Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

How about Obama and Hillary selling uranium

another of those stories put out by the right and Russia to try and discredit Hillary....after all even p.utin admitted to not liking Hillary after she said the Russian election was a sham.....p.utin thought she was stirring the pot over there....since there was already hard feeling there do you really think she would sell him anything....she is not like trump and would/has sold out the country for money!
Clinton was part of a nine member committee to approve the sale

Hillary Clinton Sold 20 Percent of World's Uranium to ...
Mar 29, 2017 · Hillary Clinton Sold 20 Percent of America’s Uranium to Russia-Mostly Fiction! Summary of eRumor: President Donald Trump has repeated the claim that Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of America’s Uranium to Russia while secretary of state on …

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary ...
Oct 26, 2016 · Hillary Clinton’s involvement with a Russian uranium deal has come under scrutiny since author and Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Peter Schweizer dedicated a …
the commie bastards

no where near what you condone in your man trump

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ... · May 31, 2019

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia | Time

Aug 02, 2016 · Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia. People walk past a mural on a restaurant wall depicting U.S. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Russian

well first off he was one that could have said something had it been that big a deal...….it had to go through a panel of nine...Clinton was just one...more boat rocking

wtf ...see the date

besides...had you read what I posted she had no authority to do anything....she was part of a panel!
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I will never insinuate that @subhub174014 would do what this guy did, but while @subhub174014 doubts Trump former Democrats like this guy is opening his eyes ( his name is in the video by the way )

you keep coming up with 1 that is a major deal....hell there are more republican congressmen than that jumping ship
and then there is this

Conservative talk radio hosts rebel against Trump - YouTube

Have all of the major conservative talk radio hosts come ...
Aug 01, 2016 · Besides Glenn Beck, there are numerous conservative talk radio hosts who are against Trump. They include: Charlie Sykes. Michael Graham. Mark Levin. Steve Deace.

Why are most talk show hosts so anti-Trump? - Quora
Donald Trump is — by every measure I’ve seen — the exact opposite of that. Talk show hosts are going to dislike Trump for exactly the same reason that people in restaurants dislike spoiled, tantrum-prone children; having to indulge the little monster spoils the experience for everyone.

6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in ...
Apr 05, 2016 · 6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in Wisconsin6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE — Charlie Sykes, a popular talk radio host here and leader of the “Stop Trump” movement, had spent months hammering Donald J. Trump on his show, calling him a “whiny, thin-skinned bully”...
The Roll Call of Republicans Who Oppose Trump Is Getting ...
The Roll Call of Republicans Who Oppose Trump Is Getting Longer By The Day. Here's The List. Senators Dean Heller of Nevada and Jeff Flake of Arizona, both facing tough re-election contests in 2018, are clearly uncomfortable having to deal with the President’s bullyism tactics.

Never Trumpers Leave GOP to Save Party. It Won’t Work ...
Trump Derangement, Not Principles, Drives the Jump-Ship Crowd. Nor will destroying the Republican party lead to its resurrection under a new Reagan. That party is never coming back in our lifetime. As Obama’s presidency showed, liberal governance leads to a vast expansion of government power, the trashing of the First Amendment,...
well first off he was one that could have said something had it been that big a deal...….it had to go through a panel of nine...Clinton was just one...more boat rocking

wtf ...see the date

besides...had you read what I posted she had no authority to do anything....she was part of a panel!
do you envision a panel she wasn't running
do you envision a panel she wasn't running

didn't read what I posted did you?

do you think those people are to risk their ass for her?...just a little political since the sale goes through......

Because uranium is considered an asset with national security implications, the 2010 sale to Rosatom was subject to approval by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, an intragovernmental agency that includes input from the Departments of State, Treasury, Justice, Energy, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security, as well as the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
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I will never insinuate that @subhub174014 would do what this guy did, but while @subhub174014 doubts Trump former Democrats like this guy is opening his eyes ( his name is in the video by the way )

you keep coming up with 1 that is a major deal....hell there are more republican congressmen than that jumping ship
and then there is this

Conservative talk radio hosts rebel against Trump - YouTube

Have all of the major conservative talk radio hosts come ...
Aug 01, 2016 · Besides Glenn Beck, there are numerous conservative talk radio hosts who are against Trump. They include: Charlie Sykes. Michael Graham. Mark Levin. Steve Deace.

Why are most talk show hosts so anti-Trump? - Quora
Donald Trump is — by every measure I’ve seen — the exact opposite of that. Talk show hosts are going to dislike Trump for exactly the same reason that people in restaurants dislike spoiled, tantrum-prone children; having to indulge the little monster spoils the experience for everyone.

6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in ...
Apr 05, 2016 · 6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in Wisconsin6 Talk Radio Hosts, on a Mission to Stop Donald Trump in Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE — Charlie Sykes, a popular talk radio host here and leader of the “Stop Trump” movement, had spent months hammering Donald J. Trump on his show, calling him a “whiny, thin-skinned bully”...
Odds are not in your favor find ONE going one way I find a dozen going the do the math!

The Chinese have a saying @subhub174014, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
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So it is just a matter of time until other Americans men like Scott Barnhard from this video

opens their eyes to the truth @subhub174014 while you deny the power of Donald Trump just like being in the Bahamas recently and deny the power of Hurricane Dorian.
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So it is a question as to whether or not other Americans will be objective as Scott Barnhard to see the truth @subhub174014 before November 2020 where they each take their own 1,000 mile journey just like he did. And by the way he does not appear Russian to me. :unsure:
The Chinese have a saying @subhub174014, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
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So it is just a matter of time until other Americans men like Scott Barnhard from this video

opens their eyes to the truth @subhub174014 while you deny the power of Donald Trump just like being in the Bahamas recently and deny the power of Hurricane Dorian.
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So it is a question as to whether or not other Americans will be objective as Scott Barnhard to see the truth @subhub174014 before November 2020 where they each take their own 1,000 mile journey just like he did. And by the way he does not appear Russian to me. :unsure:

like I have told you numerous times now....ONE person...for every one you find I can find 10 the other way
like I have told you numerous times now....ONE person...for every one you find I can find 10 the other way
In that case @subhub174014 you might need additional 61,710 examples to counter the 6,171 examples in this case from Ohio, specifically from Mahoning county, as 6,171 lifelong Democrats switched their affiliation to Republican. And to boot CNN reported this too. If even CNN is swallowing their pride and beginning to understand this @subhub174014 why can not you? Keep denying that Trump hurricane.



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dream on...….

How Many People Voted For Trump? One Year Later, A Look At ...
In fact, the pushback against Trump started immediately after Election Day 2016, when 62,979,879 Americans voted for the Republican candidate and left him trailing Democrat Hillary Clinton in the …

Opinion: How Many People Actually Support Trump? Fewer ...
Dec 17, 2015 · With about 219,941,000 people over the age of 18, only about 64.6 percent of adults are actually registered, or about 142,166,000 people. But how many of those are likely to vote for Trump?

How many Americans actually support Trump? - CNNPolitics
Sep 26, 2018 · Midterms are a base election, but how big is Trump's base? We all know he brags about being the most popular president in the Republican Party (more popular than …