Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Mike Huckabee is a fake ass Christian, so he is NO proof of anything. Trump is a FUCKING RACIST. Google is FREE -- just do some reading instead of repeating what Trump and FOX news tells you.
I did check this out:

Larry Elder he also quotes Liz Crokin on July 10th, 2016, "Townhall: Trump Does The Unthinkable":

"Donald Trump is a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophobe, anti-Semitic and Islamophobe -- did I miss anything? The left and the media launch these hideous kinds of attacks at Trump everyday: yet, nothing could be further from the truth about the real estate mogul. As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a 'yuge' feather in my cap. Instead, I found that he doesn't ******* alcohol or do *******, he's a hardworking businessman and totally devoted to his beloved wife and children. On top of that, he's one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse."

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I did check this out:

Larry Elder he also quotes Liz Crokin on July 10th, 2016, "Townhall: Trump Does The Unthinkable":

"Donald Trump is a racist, bigot, sexist, xenophobe, anti-Semitic and Islamophobe -- did I miss anything? The left and the media launch these hideous kinds of attacks at Trump everyday: yet, nothing could be further from the truth about the real estate mogul. As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a 'yuge' feather in my cap. Instead, I found that he doesn't ******* alcohol or do *******, he's a hardworking businessman and totally devoted to his beloved wife and children. On top of that, he's one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse."

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Larry Elder is a black man who's a SELLOUT and nothing but a WALKING MINSTREL SHOW. It is NOT true that no one talked about Trump's negatvies and racism before he was president. That is a FUCKING LIE. The truth about him goes back DECADES. He's GARBAGE.
Larry Elder is a black man who's a SELLOUT and nothing but a WALKING MINSTREL SHOW. It is NOT true that no one talked about Trump's negatvies and racism before he was president. That is a FUCKING LIE. The truth about him goes back DECADES. He's GARBAGE.
Proof of Larry Elder is "nothing but a WALKING MINSTREL SHOW"? Evidence carries more weight then spewing hate. I give credit to @subhub174014 and a few others providing evidence and facts but you are just spewing hate.
Trump is not racist I am sorry your mind is so blinded by hate you neglect to see the truth. Talk to @subhub174014 as he will sympathize with you.

I hate Trump because he's a fucking racist and because he's a liar and because he's too stupid to lead this country. Every day is a fucking shitshow. EVERY DAY is worse than the last.

North Korea? Nothing.
Immigration? Nothing.
The fucking wall? Nothing.
Gun control? Nothing.
Infrastructure? Nothing.
Debt? Nothing.
Deficit? Nothing.
Trade? Nothing.
China? Tariffs costing US.
Relations with Allies? In the gutter.
Russia? Sold out.

Your continual EXCUSES for Trump's BLATANT RACISM is so fucking disgusting I have no words. Stay in Canada while we get rid of that fat orange piece of ******* RACIST.
Also consider the late Muhammad Ali. He fought racism all his life, yet he and Donald Trump had been friendly for many years, dating back at least to the 1980s. Ali attended Mr. Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania Knauss in Palm Beach, Fla., and Mr. Trump appeared at Ali’s charity events."??????
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Why Thank You, so you won't be happy the next 5 years then, As wound up as you are now, how are you going to survive 5 more years?

That's all you Trumptards have -- calling us snowflakes, telling us the fat orange bastard is president, and proclaiming you'll have the next five years. You're NEVER able to list his successes because he's an abject FAILURE in every area.

Oh, except one -- he's a perfect RACIST.
Also consider the late Muhammad Ali. He fought racism all his life, yet he and Donald Trump had been friendly for many years, dating back at least to the 1980s. Ali attended Mr. Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania Knauss in Palm Beach, Fla., and Mr. Trump appeared at Ali’s charity events."??????
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Fuck you and your Ali example. If Ali didn't have money and power, Trump wouldn't want to be NEAR him. You DO know that slave owners bred their own slaves, don't you???? White men like Trump USE black people. Trump USED Ali for more ego stroking. It's all that fat fuck cares about.
That's all you Trumptards have -- calling us snowflakes, telling us the fat orange bastard is president, and proclaiming you'll have the next five years. You're NEVER able to list his successes because he's an abject FAILURE in every area.

