Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I thought it was a decent article too. Our government without a doubt has become weak and IMO now more than ever!
That's not what it says. Why are you being disingenuous?
What points does the author make that someone like you agree with???

The article:
For generations, the United States has been viewed by much of the world as an infallible beacon of strength and power, thanks to its economic, military and social prowess.

These days, the country is far from dominant.
Instead, America is exhibiting all of the key indicators that political experts use to characterise a failing state – the kind of nation on the brink you might’ve found in the post-Soviet era or in war-torn regions of Africa and the Middle East.
The notion that the world’s oldest functioning democracy could ever fail was, until recently, “unthinkable to all but the most radical critics”, says George Rennie, an expert on US politics and international relations at the University of Melbourne.
But based on the most common metrics available to political scientists, there are clear signs that the superpower is in trouble, he said.
“The US is increasingly performing poorly on key predictors of state failure – ethnic and class conflict, democratic and institutional backsliding, and other socio-economic indicators including healthcare and inequality,” Mr Rennie wrote in an article for The Conversation.
“It is in crisis – convulsed by riots and protest, driven by a virus that has galloped away from those charged with overseeing it, and heading into a presidential election led by a man that has possibly divided the nation like no other before him.”


If you head to Google and type in “America is failing”, you’ll receive a plethora of analysis pieces dating back to the birth of the search engine.
“We’ve been here before,” says Dr Gorana Grgic from the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
“Over the past half a century, there have been these waves of debate about the decline of the US, after the Vietnam War, during the economic turmoil of the late 1980s and early 1990s, after September 11, during the Global Financial Crisis, so this isn’t a new conversation.”
It’s true that America has been confronted with serious issues relating to those indicators of a failing state – but perhaps not all at the same time.
“We are now in the middle of all of these things happening at once,” Dr Grgic said.
But decades of inaction on addressing systemic failures, particularly surrounding social inequality, has come home to roost.
And that growing inequality among much of the American population adds a different dynamic to the challenges the country is facing.
“It’s hugely worrying,” Dr Grgic said.
“Inequality has been worsening for a while. There’s a growing discrepancy between those who have and those who don’t have. Those who have are amassing wealth at a much greater rate. There hasn’t been any positive movement on those fronts.”

Ethnic and class conflict is one of the biggest challenges to the “‘united’ part of the United States”, Mr Rennie said.
Black Lives Matter protests saw hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets, angry over police ******* against African-Americans.
While the demonstrations were in response to current events, they’re more likely a sign of a long-building tipping point borne from worsening inequality and poverty exacerbating racial tensions.
“The experience of many black Americans is telling,” Mr Rennie said.
“They feel ‘criminalised at birth’, and when this perception reaches a critical mass among a large enough population, states fail.”
Similarly, the widespread push-back against coronavirus restrictions in southern states, some of which featured armed demonstrators storming government buildings, is also about more than immediate disadvantage.
It’s a sign that the low- and middle-class populations, still recovering from the economic devastation of the Global Financial Crisis, are beyond breaking point.
Before the coronavirus crisis took hold, America had achieved record-low unemployment and its economy was continuing to grow at a rapid pace.
But as Mr Rennie points out, much of that wealth and prosperity has been absorbed mostly by those at the very top of the mountain.
The gap between rich and poor is widening, the American middle class is shrinking and the top 1 per cent are carving out a larger piece of the pie.
“For example, CEOs’ pay went from 20 times the average workers’ salary in 1965 to 278 times their salary in 2018,” he said.
“In real terms, only college graduates have seen their pay increase as a group since 1979, and this occurs while 21 per cent of American children live in poverty.
“Moreover, health outcomes for Americans are very poor compared to other OECD countries, despite having the highest per capita healthcare costs in the world.”
While all poorer Americans are “getting relatively poorer”, it’s an issue that disproportionately affects black Americans, he pointed out.
And when anger reaches a critical mass and disenfranchised people of colour push back, as they have in recent weeks, it ironically sows further racial division.
Poor white Americans seem “increasingly likely to fight against the perceived injustices of other ethnic groups”, Mr Rennie said.
“They do this by pitting themselves against similarly politically and economically disenfranchised groups, rather than the power system that keeps them dispossessed.”


