This site is nothing but a popularity contest..

And you'll find that I haven't disagreed with any of this nor have I disagreed with the few others who have echoed the same sentiments.

It's interesting that no matter where you go online people stay on ready looking for a reason to pop off. All in all kind of proving OP's point but whatever.
His point that it's changed magically in
2018 when he has been at it a year....during a pandemic....kinda laughable. And to complain about an o line forum online forum....and not taking advantage of a simple tool that actually improves it? Yeah, again...laughable.

This sites been exactly the same for a very long time. And yeah, it's an online forum. So all the best of an online forum exists. And always has.....his point around some kind of magical change ...nah not buying it
Do you know what you are saying, or do words just come forth before thinking?

Whole lot of nonsense that doesn't apply or have anything to do with my point.
Do you know what you're saying? I'm not quite understanding what your wall of text has to do with what I said.

I'm not lamenting or complaining about not being able to meet people. Save all that energy for someone else, and read what I wrote not what you want to see.
His point that it's changed magically in
2018 when he has been at it a year....during a pandemic....kinda laughable. And to complain about an o line forum online forum....and not taking advantage of a simple tool that actually improves it? Yeah, again...laughable.

This sites been exactly the same for a very long time. And yeah, it's an online forum. So all the best of an online forum exists. And always has.....his point around some kind of magical change ...nah not buying it
Did you like miss my first post in here?
From this website, I learnt that most people don’t know that black female cucks exist. They find the concept so bizarre that even when I verify myself (clearly showing my chocolate titties with my username) that’s still not good enough.
His point that it's changed magically in
2018 when he has been at it a year....during a pandemic....kinda laughable. And to complain about an o line forum online forum....and not taking advantage of a simple tool that actually improves it? Yeah, again...laughable.

This sites been exactly the same for a very long time. And yeah, it's an online forum. So all the best of an online forum exists. And always has.....his point around some kind of magical change ...nah not buying it
Glad we agree then! Whew!
This site has become nothing but a popularity contest... It's been dead since like 2018, and anyone who is still on here black or white just want endless amounts of pictures. No one on here is serious about it anymore. It's all become a joke/popularity *******.. Lol whatever I'm done here.✌✌
See ya!
These sites are not useful for finding people to hook up with. How do you know what you're getting, really? You have to get out into the world to meet potential bulls or hotwives. We live in Vegas, where there is a wealth of both. Maybe its more difficult in some places.
Do you know what you're saying? I'm not quite understanding what your wall of text has to do with what I said.

I'm not lamenting or complaining about not being able to meet people. Save all that energy for someone else, and read what I wrote not what you want to see.
My apologies. I hit reply on the wrong post. All of that was meant for the OP.
I will repost it in the appropriate reply.
My question to you, do you think the OP is talking about reality or just upset that no one wants to cater to him?
Did you like miss my first post in here?
Wow, this thread got confusing fast.

I am going back to my original comment to you. Apparently you are the one that has difficulty following the thread and confused the crap out of me. You are the one that stated "Verification" does not work on this site or it does not matter. NO, verification does work on the site, and it does make a huge difference. Im not quite sure how you can say it doesnt.?

Is it required to meet people? Is that what you are arguing? The problem with what you say is that no one knows what you are talking about? Like I said from the beginning you arent thinking first and writing second. Maybe if you could explain yourself better, people wouldn't be jumping down your throat.

So you ******* people to GUESS what you mean? That happens a lot online, where you make a statement and ONLY you know what you mean, and you get mad and defensive when other people have questions? Yes, we got questions, cuz you are VERY UNCLEAR?

Verification works.
Why would you say it doesnt?

Please, explain your point because that is the heart of the matter.
and if you cant reply to the correct thread, then you should think about leaving the commenting to younger people who can navigate the world wide webs....LOL

These sites are not useful for finding people to hook up with. How do you know what you're getting, really? You have to get out into the world to meet potential bulls or hotwives. We live in Vegas, where there is a wealth of both. Maybe its more difficult in some places.
Cant agree or disagree with you. This thread is challenging anyone's ability to make a clear point.

Last I checked this site was not a HOOK up site? This site isn't promoting meeting people to have sex with? Is that what you think it's for?
Its unclear what you mean by you live in Vegas and there is a wealth of both? Both what exactly?

I lived in NYC, there were 12 million people living there? Do you have 12 million people living in Vegas? I just dont understand the logic in this thread any longer.

What on earth are you talking about? The OP, is a whining baby who wants people to cater to him. He is the DEFINITION of privileged. He is an asshole. We should stop commenting on this thread and let it die, which it should have done a day ago. I am an idiot for even engaging on it. So I am going to stop, and I hope everyone else does as well. Stupid premise, and I think that's why we all commented, but the OP is an idiot and he isn't willing to put in even 2% of effort. So lets ignore him, so he can go back to feeling like a loser.

The rest of us should go about our happy lives and do what we normally do.

I apologize to anyone that has wasted 5 minutes on this thread. But we all got CLICKBAITED!!
Fuck, I hate when that happens.

And to the OP:
go fuck yourself middle finger GIF by IFC
No content, no posts, no interaction. I don’t understand why nobody is beating a path to my door? Well become engaged in the process because all the girls aren’t hiding in your closet at home either.
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That’s the internet in general. I understand his frustration. I’m in a different city 3/4 days out of the week. I’ve even changed my schedule to meet a couple. And no matter how much of a notice I give, people will most likely stop responding to messages, back out last minute or no show. Super frustrating when you’re time is already very limited. Keep the expectations low, but keep at it
My point is everyone is all talk... They just want endless amounts of pictures, they never show up and once they got 3, 4, 5, pictures they don't talk to you anymore lol. It's all B.S. If you don't understand that you don't understand English haha... I'm done talking man!😞
It's not just the Internet. It's the nature of selling ourselves to others -- period!

Dating sites facilitate selling ourselves to others to date or have sex with us in one form or another. Success in selling anything to other people - especially people we don't know or have yet to meet - is a numbers game that requires work and working smartly (however that's defined) to 'close' deals. Generally speaking, and in relative terms, you need 100 "suspects" to get to 10 "prospects" to get one deal closed. The ones that work at it, learn from others, learn from their mistakes and work to make themselves more "attractive" (however you define that) and understand the "territory" are the ones who are successful. They learn what not to do, who real prospects are vice ones that are unqualified time wasters, etc. If you're lucky enough, smart enough and continue to put yourself out there, eventually you get real "hits". And if you do all that and still come up empty handed over time, be smart enough to read the signs and know it's just not a fit -- and move on. Complaining about the territory doesn't do you any good whatsoever...and ask 'the territory' if it cares...(yeah, we don't!:cool:)

Of course I have my share of strike outs but when I want to meet up, I want to meet up - I don't bullshit around.