campaign has stirred bigoted feelings in the electorate..
Your insults are useless directed at me.
I give up, can't see where I "insulted you" ..... but I know better than to expect you to show me, as I know you have no proof where I insulted you. You've been part of this forum long enough to KNOW when I'm insulting someone. But, if you long for that kind of attention, I can dish a few at you let me know. .
Hate to break the news to you, lovey, but, its the Republicans who have run up the national debt unnecessarily the past few decades. They've been posted here a dozen different times and places. Why not go "edjumicate" yourself a bit.