If America was a car dashboard, there would be flashing lights to warn about the erosion of critical democratic institutions.
That’s the view of Mr Rennie, who believes the “wealth disconnect” is contributing to politics being less representative.
Analysis conducted last year found the average net worth of both senators and members of the House of Representatives was $500,000. That’s five times the median household worth in the US.
There are 76 federal politicians with a net worth greater than $3 million.
The wealthiest, Greg Gianforte, a Republican congressman from Montana, is worth $135 million, while Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat representing Virginia, is worth $90 million.
According to the news outlet RollCall, the collective wealth of politicians increased by one-fifth in two years to $2.4 billion.
Mr Rennie said there is significant evidence that “the majority of citizens are not being represented” by democracy.
“The black and white, racial narrative of America’s woes misses an important, but even more consequential point,” he said.
“While there is no doubt black Americans are disproportionately suffering, an increasing majority is losing out, regardless of race.”
The ability for governments to get things done has also declined significantly.
In his book First-Class Passengers on a Sinking Ship, author Richard Lachmann, also a professor at the University of Albany-SUNY, wrote that failure across a number of areas has been evident for decades.
“Spending on infrastructure has stagnated as bridges collapse, water and sewer pipes and dams burst, air and road traffic become ever more snarled, and passenger trains on a shrinking network struggle to reach early 20th-century speeds,” Lachmann said.
“Student achievement at the primary, secondary, and university levels has fallen from the top ranks. US students, who attend ever more decrepit schools, are performing less well than their peers in countries with much lower levels of income or educational spending.
“The United States does spend lavishly in two sectors, health care and the military, but its relative standing in both realms has been falling for decades.”
Americans pay more for health care and medicine than elsewhere in the world, despite going to the doctor less and spending fewer days in hospital, he wrote.
The US ranks 34th among nations in life expectancy. The healthcare system spends more than twice on administrative costs than any other OECD nation.
When it comes to the success of the country’s other costliest pursuit – defence – Lachmann said America was unique among dominant powers in its “repeated failure to achieve military objectives” over the past several decades.
“The US military has become ever less able to win wars, even as its advantage in spending and in the amount and sophistication of its armaments has widened over its actual and potential rivals to a level unprecedented in world history.”
Political polarisation is also worse than ever, Dr Grgic said, although it’s been steadily worsening for some time.
In the “golden era of bipartisanship” in the mid-parts of the 20th century, it wasn’t uncommon to see politicians crossing party lines. Those days are virtually over.
“If you examine the voting records in the US Congress, you really see this party discipline and an inability to find a middle ground,” she said.
“This has now reached an almost tipping point. The two parties are very distant from one another because they largely speak to different constituents.
“It’s reached fever pitch. It doesn’t come with Donald Trump though. The causes were there for a very long time.”


There’s probably a temptation among many to immediately level blame for the current woes of America on President Donald Trump.
But Dr Grgic said that “history didn’t begin in 2016” and the challenges gripping the nation are “symptoms of an illness that’s very deeply rooted”.
Income tax cuts, corporate tax reform and industry deregulation have all largely failed to improve the livelihoods of average Americans, Dr Grgic said.
“This is something that’s very structural and goes way back – long before Trump, long before Obama, before Bush … it’s not new but it’s getting worse.
“What we’re seeing now, I think, is indicative of decades and decades of huge problems that haven’t been addressed.”
Racial inequality is also worsened by systems that make breaking out of poverty and wealth accumulation difficult.
Mr Rennie agreed that successive governments have “proved unable to respond and listen to their citizens”.
“The domestic deterioration of the world’s biggest nuclear and military superpower would prove unprecedented and frightening beyond rational analysis,” he said.
“The challenge now is whether the world’s oldest continuous democracy can live up to its own ideals.”


The demise of the United States has been predicted countless times.
But there’s little doubt that the multitude of complex challenges facing the country are greater than they have been in a long time, and occurring simultaneously.
“The challenge now is also different because for some time, the distribution of global power has been shifting away from the US – other states are amassing power, whether economically or militarily,” Dr Grgic said.
“But power is also shifting away from nation states. We have various non-state actors amassing power … wealthy individuals and corporations, even militant organisations.”
But assuming that the next major player down the ladder – China – will take the mantle as the world’s great superpower is perhaps a premature conclusion, she said.
“Probably where we’re heading, and this is where it’s different from the 70s and 80s, is towards a world that’s increasingly fragmented.”.
When it comes to challenges at home, Dr Grgic sees the recent civil unrest as a positive sign for the future and not a negative one.
It points to a segment of the population that shows “no shortage of will and motivation to address some of the issues, whether it be income inequality or race relations, to drive real systemic change”.
She said America’s fate should be a discussion “about relative decline, not absolute decline”.
“When someone hears decline, they associate it with collapse – you know, ‘this is it’. But you have to be careful and distinguish between relative and absolute.”
At the end of the day, she said “no one has a crystal ball”.
“But the US has shown a number of times that it’s able to bounce back.”
yeah if we had a parliamentary system or ranked choice voting, both the main parties would immediately split into 5 or so different parties

