The wall

cut their funding

think that is one of the few good things the church people do

outside of that they want to restrict access to the womb...….care less about the homeless children in the us.....or about the number of ******* going to bed hungry every night....they want to cut those school lunch programs so they will go out and steal food....and then they want to complain about perverts..and go and vote for one!
think that is one of the few good things the church people do

outside of that they want to restrict access to the womb...….care less about the homeless children in the us.....or about the number of ******* going to bed hungry every night....they want to cut those school lunch programs so they will go out and steal food
I chose to have children I work hard to feed them. Build the wall
I chose to have children I work hard to feed them. Build the wall

I choose to have children ...and I worked hard and paid most of their college.....we don't need the wall!
we need border security...not a wall....hell it might be cheaper to build a Moat around the border than the wall....and both be just as useful!

something Like the Suez Canal....we could call it the trump condom
All I can say on this subject - is that when ever they interview experts - Border Patrol or DHS - they say - walls work and where they are built infiltration is cut down by 94 or 95%.
I tend to believe them over the Dems.
All I can say on this subject - is that when ever they interview experts - Border Patrol or DHS - they say - walls work and where they are built infiltration is cut down by 94 or 95%.
I tend to believe them over the Dems.

the ones they talk to are gov employees...….look at some of the top people trump has you think he would even bat an eye at some border agent!
the ones they talk to are gov employees...….look at some of the top people trump has you think he would even bat an eye at some border agent!

The head of the Border Patrol was before Congress and he all but begged for the wall - I also believe if Congress changed the laws that could help as much if not more than a wall - but they won’t.
The head of the Border Patrol was before Congress and he all but begged for the wall - I also believe if Congress changed the laws that could help as much if not more than a wall - but they won’t.

they won't...because the wall will do nothing....and they know it......even the republicans know it.....and said so when they gave him the original money......but when trump threw a hissy fit wanting the wall and nothing else the republicans just shut up

he is just throwing a tantrum in forsing his way!....and that is all it amounts to....and he has convinced his followers of it.....sheep follow the leader!
Experts say the wall is a necessary tool to halt massive infiltration. I believe experts not Congress which has political motives and are totally untrustworthy.