The Great Cuckold Project

Hello Cuckold Guys

I have been in the lifestyle for a long time and I have met a lot of people, including some really amazing friendships.

One of the people I met is a woman named Goddess Rain - and she is training cuckolds right now on another site. We have known each other for a very long time and when she asked me how I train cuckolds - I gave her a lot of advice.

She has taken that advice and started a Cuckold Project.

the goal of the project is to help cuckold men practice how to be a real cuckold in real life.
That means, no more late night fantasies by yourself watching porn.

This is the real deal - and all the cuckolds are learning
- how to talk to women the right way
- how to date as a cuckold
- how to start the cuckold conversation
- and how to introduce the woman to the bull

I think this is an awesome project and thought that Id share it with this community as well :)

Anyone that is involved in the cuckold life - or anyone that is interested in it - please leave a comment and also share your location.

thanks and have a great day :)
Great idea would love to be part of it. FromDubai