Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

  • Total voters
we have a black president and the country has never been more racially divided.
I think it is the suppression of the minority votes, cuts in key areas like Tarp, inner city public education, refusal to provide a alternative health plan that minorities could afford, refusal to increase minimum wages, etc that have turned the minority voters against Republicans ... not Obama. Obama made the effort to fix some of those things and Republicans blocked him ... After the first 4 years, Obama simply decided to let everyone know who was blocking his efforts.
You guys keep saying how he and Vladimir P. Are hand and hand
Its never been uttered by me, Alanm ... however, it does look suspicious, now, doesn't it.
I think it is the suppression of the minority votes, cuts in key areas like Tarp, inner city public education, refusal to provide a alternative health plan that minorities could afford, refusal to increase minimum wages, etc that have turned the minority voters against Republicans ... not Obama. Obama made the effort to fix some of those things and Republicans blocked him ... After the first 4 years, Obama simply decided to let everyone know who was blocking his efforts.

Its never been uttered by me, Alanm ... however, it does look suspicious, now, doesn't it.

Well i am not going to pretend that Trump is my guy but Hillary scares me...she really does.
The list of big-name Republicans in Hillary Clinton’s corner just got even longer

Longtime Jeb Bush senior adviser Sally Bradshaw, a veteran Republican strategist and Bush family loyalist, told CNN that she had left the Republican Party to become an independent due to Donald Trump's presence at the top of the ticket — and that if the race were close in her home state of Florida this fall, she would be voting for Hillary Clinton.

"As much as I don't want another four years of (President Barack) Obama's policies, I can't look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump," she said, the network reported Monday.

A few weeks ago, we assembled a list of some other prominent GOP voices who said they planned to back Hillary Clinton in the general election. This list will be updated as events warrant.
Richard Armitage, Henry Paulson, Brent Scowcroft. Three big-name former George W. Bush administration officials in the past few weeks have announced that they are supporting Hillary Clinton in 2016 — all because Donald Trump is simply a bridge too far for them.

"When it comes to the presidency, I will not vote for Donald Trump," Paulson wrote in The Washington Post last week. "I will not cast a write-in vote. I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton, with the hope that she can bring Americans together to do the things necessary to strengthen our economy, our environment and our place in the world. To my Republican friends: I know I’m not alone."

He's not. And below are the big names that are with him — or, perhaps more accurately, with her.
A note: While many, many Republicans have declined to embrace Trump's candidacy, a growing but significantly smaller group has gone so far as to express support for Clinton. This list focuses on the latter, and it will be updated in the weeks ahead.)

Bush administration officials
•Henry Paulson, treasury secretary
•Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state and adviser to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — Trump "doesn't appear to be a Republican, he doesn't appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton."
•Brent Scowcroft, chairman of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board and adviser to three previous GOP presidents — "The presidency requires the judgment and knowledge to make tough calls under pressure.... [Clinton] has the wisdom and experience to lead our country at this critical time."
Alan Steinberg, regional EPA administrator
•Kori Schake, National Security Council and State Department aide