Oh, except one -- he's a perfect RACIST.
Racism isnot a success and again he is not racist with some of the evidence I shared @jockboy. If you need to see Trump's successes so badly here you go:

Keep in mind: "Due to the number of achievements, the list of President Trump's achievements have been moved to sub-articles. Please visit the sub-articles to see the Trump Administration's various achievements. "
I hate Trump because he's a fucking racist and because he's a liar and because he's too stupid to lead this country. Every day is a fucking shitshow. EVERY DAY is worse than the last.

North Korea? Nothing.
Immigration? Nothing.
The fucking wall? Nothing.
Gun control? Nothing.
Infrastructure? Nothing.
Debt? Nothing.
Deficit? Nothing.
Trade? Nothing.
China? Tariffs costing US.
Relations with Allies? In the gutter.
Russia? Sold out.

It is going to be fine, relax Donald John Trump is your President, He is a multi billionaire business, Everything will be all right, just make sure you vote for him in 2020, you can be on the winning team.:)
Fuck you and your Ali example. If Ali didn't have money and power, Trump wouldn't want to be NEAR him. You DO know that slave owners bred their own slaves, don't you???? White men like Trump USE black people. Trump USED Ali for more ego stroking. It's all that fat fuck cares about.
Too bad you missed this poll but if it lasted longer you could have placed your vote and your feedback if any here:

By the way Trump did win this fair mock election that lasted for 1 week and each person can vote only once without help from MrPutin by the way in a landslide just as he will in 2020. ;)
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Fuck you and your Ali example. If Ali didn't have money and power, Trump wouldn't want to be NEAR him. You DO know that slave owners bred their own slaves, don't you???? White men like Trump USE black people. Trump USED Ali for more ego stroking. It's all that fat fuck cares about.
Oh come on now, admit the truth it will set you free. Are you a racist? You might be, so we will hold you as being guilty until you can prove your innocent .
Racism isnot a success and again he is not racist with some of the evidence I shared @jockboy. If you need to see Trump's successes so badly here you go:

Keep in mind: "Due to the number of achievements, the list of President Trump's achievements have been moved to sub-articles. Please visit the sub-articles to see the Trump Administration's various achievements. "

You gave NO evidence that Trump isn't a racist. NONE. Having a black friend is evidence of NOTHING. And no, I'm not clicking on some godawful fucked up right wing loser link to see what they call Trump successes.

Meanwhile, your stupid as fuck hero announces for the 5th time that he's never heard of a Cat 5 hurricane. He's fucking STUPID.
It is going to be fine, relax Donald John Trump is your President, He is a multi billionaire business, Everything will be all right, just make sure you vote for him in 2020, you can be on the winning team.:)

He's not even worth a billion dollars. Do you Trumptards ever READ?? He's failed at every fucking business he ever undertook.

You really should get your racist ass off this board. People who support RACISTS are RACIST.
Trump is a lying racist POS. He's also a MORON, and anyone who calls him smart is CLUELESS. Your entire post is disgusting.
I think you need to calm down here in the courtroom, Your on trial, guilty until proven innocent, we might have to hold you in contempt. We might just be able to find a few more charges that you will need to prove your not guilty of.
You gave NO evidence that Trump isn't a racist. NONE. Having a black friend is evidence of NOTHING. And no, I'm not clicking on some godawful fucked up right wing loser link to see what they call Trump successes.

Meanwhile, your stupid as fuck hero announces for the 5th time that he's never heard of a Cat 5 hurricane. He's fucking STUPID.
If you refuse to examine any evidence I will leave you to you hatred @jockboy. I'll have @Hottobe cucked save some room for you with the celebration he will have AFTER he is re-elected. If you show up you can have all the delicious and nutritious crow you can eat! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

GO TRUMP! As this is a Trump thread!
He's not even worth a billion dollars. Do you Trumptards ever READ?? He's failed at every fucking business he ever undertook.

You really should get your racist ass off this board. People who support RACISTS are RACIST.
Now, Now you did say one thing correct "People who support RACISTS are RACIST." I support President Donald Trump and since he isn't racist, that clears me. Next case!