Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump taunts GOP primary challengers Bill Weld, Mark ...
Aug 28, 2019 · Trump taunts GOP primary challengers Bill Weld, Mark Sanford and Joe Walsh as the 'Three Stooges' and says he 'should be able to take them' - as he boasts of his '94% approval in the Republican Party'
Is Bill Weld the hero Never Trumpers have been waiting for ...
Aug 19, 2019 · “Bill’s strongest point against Trump is that Trump’s a big spender and is exploding the deficit,” says Rob Gray, who served as press secretary to Weld in the 1990s.
I like this guy...….if I was a republican he would get my vote!

GOP Challenger Bill Weld Calls for Death Penalty for Trump ‘Treason’ Over Ukraine
“That is treason. It’s treason pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death,” Bill Weld told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe “That’s the only penalty.”

I never would imagine you would even suggest being a Republican @subhub174014 :love:. There might be some hope for you yet? ?;)
Republican Bill Weld on Donald Trump: 'It's demagoguery in ...
Aug 11, 2019 · Republican Bill Weld on Donald Trump: 'It's demagoguery in the first order' Weld, a two-term former governor from Massachusetts, spoke at the Des Moines Register’s Political Soapbox at …

Bill Weld Suggests Death Penalty for Trump Over Ukraine Call
5 hours ago · Bill Weld suggested on Monday that the only penalty for Trump's "treason" is death, and the MSNBC hosts thought that was a fine point.

Bill Weld courts anti-Trump Republicans at Iowa State Fair ...
Aug 11, 2019 · Bill Weld courts anti-Trump Republicans at Iowa State Fair, and finds few President Donald Trump is a runaway favorite for the GOP nomination in 2020 but that hasn't stopped Bill Weld
FBI reports that more people are killed each year using blunt objects or personal weapons than are killed using rifles. Rifles are used in a small fraction of gun homicides.
Well, of course they are, blkdlaur. No one is disputing that, are they? Even rifles (in general) aren't the argument. What IS the argument are the military style rifles with large capacity magazines, rapid fire abilities, and the 3,200 fps bullets that comes out of them designed specifically for what you want us to believe are "self defense" weapons. Best in-home self defense weapon I can think of is a 12-gauge shotgun. Quit trying to make this gun argument about something that its not. No one gives a crap about single shot rifles, or even rifles with 3-5 shell capacities.
We can never come to the table of "agreement" until NRA lovers quit trying to talk around the real ISSUES. The public does not need access to weapons designed specifically for killing humans. When you're ready to talk about these issues, then non-gun owners will be willing to listen to you.
Well, of course they are, blkdlaur. No one is disputing that, are they? Even rifles (in general) aren't the argument. What IS the argument are the military style rifles with large capacity magazines, rapid fire abilities, and the 3,200 fps bullets that comes out of them designed specifically for what you want us to believe are "self defense" weapons. Best in-home self defense weapon I can think of is a 12-gauge shotgun. Quit trying to make this gun argument about something that its not. No one gives a crap about single shot rifles, or even rifles with 3-5 shell capacities.
We can never come to the table of "agreement" until NRA lovers quit trying to talk around the real ISSUES. The public does not need access to weapons designed specifically for killing humans. When you're ready to talk about these issues, then non-gun owners will be willing to listen to you.
don't judge a book by its cover after military style there coming for the next
Bees ******* more in uk i think cause they don't carry guns
Anaphylactic shock from bees stings can be lethal.

don't judge a book by its cover after military style there coming for the next
See, therein lies the issue ... "no compromising". You guys all live under the "scare tactic" premise ... when will you learn? Yet, every day you folks believe every word that rolls out of President Trump's mouth. Why?
I'm really sad for you folks who live your lives in fear of government.
Well, of course they are, blkdlaur. No one is disputing that, are they? Even rifles (in general) aren't the argument. What IS the argument are the military style rifles with large capacity magazines, rapid fire abilities, and the 3,200 fps bullets that comes out of them designed specifically for what you want us to believe are "self defense" weapons. Best in-home self defense weapon I can think of is a 12-gauge shotgun. Quit trying to make this gun argument about something that its not. No one gives a crap about single shot rifles, or even rifles with 3-5 shell capacities.
We can never come to the table of "agreement" until NRA lovers quit trying to talk around the real ISSUES. The public does not need access to weapons designed specifically for killing humans. When you're ready to talk about these issues, then non-gun owners will be willing to listen to you.

I agree a scattergun is prolly the best possible home defense weapon - at close range accuracy is not an issue and penetration with shot is limited thereby making collateral damage much less likely.

ARs however are one of the most popular shooters in the country today and I don’t believe law abiding citizens should be punished for the bad behavior of a few crazies - the crazies need to be weeded out like law enforcement has been doing regularly of late - many cases in the news of police interdicting these nuts.

It’s the very slippery slope that worries honest law abiding gun owners.
See, therein lies the issue ... "no compromising". You guys all live under the "scare tactic" premise ... when will you learn? Yet, every day you folks believe every word that rolls out of President Trump's mouth. Why?
I'm really sad for you folks who live your lives in fear of government.

Government SUX

Fear tactics - have ye heard o climate change???

Al Gore and others for 20 or 30 years having been saying we only have 10 years before it’s toooooooo late ;}
ARs however are one of the most popular shooters in the country today and I don’t believe law abiding citizens should be punished for the bad behavior of a few crazies
Explain to me, please, why even a responsible shooter needs to fire bullets that travel 3,200 fps, capable of entering the lower torso and coming out of the neck while destroying every organ in between.
Why do you need that type of ammo?
climate change???
Climate change is very REAL; most all scientists (who are a lot smarter than you Trumptards) agree with it. Man and fossil fuels are destroying this earth with irresponsible behavior ... some are simply too stupid to admit it. If we allow man to ******* in our nest, there's no other nests to go live in. We have to live in our own ******* ... so wise up ... EARTH IS ALL WE HAVE. Quit fucking it up!
Explain to me, please, why even a responsible shooter needs to fire bullets that travel 3,200 fps, capable of entering the lower torso and coming out of the neck while destroying every organ in between.
Why do you need that type of ammo?

Mac almost any modern rifle used for hunting has WAY more lethality than the NATO 5.56mm / .223 - just a ballistic fact. The AR basically fires a souped up .22.
Two forces determine lethality - mass and velocity. True AR rounds travel at high velocity but are small in mass. Many rifles fire larger heavier rounds at equal or higher velocity making them more lethal and at longer distances. So if based on round velocity you start banning rifles - BEWARE the slippery slope !!!!!!