Officials in previous GOP administrations
•Doug Elmets, former Reagan spokesman — "I could live with four years of Hillary Clinton before I could ever live with one day of Donald Trump as president." Elmets spoke at the Democratic National Convention, along with other Republicans now backing Clinton.
•Jim Cicconi, former Reagan and George H.W. Bush aide — "Hillary Clinton is experienced, qualified and will make a fine president. The alternative, I fear, would set our nation on a very dark path.”
•Charles Fried, former U.S. solicitor general under Reagan and current Harvard Law professor -- "Though long a registered Republican, this will be the third consecutive presidential election in which my party forces the choice between party and, in John McCain’s words, putting America first. ... It is to [Mitt[ Romney's credit that this year, like John Paulson and George Will, he is standing up against the *******, substantively incoherent, and authoritarian tendencies of Donald Trump.
Foreign policy leaders
•Robert Kagan, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, former Reagan State Department aide and adviser to the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Mitt Romney
•Max Boot, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and adviser to GOP presidential candidates — "I'm literally losing sleep over Donald Trump. She would be vastly preferable to Trump."
•Peter Mansoor, retired Army colonel and former aide to David Petraeus — "It will be the first Democratic presidential candidate I’ve voted for in my adult life."
Business leaders/donors
•Marc Andreessen, venture capitalist — "[Silicon] Valley wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be doing any of this if we didn't have the amazing flow of immigrants that we've had in the last 80 years. And the idea of ******* that off just makes me sick to my stomach."
•Dan Akerson, former chairman and chief executive of General Motors — "Serving as the leader of the free world requires effective leadership, sound judgment, a steady hand and, most importantly, the temperament to deal with crises large and small. Donald Trump lacks each of these characteristics."
•Chuck Robbins, chief executive of Cisco
•Hamid Moghadam, chairman and chief executive of Prologis — "Our country is about tolerance and inclusion and that's why, as a lifelong Republican supporter, I endorse Hillary Clinton for president in this election."
•William Oberndorf, $3 million to GOP candidates since 2012 — "If it is Trump vs. Clinton, and there is no viable third-party candidate, I will be voting for Hillary Clinton."
•Mike Fernandez, $4 million to GOP candidates in recent years — "If I have a choice — and you can put it in bold — if I have a choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m choosing Hillary. She’s the lesser of two evils."

Former Republican elected officials
•Larry Pressler, former three-term Republican senator from South Dakota who lost an independent campaign for his old seat in 2014 — "I can’t believe I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, but I am. If someone had told me 10 years ago I would do this, I wouldn’t have believed them."
•Arne Carlson, a former two-term Republican governor of Minnesota who supported President Obama
Robert Smith, former judge on New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals — "This year, I’m going to vote for a Democrat for president  —  the first time I’ve done it in 36 years  —  and I think the decision is easy. Hillary Clinton is the only responsible choice, and I don’t understand why so few of my fellow conservatives see it that way."
Political operatives
•Mark Salter, former top adviser to John McCain — "Whatever Hillary Clinton’s faults, she’s not ignorant or hateful or a nut. She acts like an adult and understands the responsibilities of an American president. That might not be a ringing endorsement. But in 2016, the year of Trump’s s campaign, it’s more than enough."
•Mike Treiser, former Mitt Romney aide — "In the face of bigotry, hatred, violence, and small-mindedness, this time, I’m with her.”
•Craig Snyder, former chief of staff to then-Republican former senator Arlen Specter (Pa.) and also an ex-colleague of former top Trump adviser Roger Stone and current top Trump adviser Paul Manafort.
now I know you are NUTS!... your man has NOT proposed ANYTHING except that he is the only one to make things better... she has an outline on her website!
What to Hell makes you think I think Trump is a good choice? Bill and Hillary Clinton are in politics for the money, and have done pretty well and also have done a lot of harm to the United States. Trump is a little boy. Hillary's plan? To add as much wealth as they can to themselves. While she was SOT Bill Clinton and the Clinton's non profits got around 45 million dollars in speaking fees and donations from countries and businesses that had business with the State Department. The State Department generally monitors potential conflicts of interest. When she assumed the job as SOT she decided that her people would monitor possible conflicts.

My own personal view is that Trump made a deal with the Clinton's so she wins. Considering how much more irrational Trump is getting I am seriously starting to feel that it is likely I am right. The Clinton's are so crooked and have many skeletons that if the Republicans had fielded a real candidate she wouldn't have had a chance in Hell of winning. I am hoping the Libertarians get the financial backing they need. They are the only ones that have a plan that is realistic, Hillary has a plan but it isn't viable
.....You really haven't given this a lot of thought, have you? wow ... you remind me of the Brexit from the EU ... after their votes to exit the EU a lot of those that voted for it were asking what is the EU. After learning, they now are wanting a re-vote.
.....I hope you make a more sincere effort than they did to understand the ramifications of voting an individual like Trump into office ... I seriously do. Trump will almost surely bring back the cold war and alienate this country. Please dig a bit deeper into Trump, ok?
Hate to tell you but the cold war is here now, it happened because we have a chickenshit for a president. I am more concerned now that we might go from a cold war to a hot war. I wish more thought had been done about voting Obama into office for a second term
You guys keep saying how he and Vladimir P. Are hand and hand so i dont think he is bringing back the cold war.

