Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Like I said, those cockblockers even threatened to allow the United States to DEFAULT on its debt just to try to fuck with Obama . . . I mean it was INSANE what they were doing . . . and now I’m hearing all over the TV how Biden and the Democrats need to “reach out” and “understand the needs” of the other side. Yeah, well maybe so . . . but that’s why I’m not in any kind of elected office . . . because I would be liable to respond with an EFF them 😜???
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I stand for the president when this one steps down, I stand for the next while they hold office. I hope. The best for this country at every turn. Trump is still President till the end of his term then God bless Biden till the end of his.
If only we could all think and act the same way.

Too bad divisiveness, racism sexist behavior, lies, bullying and worse examples have been displayed by the leader of our country for the last four years and continue during these important times... What a disgrace!

An ugly orange stain on democracy and all the great things this country and its people stand for.

How about inclusion and fairness and the truth and grace and love. ❤
Since the beginning I stood for Trump because he is the president of this great country.

Please stop trying to explain yourself AllForWifey . . . It’s over so just let go . . . do what the leader of Trumpism seems unable to do himself. Thus bringing disgrace, dishonor, humiliation, and shame to the office, his family, and upon himself and his legacy. He has led you down the wrong path for too long and too far . . . let him go . . . .
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Please stop trying to explain yourself AllForWifey . . . It’s over so just let go . . . do what the leader of Trumpism seems unable to do himself. Bringing disgrace, humiliation, and shame to his country, his family, and upon himself. He has led you down the wrong path for too far and too long . . . let him go . . . .

When his term is over it's over. God bless the 🇺🇸
This is not over. I am not giving up until President Trump concedes. All you soothsayers are underestimating Trump. It is going to be up to the Judicial System. Enjoy your time reveling in a victory that doesn't yet exist. News networks can announce incomplete races all they want, they do not have the power to make it happen . It will be what it is in the END.
This is not over. I am not giving up until President Trump concedes. All you soothsayers are underestimating Trump. It is going to be up to the Judicial System. Enjoy your time reveling in a victory that doesn't yet exist. News networks can announce incomplete races all they want, they do not have the power to make it happen . It will be what it is in the END.
Remember to turn the shiny side’ll get better reception!!