we'd have a christian conservative party, a business centrist conservative party, a viable libertarian party, a viable socialist party (or at least a labor party), and a mainstream liberal party

What about a viable Green party?
That's not what it says. Why are you being disingenuous?
What points does the author make that someone like you agree with???

The article:
For generations, the United States has been viewed by much of the world as an infallible beacon of strength and power, thanks to its economic, military and social prowess.

These days, the country is far from dominant.
Instead, America is exhibiting all of the key indicators that political experts use to characterise a failing state – the kind of nation on the brink you might’ve found in the post-Soviet era or in war-torn regions of Africa and the Middle East.
The notion that the world’s oldest functioning democracy could ever fail was, until recently, “unthinkable to all but the most radical critics”, says George Rennie, an expert on US politics and international relations at the University of Melbourne.
But based on the most common metrics available to political scientists, there are clear signs that the superpower is in trouble, he said.
“The US is increasingly performing poorly on key predictors of state failure – ethnic and class conflict, democratic and institutional backsliding, and other socio-economic indicators including healthcare and inequality,” Mr Rennie wrote in an article for The Conversation.
“It is in crisis – convulsed by riots and protest, driven by a virus that has galloped away from those charged with overseeing it, and heading into a presidential election led by a man that has possibly divided the nation like no other before him.”


If you head to Google and type in “America is failing”, you’ll receive a plethora of analysis pieces dating back to the birth of the search engine.
“We’ve been here before,” says Dr Gorana Grgic from the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.
“Over the past half a century, there have been these waves of debate about the decline of the US, after the Vietnam War, during the economic turmoil of the late 1980s and early 1990s, after September 11, during the Global Financial Crisis, so this isn’t a new conversation.”
It’s true that America has been confronted with serious issues relating to those indicators of a failing state – but perhaps not all at the same time.
“We are now in the middle of all of these things happening at once,” Dr Grgic said.
But decades of inaction on addressing systemic failures, particularly surrounding social inequality, has come home to roost.
And that growing inequality among much of the American population adds a different dynamic to the challenges the country is facing.
“It’s hugely worrying,” Dr Grgic said.
“Inequality has been worsening for a while. There’s a growing discrepancy between those who have and those who don’t have. Those who have are amassing wealth at a much greater rate. There hasn’t been any positive movement on those fronts.”

Ethnic and class conflict is one of the biggest challenges to the “‘united’ part of the United States”, Mr Rennie said.
Black Lives Matter protests saw hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets, angry over police ******* against African-Americans.
While the demonstrations were in response to current events, they’re more likely a sign of a long-building tipping point borne from worsening inequality and poverty exacerbating racial tensions.
“The experience of many black Americans is telling,” Mr Rennie said.
“They feel ‘criminalised at birth’, and when this perception reaches a critical mass among a large enough population, states fail.”
Similarly, the widespread push-back against coronavirus restrictions in southern states, some of which featured armed demonstrators storming government buildings, is also about more than immediate disadvantage.
It’s a sign that the low- and middle-class populations, still recovering from the economic devastation of the Global Financial Crisis, are beyond breaking point.
Before the coronavirus crisis took hold, America had achieved record-low unemployment and its economy was continuing to grow at a rapid pace.
But as Mr Rennie points out, much of that wealth and prosperity has been absorbed mostly by those at the very top of the mountain.
The gap between rich and poor is widening, the American middle class is shrinking and the top 1 per cent are carving out a larger piece of the pie.
“For example, CEOs’ pay went from 20 times the average workers’ salary in 1965 to 278 times their salary in 2018,” he said.
“In real terms, only college graduates have seen their pay increase as a group since 1979, and this occurs while 21 per cent of American children live in poverty.
“Moreover, health outcomes for Americans are very poor compared to other OECD countries, despite having the highest per capita healthcare costs in the world.”
While all poorer Americans are “getting relatively poorer”, it’s an issue that disproportionately affects black Americans, he pointed out.
And when anger reaches a critical mass and disenfranchised people of colour push back, as they have in recent weeks, it ironically sows further racial division.
Poor white Americans seem “increasingly likely to fight against the perceived injustices of other ethnic groups”, Mr Rennie said.
“They do this by pitting themselves against similarly politically and economically disenfranchised groups, rather than the power system that keeps them dispossessed.”