No but he has made complimentary remarks about his style of leadership which in itself is disturbing. As a world leader Putin has banned the media from expressing any unfavorable reports and has had mass incarcerations of his own citizens without seeing a day in court nor knowing when they will be released. Trump has expressed that if elected he feels it is suitable for him to come after reporters/journalists he feels are unfairly targeting him and that should concern everyone.
When people use that argument because we have a black president or any person who is black in a position of power or the ability to influence policies and change we automatically assume that the inertia or the momentum of historical and institutional attitudes would change once that person is in office. I remember vividly even as a young junior senator from Illinois Barack Hussein Obama was under harsh and in my opinion unfair scrutiny and criticism for things he either had no control over or things that people projected he would do to the country. His name alone conjures up deep seeded racist and xenophobic feelings that is a narrative I hear to this day: He isn't a Christian, or a he is a Muslim trying to implement sharia law through socialist means. Or that he isn't truly American even though you have John McCain who was born in the Panama Canal and Ted Cruz born in Canada...yet not even a whimper or a word came out of any prominent republican figure questioning them the way they questioned him.
I am somewhat confused about the animosity towards Hillary Rodham Clinton. I can see the damning testimony from the chief director of James Comey of FBI shading light on the former secretary of state exercising poor judgment when it came to handling top secret information, and her cozy relationship with corporate banking; but even with her imperfect record of being an elected official what has she really done? Honestly, nothing I have read or heard shows me a methodical diabolical woman who is out to take over the world. There is nothing in my opinion that shows a woman with a nefarious agenda when it comes to public service in fact I find otherwise. I read stories about her graduating from law school and instead of taking up a corporate law firm job she worked within the community among the dispossessed and forgotten. I if anything see a record of selfless servitude towards her fellow citizens and although so many things good and bad foreshadow that the final calculus I can say is that she is actually a decent human being.

As oppose to a Trump...well where do I start. Oh yeah, his verbally sparring session with a gold star family. Now, if you feel the need to defend yourself from such claims brought forth from the ******* than do so but with class, and a measured and deliberate conveyance of your position on the issue. But what does the republican presidential nominee do in light of such opportune moments to actually unite and build coalitions with people who share similar values and beliefs on both sides or at least capture moderate to independent voters...his somehow indirectly mentions his sacrifices and proceeds to offhandedly say the mom couldn't speak because she wasn't allowed to based assuming that is what Trump was eluding to that she culturally and religiously doesn't have a voice. Classy guy one more commentary to ad to his ever-growing shitlist of people.
if your republican right now the survival of your party is in danger. Not because of ISIL, Immigration, Foreign Policy or anything else; its because of the Donald. The man says he will unite the party and protect the rights of the gay community but chose Mike Pence for VP who is perhaps the worst choice you can make if you want the gay vote or support from the LGBT community. Gov. Pence of Indiana has actually made state law provisions to allow small business owners to not serve same sex couples and actually thinks therapy can get read of your homosexuality. Than you have the Hispanic vote and how over 90 percent dislike Trump as a presidential nominee, than you have the black vote and funny enough this is true, right where the RNC Convention was held in Cleveland; Trump had zero support with a margin of error of 3 percent, and than you have the woman vote...well if you have ears and a working brain I don't need to give you those outcomes. The only thing Trump trumps' Hillary on is the economy, and foreign policy/security. By 2025 the majority in this nation will be Hispanic so the chickens will in deed come home to roost with or without Trump in office, and the domino effect ensues with the other groups mentioned.
The only ones Bill and Hillary Clinton are intent on helping is themselves and they have done it at the expense of the American people

