This site is nothing but a popularity contest..

This site has become nothing but a popularity contest... It's been dead since like 2018, and anyone who is still on here black or white just want endless amounts of pictures. No one on here is serious about it anymore. It's all become a joke/popularity *******.. Lol whatever I'm done here.✌✌
This site has become nothing but a popularity contest... It's been dead since like 2018, and anyone who is still on here black or white just want endless amounts of pictures. No one on here is serious about it anymore. It's all become a joke/popularity *******.. Lol whatever I'm done here.✌✌
I've already met 4 girls from here.
All knowing their role well, sometimes you need more patience
I mean you're not wrong, but that's how the internet works especially when it comes to sites like this. It's no different than Reddit, AFF, or any of the swinging sites.

If anything this site has been consistent in the sense that there are some legit people who seem interested in meeting (not just a small minority) and there are a decent amount of frauds and fakes who are here just to chat and pretend.

Win some, lose some. says the unverified guy...
You Tried GIF by MOODMAN
This site has become nothing but a popularity contest... It's been dead since like 2018, and anyone who is still on here black or white just want endless amounts of pictures. No one on here is serious about it anymore. It's all become a joke/popularity *******.. Lol whatever I'm done here.✌✌
You're not really wrong but that's just how the internet is, gonna be lot's of people pretending to get their "kicks" or fantasies going, it's the same for legit dating sites too but the way I see it is this, just like dating, you win some you lose some heck at least you're in an area with people that actually practice this lifestyle, I always have to wait until a couple decides to go on vacation here and IF they actually agree to meet but hey that's just life lol
"Foolproof" system doesn't exist, sure....the verification system isn't foolproof. Neither is literally anything online. To that point, neither is in person!! many fools!
So then it's a moot point to be piling on to the OP about getting verified.

I'm really not understanding all the snark, condescension, and rudeness coming from you. We're just having a conversation. But ok, I'm a "fool".
So then it's a moot point to be piling on to the OP about getting verified.

I'm really not understanding all the snark and condescension coming from you. We're just having a conversation. But ok, I'm a "fool".
But it’s not a moot point at all, unverified members have less success than verified members do. That’s just facts🤷🏼‍♀️
Look, online is a numbers game. Nonverified is easily 50-80% fakes. Verified improves 9n that significantly ...certainly not foolproof, but far better ratio of real to fake.

My amusement is that an unverified saying the site is dead most likely due to the number of dead end connections he had, but once you verify the numbers game.on connections improves and you get acces to much more real content on the site
Look, online is a numbers game. Nonverified is easily 50-80% fakes. Verified improves 9n that significantly ...certainly not foolproof, but far better ratio of real to fake.

My amusement is that an unverified saying the site is dead most likely due to the number of dead end connections he had, but once you verify the numbers game.on connections improves and you get acces to much more real content on the site
And you'll find that I haven't disagreed with any of this nor have I disagreed with the few others who have echoed the same sentiments.

It's interesting that no matter where you go online people stay on ready looking for a reason to pop off. All in all kind of proving OP's point but whatever.
I mean, let's not pretend like the verification system is foolproof...
Do you know what you are saying, or do words just come forth before thinking?

This "guy" claims to have a wife looking for Bulls. YET, he does not have a couple profile and he does not have a verified photo that she is IN FACT looking? They dont have to have a couple account, she could make her own account and talk to men on her own. But that isn't happening. The frustration this guy is feeling is that HIS wife does not want anyone other than him...he cant stand that and wants to project his anger toward his wife onto us.

@TheDude05 ummm...seriously? go to couples counseling cuz you have a lot of unresolved issues in your marriage. I looked at your profile. BLANK by the way, wow, you put in SOOO much effort. LMAO you are a joke, thats why no one is taking you seriously, it has nothing to do with the site or anything else. I have met a lot of people here. granted all pre-covid. But since the shutdown ive made a lot of online connections, real connections with good people.

Dont tell me this site is DEAD. I have posted about the posting of STOLEN content, but thats what people like on here, I dont get it. I like the authenticity that people have. When couples and women post real photos its amazing, it makes this site more unique than most and the reason people should continue to come back. But there are a few profiles that just post STOLEN content, they rip stuff from other websites and post it.

there are threads dedicated to "White women" But there are no white women, its just internet photos. I mean, if thats your definition of white women, photoshop? Ok? Maybe I live in alternate universe where white women means actual women, not figments of my imagination.