How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Hey - GUESS WHAT - popular vote DON’T
mean *******.

NO COLLUSION - NO COLLUSION - try to comprehend - I know it’s hard with all the brainwashing you’ve been exposed to - but try - I know ya can DO it ;}

you are right....Russia pulled the strings on this last one...it was what p u t I n wanted...your vote didn't even mean *******
and with all that right wing bullshit you read....just can't get an open mind can you
try to pay attention...it must be something in the trumpies genetics that won't allow them to think for themselves

no collusion....been over this a thousand times and you still can't read nor comprehend....guess that makes you a trumptard
didn't work last time...….Hillary won the popular vote!
trump won with the KKK and the religious right and RUSSIA
Granted am not an American, but I do know that the popular vote is not what counted in this or any other presidential election ever. He won fair & square and just like the UK, the losers are doing nothing but holding back the people with the winning policies and making your country look a joke. Russia will be laughing at the both of us. As an outsider, America has never looked so weak. It’s cant even get its own ******* together so it’s very quickly losing any moral ground to start telling other countries how they should act. That goes for us in the UK too. I hate to break this to you but it’s not Trump that’s doing that. It’s the people trying to undermine him at every turn on a daily basis. Russia didn’t need to do anything. They’re just sitting back and watching our own politician destroy ourselves. Am not sure how trust worthy our news channels are anymore but it was reported over here that his popularity mid term was higher than Obama’s. A fair few of your 300m people must still like him
you are right....Russia pulled the strings on this last one...it was what p u t I n wanted...your vote didn't even mean *******
and with all that right wing bullshit you read....just can't get an open mind can you

no collusion....been over this a thousand times and you still can't read nor comprehend....guess that makes you a trumptard
Typical liberal losers comeback. Resort to offending people. Opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to one. Even those that differ to yours. Time will tell. My money is on him getting another term. Wether that’s good or bad for the US is another thing time will tell
America has never looked so weak. It’s cant even get its own ******* together so it’s very quickly losing any moral ground to start telling other countries how they should act.

been that way since trump attended his first world trade event......the country can't make him look bad there he did that all on his own

I hate to break this to you but it’s not Trump that’s doing that.

you are not seeing what is going on here and you want to lecture......this guy promotes hate and discontent and always has......could give you several examples but just go over your head

It’s the people trying to undermine him at every turn on a daily basis

as it should be...he has done nothing but cater to Russia before he even came into office.....had private meetings with p u t I n …..denies Russia had anything to do with the election.....you might want to stick with uk politics you are not doing worth a ******* here
Typical liberal losers comeback. Resort to offending people. Opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to one. Even those that differ to yours. Time will tell. My money is on him getting another term. Wether that’s good or bad for the US is another thing time will tell

before you get so quick to call me a loser....just are things like in your country?
don't you think you should clean up your own fucking mess before you lecture others on theirs…..typical smart ass....knows all about others problems while ignoring their own!...what a jerk
been that way since trump attended his first world trade event......the country can't make him look bad there he did that all on his own

you are not seeing what is going on here and you want to lecture......this guy promotes hate and discontent and always has......could give you several examples but just go over your head

as it should be...he has done nothing but cater to Russia before he even came into office.....had private meetings with p u t I n …..denies Russia had anything to do with the election.....you might want to stick with uk politics you are not doing worth a ******* here
If that’s the case then you guys must be ******* at investigating as it’s took your FBI 2 fucking years to get nowhere when they clearly should of just come to you for all the evidence. Maybe try turning over from CNN once in a while. There’s a whole world out there you know
If that’s the case then you guys must be ******* at investigating as it’s took your FBI 2 fucking years to get nowhere when they clearly should of just come to you for all the evidence. Maybe try turning over from CNN once in a while. There’s a whole world out there you know

again talking out your ass because your mind knows nothing.....how long did the right spend investigating Hillary?...how long on the Ken Star/Bill Clinton investigation...5 years....again you don't have any idea what you are talking about just shooting *******

and again...Mr.fucking Know nothing...….how do you know he came back with nothing...….trumptards are blocking everything from being seen!...somethings you can not do anything to him on..legally because you can not indict a sitting president

PAY ATTENTION TO AT LEAST PART OF THE CONVERSATION...you wouldn't look like a complete idiot!
before you get so quick to call me a loser....just are things like in your country?
don't you think you should clean up your own fucking mess before you lecture others on theirs…..typical smart ass....knows all about others problems while ignoring their own!...what a jerk
What’s with all the aggressive comments? I think if you read my comments you would see that i was the first to mention our politics are in just a ******* state as yours and that my OPINION was one of how an OUTSIDER who doesn’t understand American politics sees it. I know it’s hard some people to think for themselves but you really should try it one day.
What’s with all the aggressive comments? I think if you read my comments you would see that i was the first to mention our politics are in just a ******* state as yours and that my OPINION was one of how an OUTSIDER who doesn’t understand American politics sees it. I know it’s hard some people to think for themselves but you really should try it one day.