If America was a car dashboard, there would be flashing lights to warn about the erosion of critical democratic institutions.
That’s the view of Mr Rennie, who believes the “wealth disconnect” is contributing to politics being less representative.
Analysis conducted last year found the average net worth of both senators and members of the House of Representatives was $500,000. That’s five times the median household worth in the US.
There are 76 federal politicians with a net worth greater than $3 million.
The wealthiest, Greg Gianforte, a Republican congressman from Montana, is worth $135 million, while Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat representing Virginia, is worth $90 million.
According to the news outlet RollCall, the collective wealth of politicians increased by one-fifth in two years to $2.4 billion.
Mr Rennie said there is significant evidence that “the majority of citizens are not being represented” by democracy.
“The black and white, racial narrative of America’s woes misses an important, but even more consequential point,” he said.
“While there is no doubt black Americans are disproportionately suffering, an increasing majority is losing out, regardless of race.”
The ability for governments to get things done has also declined significantly.
In his book First-Class Passengers on a Sinking Ship, author Richard Lachmann, also a professor at the University of Albany-SUNY, wrote that failure across a number of areas has been evident for decades.
“Spending on infrastructure has stagnated as bridges collapse, water and sewer pipes and dams burst, air and road traffic become ever more snarled, and passenger trains on a shrinking network struggle to reach early 20th-century speeds,” Lachmann said.
“Student achievement at the primary, secondary, and university levels has fallen from the top ranks. US students, who attend ever more decrepit schools, are performing less well than their peers in countries with much lower levels of income or educational spending.
“The United States does spend lavishly in two sectors, health care and the military, but its relative standing in both realms has been falling for decades.”
Americans pay more for health care and medicine than elsewhere in the world, despite going to the doctor less and spending fewer days in hospital, he wrote.
The US ranks 34th among nations in life expectancy. The healthcare system spends more than twice on administrative costs than any other OECD nation.
When it comes to the success of the country’s other costliest pursuit – defence – Lachmann said America was unique among dominant powers in its “repeated failure to achieve military objectives” over the past several decades.
“The US military has become ever less able to win wars, even as its advantage in spending and in the amount and sophistication of its armaments has widened over its actual and potential rivals to a level unprecedented in world history.”
Political polarisation is also worse than ever, Dr Grgic said, although it’s been steadily worsening for some time.
In the “golden era of bipartisanship” in the mid-parts of the 20th century, it wasn’t uncommon to see politicians crossing party lines. Those days are virtually over.
“If you examine the voting records in the US Congress, you really see this party discipline and an inability to find a middle ground,” she said.
“This has now reached an almost tipping point. The two parties are very distant from one another because they largely speak to different constituents.
“It’s reached fever pitch. It doesn’t come with Donald Trump though. The causes were there for a very long time.”


There’s probably a temptation among many to immediately level blame for the current woes of America on President Donald Trump.
But Dr Grgic said that “history didn’t begin in 2016” and the challenges gripping the nation are “symptoms of an illness that’s very deeply rooted”.
Income tax cuts, corporate tax reform and industry deregulation have all largely failed to improve the livelihoods of average Americans, Dr Grgic said.
“This is something that’s very structural and goes way back – long before Trump, long before Obama, before Bush … it’s not new but it’s getting worse.
“What we’re seeing now, I think, is indicative of decades and decades of huge problems that haven’t been addressed.”
Racial inequality is also worsened by systems that make breaking out of poverty and wealth accumulation difficult.
Mr Rennie agreed that successive governments have “proved unable to respond and listen to their citizens”.
“The domestic deterioration of the world’s biggest nuclear and military superpower would prove unprecedented and frightening beyond rational analysis,” he said.
“The challenge now is whether the world’s oldest continuous democracy can live up to its own ideals.”


