True cuckold couple

Hello everyone. I first have to say I LOVE this site and what it’s about, glad that I finally joined. I have been cuckolding my boyfriend pretty much on a regular basis for about a year. (We have been going out for almost 3 years and recently got engaged) I have 2 regulars that I frequently play with while he’s at work or while he’s watching. Recently I found out that I was pregnant by one of them, of course we know it’s not my boyfriend because he hasn’t been allowed to penetrate me for the past 3 months. We are 100% committed to having our first baby and us raising him or her as his own. I wanted to get some other opinions on this topic.. anyone ever have a similar situation? If so how did it work? We are very excited and nervous at the same time :)
Hello everyone. I first have to say I LOVE this site and what it’s about, glad that I finally joined. I have been cuckolding my boyfriend pretty much on a regular basis for about a year. (We have been going out for almost 3 years and recently got engaged) I have 2 regulars that I frequently play with while he’s at work or while he’s watching. Recently I found out that I was pregnant by one of them, of course we know it’s not my boyfriend because he hasn’t been allowed to penetrate me for the past 3 months. We are 100% committed to having our first baby and us raising him or her as his own. I wanted to get some other opinions on this topic.. anyone ever have a similar situation? If so how did it work? We are very excited and nervous at the same time :)
Hello everyone. I first have to say I LOVE this site and what it’s about, glad that I finally joined. I have been cuckolding my boyfriend pretty much on a regular basis for about a year. (We have been going out for almost 3 years and recently got engaged) I have 2 regulars that I frequently play with while he’s at work or while he’s watching. Recently I found out that I was pregnant by one of them, of course we know it’s not my boyfriend because he hasn’t been allowed to penetrate me for the past 3 months. We are 100% committed to having our first baby and us raising him or her as his own. I wanted to get some other opinions on this topic.. anyone ever have a similar situation? If so how did it work? We are very excited and nervous at the same time :)
Well first of all welcome to the site. It sounds like you have a very good relationship with you fiancée which is great! I take it both of your lovers are black and that you are going to have a biracial baby? This plays a lot different emotions. I’m sure you feel sexy and even proud to be pregnant by one of your lovers and that you and your fiancée have a strong bond with keeping the baby. Does any of your friends or family know about your lifestyle because they are to find out once you have the baby. Just be prepared for some rough patches during your coming out. I’m sure your lovers are super excited about you being pregnant as well. I wish the best for you, your fiancée, the baby and your lovers! Please keep us posted!
Welcome and congrats! How does the ******* feel about it? It's not no much how the couple feels but how their community reacts to it. I have dealt/deal with it (No I'm a Society is not color blind and effect each couple differently.
Well first of all welcome to the site. It sounds like you have a very good relationship with you fiancée which is great! I take it both of your lovers are black and that you are going to have a biracial baby? This plays a lot different emotions. I’m sure you feel sexy and even proud to be pregnant by one of your lovers and that you and your fiancée have a strong bond with keeping the baby. Does any of your friends or family know about your lifestyle because they are to find out once you have the baby. Just be prepared for some rough patches during your coming out. I’m sure your lovers are super excited about you being pregnant as well. I wish the best for you, your fiancée, the baby and your lovers! Please keep us posted!
Thank you!! It is and the best thing we ever did was cuckolding! It’s allowed us to be so free and let go of our pride and just do what we desire. Especially me ;) pretty much this whole time we have kept this a secret. Me and my fiancé truly care about this lifestyle and decided that it’s best if we start being more open about it especially since we are about to have an interracial baby! I’ve told a few of my close gfs and my sister, he’s going to give his family the news as well very soon. I think in today’s time what we are doing is going to be more and more common
So we believe it is a major decision to have an interracial baby and a challenge even in today's society to raise one. Another big decision to be open about cuckolding, but I'm sure that many here envy that you are in a place in your lives that you can live openly this lifestyle. Wishing you well! I think your comment about letting go of pride is very true and captures a major essence of the cuckold.
Thank you!! It is and the best thing we ever did was cuckolding! It’s allowed us to be so free and let go of our pride and just do what we desire. Especially me ;) pretty much this whole time we have kept this a secret. Me and my fiancé truly care about this lifestyle and decided that it’s best if we start being more open about it especially since we are about to have an interracial baby! I’ve told a few of my close gfs and my sister, he’s going to give his family the news as well very soon. I think in today’s time what we are doing is going to be more and more common
When is your wedding planned for? Are your 2 black lovers invited and possibly be in the honeymoon suite with you that night?
We are 100% committed to having our first baby and us raising him or her as his own. I wanted to get some other opinions on this topic..
....If I were you, I'd try to determine which lover is the biological ******* and have his name on the birth certificate for the record, just in case your fiancé (paternal *******) isn't around before the kid is grown ... the costs associated with raising a kid isn't chicken feed anymore. You might even should put about $250,000 of 25 year term life on your hubby once you are married. That way you have the expenses of raising that kid covered regardless of whether your fiancé is around or not.
....I'm not sure why you would want to totally quit having sex with your fiancé. That makes no sense at all. If he's ok with you seeing other men, your only responsibility to him is to see that he remains happy & ok with what you're doing. Suppose HE decides, because you have cut him totally "off" from sex, to find himself another woman to share intimacy and sex with ... are you going to be ok with that? Probably not, but, then "why does it matter?" ... you're not having sex with him anymore. Even if its once or twice a month, you should reward him for being such a great supporter. Cuckolding doesn't mean you have to quit having sex with your husband.

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