The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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You mean like wearing red kkk hats,
Being ushered into a field to chant
“Lock her up”
“The government will git you”
“Fk Joe Biden”
I have zero clue what this means... These seem like off-topic points... Another tactic of the feeble minded.
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I love this guy NC4Huge.
Obviously did finish school, no degrees , reads conspiracy theories = he IS the critical thinker.
Can we PLEASE get more funding for schools so we don’t have to read ☝️ nonsense!
What in the actual heck are you talking about?

Do you realize that personal attacks are the mark of a conversational loser and a simple brain?

You are the true idiot if you believe government school is good for anything, other than creating slave-minded people like you!

You mom should have swallowed you!
1. You are listening and reading garbage. The first paragraph you wrote demonstrates how little you understand. Bitchute information is false information. Simple. It’s just ramblings from prohibited chemical heads . The information is not tested , nor peer reviewed. It’s just a bunch of opinions.

2. Trust the tv? No I trust science and its methodology. It’s not always right but better than you thinking you have the answer.

3. I agree there are many who have degrees but are not critical thinkers but those without do not get the vast exposure to cutting edge knowledge from around the world. Bitchute is not cutting edge knowledge. Reading articles on bitchute reminds me of the stories my 9year old niece wrote.

4. Literally bitchute feeds MAGA. The 💩 you wrote above is why MAGA stormed the Capitol. The believe anything 🤦‍♀️ from trump because they lack intellectual skills. Just look at the nonsense blkdlaur writes over and over again.

5. “Some people govern themselves” 😂. No you don’t . You buy meat from the supermarket, governed by regulations. You ******* water from a tap governed by regulations. You drive on roads built by government. The cigarettes you smoke - yep governed by regulations. Just because you spend one weekend every six months hunting in the bush doesn’t mean you “govern yourself “
You’re funny

6, do you smoke?
B-word, you have displayed such brain damage that it is honestly pointless to engage with such a mental midget...

You would make an excellent crown-polisher!

You keep attempting to make everything political- which shows what you are mentally capable of=very little.

I eat no meat- so you are wrong again... idiot assumptions... I have well water, I smoke no cigs (as you claimed I did), I accept no benefits... I am governed by me. Any other stupid assumption dear?

See the real difference is that you have no personality or individuality, so you seek to dissolve yourself into big groups that engage in group think... you are nobody so you need to hide it by always being in a group... you are the best example of a sheep who has turned off their brain to worship daddy government... You are the perfect slave.

As for bitchute- only haters of free speech say idiotic things like you did... there is garbage on EVERY platform (they let you in here, right?), but there are gems there too. Be stupid and keep making ASSumptions.

I believe you are a very miserable person- keep drowning in your obscurity and your collectives SHEEP!

Also idiot- I never claimed to have any answer... could it be the truth is self-evident for people who aren't indoctrinated?
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For a guy who has more rolls than a bakery you sure are confident.
What you so confident about?
For someone who has something "valuable" to say- you sure do love personal attacks instead of staying on point...

I imagine you ALWAYS use insults 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Why you so angry at me?
It’s sugar that yo real enemy
You should lose weight like blkdlaur . He runs from so many facts as cap would say “that biaach skinny”

If ONLY your facts were facts instead of Dem propaganda 😉
lol @blkdlaur , trump has to meet with parole officer prior to presidential debate 😂😂😂😂.
Imagine a twice impeached twice criminally convicted felon is the republicans pick 😂😂😂

Guess that’s what happens when ya run for president in a 🍌Republic like ole Debacle Joe has turned the good ole USA into.
Wow! This is crazy! Exclamation I find myself in a strange situation or predicament or emotional. Whenever I watch that clip. I say that because as a proud American vet and makes you question to what did I have royalty into who that I have loyalty for the sake of the wars that I've been through. Hopefully we one One nation under God. Indivisible.... We've now gotten into the era of allowing emotions to control politics or control us through a political platform versus the logic and the constructs of Justice for all.
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