The demise of the United States has been predicted countless times.
But there’s little doubt that the multitude of complex challenges facing the country are greater than they have been in a long time, and occurring simultaneously.
“The challenge now is also different because for some time, the distribution of global power has been shifting away from the US – other states are amassing power, whether economically or militarily,” Dr Grgic said.
“But power is also shifting away from nation states. We have various non-state actors amassing power … wealthy individuals and corporations, even militant organisations.”
But assuming that the next major player down the ladder – China – will take the mantle as the world’s great superpower is perhaps a premature conclusion, she said.
“Probably where we’re heading, and this is where it’s different from the 70s and 80s, is towards a world that’s increasingly fragmented.”.
When it comes to challenges at home, Dr Grgic sees the recent civil unrest as a positive sign for the future and not a negative one.
It points to a segment of the population that shows “no shortage of will and motivation to address some of the issues, whether it be income inequality or race relations, to drive real systemic change”.
She said America’s fate should be a discussion “about relative decline, not absolute decline”.
“When someone hears decline, they associate it with collapse – you know, ‘this is it’. But you have to be careful and distinguish between relative and absolute.”
At the end of the day, she said “no one has a crystal ball”.
“But the US has shown a number of times that it’s able to bounce back.”

Ed, aren’t you used to this by now??? I mean come on! These guys throw this stuff out there, you read it carefully, and you find that not only does the piece not say what they claim it does, and not only does it not support their position, but in many cases it actually hurts it! Total waste of time. Forget about a whole lot of debate or trying to change minds. I’m here to win! Wins and losses. That’s all that matters to me now! I want to win 🏅 And I want for the other side to lose!
Top 10 baby

  1. New York – 58 headquarters, $1.4 billion yearly revenue
  2. Texas – 50 headquarters, $1.4 billion yearly revenue
  3. California – 49 headquarters, $1.5 billion yearly revenue
  4. Illinois – 37 headquarters, $867.7 million yearly revenue
  5. Ohio – 25 headquarters, $644.5 million yearly revenue
  6. New Jersey – 22 headquarters, $404.5 million yearly revenue
  7. Virginia – 21 headquarters, $353.1 million yearly revenue
  8. Pennsylvania – 20 headquarters, $461.6 million yearly revenue
  9. Minnesota – 19 headquarters, $542.6 million yearly revenue
  10. Florida – 18 headquarters, $277.2 million yearly revenue
Florida is number 3 in population, but number 10 in top corporation headquarters.
Getting your ass kicked by all of those liberal strongholds you complain about.
California is doing pretty good with more than 5 times the revenue of the F500 companies in Florida.
Minnesota, has less than a 4th of your population but twice the revenue from these companies.
Like I said, you rely on tourism, just like some of the shithole countries you complain about.
Ed, aren’t you used to this by now??? I mean come on! These guys throw this stuff out there, you read it carefully, and you find that not only does the piece not say what they claim it does, and not only does it not support their position, but in many cases it actually hurts it! Total waste of time. Forget about a whole lot of debate or trying to change minds. I’m here to win! Wins and losses. That’s all that matters to me now!
There is zero reason to debate MAGAs. It's pointless. Just win and keep their fascist movement down, until enough of them wake up and realize they got culted. These folks have been brainwashed over a long period of time. It'll take time for them to wake up. Many never will.
i'm also not a liberal. I'm a leftist socialist. I think mac and ed are the mainstream liberal posters here

big tent party. maybe that's why we're focused on policies and outcomes and not cults of personality
Yep. Unapologetically liberal here. Can't stand some of the elected officials but, I agree with the platform positions and push for those policies.
I’m not a supporter . . . I was just suggesting that a parliamentary/rank vote type of system might give Greens some viability in this country. I mean, they do have some good ideas . . . like one maybe 😆
I watched this little experiment at the local level in Minneapolis after Nader fucked up the 2000 election.
It weakened the Left, gave rise to a conservative minority, lowered voting participation.
In a country that is 50-50 and we have to turn every house upside down to win an election, throwing this out there is not the answer.
We do what we are doing, watch the Republicans continue to eat their own and fade out, then we can move to a multi party system.
We are divided enough.
I watched this little experiment at the local level in Minneapolis after Nader fucked up the 2000 election.
It weakened the Left, gave rise to a conservative minority, lowered voting participation.
In a country that is 50-50 and we have to turn every house upside down to win an election, throwing this out there is not the answer.
We do what we are doing, watch the Republicans continue to eat their own and fade out, then we can move to a multi party system.
We are divided enough.