your man just hit an all new low... as if picking on the veterans parents wasn't bad enough... now he picked on some mom because her baby was crying during his speech!.... you just stick with him... I'm sure you will hit a new "high"?
I if anything see a record of selfless servitude towards her fellow citizens and although so many things good and bad foreshadow that the final calculus I can say is that she is actually a decent human being.
been saying that.... but here it falls on deaf ears.... some are just so hooked on trump and buy the snake oil sales pitch and others are so far right only listen to what is said on Fox news... so they are beyond help!
the more the man talks... the higher the polls show Hillary ahead of him... don't know how accurate pols are... normally not accurate... but if nothing else it shows people moving away from Trump
she is leading in almost all of them but still a threat which is upsetting to me. I get how the optics of it can overwhelm you with terrorism, national security, etc.; but that's why we need cooler heads to prevail in this matter not play into your fears. If your having a panic attack would you want someone to elevate your panic or have you take a deep breathe and assess for yourself the origins of your fears and navigate your way back to a calmer or more sane you. Donald is not that guy, he is an opportunist who is pitting others against one another for the sake of his own gain. Someone mentioned the Clintons being all about themselves, tell me one single contribution Donald J. Trump has made other than failed businesses, exploitation of real estate and business schools that went belly up where even the former federal prosecutor of New York said was a scheme; and the personification of greed. Anything is better than Clinton...? Really, anything...even a narcissist with a terrible tan and wig, who is thinned skinned, self-aggrandizing pathological liar?!
I'm not worried in the least of Trump winning this election. All the Republicans have to debate and make issue on is her e-mails and Benghazi ... that's IT! Those topics have pretty much run their course, but Trump will fall back on them in the debates, if in fact, he and Pence even agree now to debate at all. The rumors are NOW that Trump is calling this election rigged. You'll recall back in 1992 GH Bush refused to debate Bill Clinton until the yellow chicken started showing up and taunting him at his rallies ... then Bush did the 4 debates all in a matter of 7-8 days to get them over with ... I'll be surprised if Trump debates Hillary more than once.
And one more than and this is somewhat of a loaded question...why does American need to be great again? Was it ever great? Depending on who you ask such as an African American such as myself perhaps never as far as a history of systematic racism and disenfranchisement which by the way still happen (the criminal justice system for example). Or is America great now? I always felt Tupac Shakur said it best in his song 'Changes' and I quote: "and we aren't read to see a black president...". I remember specifically what I was doing and where I was when I saw the poll numbers come in and the 44th president of the united states was a biracial black man by the name of Barack Hussein Obama was elected into office. I actually cried because this was a turning point in American history, this did not wash away the ******* or the sins of America's dark and complex violent past but it was pivotal. Something about it was captivating and moving. It was at that moment America was great. Not because he was a black man, but a man nonetheless, those coveted words judging someone solely on their merits and not their skin color seemed to have echoed through the land; the American people have spoken. Of course fox news could not wait to mar such a momentus occasion, already taking their hardline view that he would be an absolute failure. I recall and you can look this up yourselves ladies and gents, FUCKING Hannity and O'reilly counting down the worst presidency in U.S. history and yet he has not had a 100 days in office.

But I digress, I remember DOMA being overturned, I remember gay rights and gay marriage now afforded to another segment of the American family finally being awarded what should have been a basic human right: The right to love whomever one choices. And now I see a woman running for office, wow...what a time to be alive. And Trump says our military is a joke bc of our current administration...really? Who will honestly fuck with the UNITED STATES MILITARY. honestly. We are the most advanced technologically military ******* on the planet with a spending budget larger than most countries in the UN...combined. Are threats imminent..yes, with or without provocation those threats will always loom, hence why we have such a vigilant military securing our borders and our allies interest. America's greatest is really in the eye of the beholder...if you ask me, I think America is great but not for those reasons mentioned but because we are a nation that celebrates differences, and can find unity in that we are all American, regardless of your religion, sex, or color.