Ed . . . nobody is “throwing anything out there” . . . I was just going a little deeper on Ridgely’s post on what things might look like if we had a parliamentary and/or rank vote system in this country. Not a fan of the Greens.
I watched this little experiment at the local level in Minneapolis after Nader fucked up the 2000 election.
It weakened the Left, gave rise to a conservative minority, lowered voting participation.
In a country that is 50-50 and we have to turn every house upside down to win an election, throwing this out there is not the answer.
We do what we are doing, watch the Republicans continue to eat their own and fade out, then we can move to a multi party system.
We are divided enough.

it doesn't have to be this way though. tactical voting isn't good for democracy.

we're just stuck with this antiquated first-past-the-post winner-take-all system.

there's plenty of systems that are far better for democracy, like proportional representation, ranked-choice voting, etc
it doesn't have to be this way though. tactical voting isn't good for democracy.

we're just stuck with this antiquated first-past-the-post winner-take-all system.

there's plenty of systems that are far better for democracy, like proportional representation, ranked-choice voting, etc

I believe there is something to be said for keeping it simple too though. It’s not all a bed of roses these parliamentary/rank vote systems. The inability to form a government, you form one and then the coalition falls apart and the ability to govern collapses, having to call election after election. There are pros and cons, including of course with our own system.
it doesn't have to be this way though. tactical voting isn't good for democracy.

we're just stuck with this antiquated first-past-the-post winner-take-all system.

there's plenty of systems that are far better for democracy, like proportional representation, ranked-choice voting, etc
We have to change the political culture.
The fractionalization has to go deeper and longer, on both sides. Then we can actually have a rcv system.
yeah it's huge

our failed medical system is responsible for a lot of poverty and bankruptcies
Especially small, rural town hospitals ... had 3 go out of business & close in 2019 in NC. Other than emergency services, the townspeople now have to drive over 30 miles to the nearest hospital. And all could have been saved had the Republicans General Assembly in NC agreed to expand the Medicare/Medicaid provision of Obamacare.
Republicans have NO PLANS for ANYTHING and block EVERYTHING Democrats try to accomplish ... Republicans - the party of TRUMP
“But the US has shown a number of times that it’s able to bounce back.”
... until someday when we CAN'T bounce back, and its not IF it will happen, but WHEN it will happen.
I just wonder how many of our "bought & paid for national friendships" will come to our aid. "Holding your breath" not advised on that!
I’m here to win! Wins and losses. That’s all that matters to me now! I want to win 🏅 And I want for the other side to lose!
DAMN RIGHT! It seems the voters can tolerate a ton of "open" cheating, lying, embezzling, and other corruptions by the Republicans & Trump; maybe its time the Democrats beat the bastards at their own game ... take off the gloves and go "bare knuckles".
ridgelyfan said:
ACA plan sign-ups are skyrocketing. a lot of people on health insurance for the first time.

not as good as M4A, but better than perpetual medical bankruptcies

This is good of course, but the Jan 2021 ruling Religious Sisters of Mercy v. Azar, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 9156, limited what should be a federal mandate: that is gender transition healthcare. The ACA intended to provide gender transition healthcare, but this ruling throws federally funded third-part-administrators into a gray area, where trans people may be denied coverage:

However, the court held that the ACA provision requiring coverage for gender transition procedures violated plaintiffs' rights under the RFRA and caused them irreparable harm. Accordingly, the court issued a permanent injunction preventing HHS from interpreting or enforcing the ACA "in a manner that would require [Plaintiffs] to perform or provide insurance coverage for gender-transition procedures."

In recent years gender clinics are reporting upwards of a 1000% increase in young white Male-to-Female transition. A greater population of white trans-girls is critical to Black progress, because white trans-girls are highly supportive of Black men and Black issues. Young white trans-girls do not -- and would never -- kneel on Black men's necks.
Last edited:
Florida is number 3 in population, but number 10 in top corporation headquarters.
Getting your ass kicked by all of those liberal strongholds you complain about.
California is doing pretty good with more than 5 times the revenue of the F500 companies in Florida.
Minnesota, has less than a 4th of your population but twice the revenue from these companies.
Like I said, you rely on tourism, just like some of the shithole countries you complain about.
There's the excuse Ed I know. I'd say number 10 out of 52. Not bad. ;)