for an outsider to speak their opinion you would think they would have a far better idea of what is going on

defending trump is one thing...but the things you brought up just don't hold water
for an outsider to speak their opinion you would think they would have a far better idea of what is going on

defending trump is one thing...but the things you brought up just don't hold water
Understand it or not. I’ve always said it’s how it looks. Again read my posts properly or not at all. I really can’t be arsed with people like you so good night, or good day what ever time it is there. Your just another ricious “liberal” that becomes aggressive when someone doesn’t agree with you opinions. Kinda makes you lose all legitimacy as a liberal really. Which ever way you look at this, however he funded the campaign, he won the vote, your on the losing side. If you really believe your in a country with 63m KKK supporters trump should be the least of your worries
Understand it or not. I’ve always said it’s how it looks. Again read my posts properly or not at all. I really can’t be arsed with people like you so good night, or good day what ever time it is there. Your just another ricious “liberal” that becomes aggressive when someone doesn’t agree with you opinions. Kinda makes you lose all legitimacy as a liberal really. Which ever way you look at this, however he funded the campaign, he won the vote, your on the losing side. If you really believe your in a country with 63m KKK supporters trump should be the least of your worries
try listening to your own advice......read the posts and pay attention....not just to what you hear from fox news people and briebart

your past posts show for all to see you have no idea what you are talking about....want to bring up your opinion again?...you are losing everytime you post so far
If that’s the case then you guys must be ******* at investigating as it’s took your FBI 2 fucking years to get nowhere when they clearly should of just come to you for all the evidence. Maybe try turning over from CNN once in a while.
I don't think you're seeing the BIG PICTURE, here, usemygirl. Trump hires and fires based on his appointees willingness to LIE for him, that's why he's gone through so many cabinet appointees in just 2 short years. Why do you think White House Press Secty Sara Sanders has lasted so long? His appointment of Barr as Attorney General was basically because Barr contacted Trump telling him he would "cover for him". Barr has no authority to circumvent the report on Trump & his administration's collusion and obstruction with Russia. He gets a copy just like congress should get a copy ... word for word, no changes and no black outs. By doing what Barr did, he's obstructed congress's ability to evaluate the study. If in fact, the only way to remove Trump from office IS to impeach him, then its only right that Congress be able to decide that based upon the Mueller report.
Let's use an example: Suppose Trump shared the nuclear codes with someone unassociated with Russia, and the report pointed that event out. Should Barr have the right to stricken that information from the report that Congress sees simply because it was not related to the RUSSIAN investigation? What do you think? Yes or No?
If a police warrant to your home says they're there for *******, but instead find homemade bombs and a plan to bomb a school, are you saying they have no right to arrest you simply because the warrant says they're there for *******? Give me a break! Get real!
Ask yourself this question, IF Trump and his administration had NOTHING to hide, why would they block the entirety of the report to Congress? Why would Trump NOT answer Mueller's questions, under oath? How could our "Trump appointed" AG Barr come to a conclusion that there was no obstruction in the Mueller investigation? Mueller pointed out a dozen obstructions discovered and an outline for Congress to investigate further should they decide to remove Trump from office. Mueller said he could not do that because Trump was a sitting President, thus leaving it up to congress. Over 12% of that report was redacted from Congress review. Barr is obstructing "due process" by blocking parts of the report. If there is nothing to hide ... why block anything? Are you NOT capable of answering the questions truthfully to yourself?
What if you went to see a movie, and the theater cut OFF the last 20 minutes of the movie, and you were asked to leave? Would you be pissed? Should you get your money back? Did the theater breech their contract by not fulfilling your ability to see the entirety of a movie you paid FULL PRICE to see? The American taxpayers PAID for the Mueller investigation and a lot of people got indicted during the investigation. Why is Trump any more privileged than the others of breaking laws?
I'm telling you, you TrumpNuts are just that ... frki'n NUTS!
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Agreed the best judges to decide whether or not Trump should be impeached is through the election process where the American people can be the judge for every vote. Should he win the second time that should be the end of Trump's impeachment process, but with all of the other lawsuits Trump has to contend with is another matter.
didn't work last time...….Hillary won the popular vote!
trump won with the KKK and the religious right and RUSSIA
If the election process is now so useless in America @subhub174014 then why bother having elections anymore? Would it be better to appoint a Czar and move on? If so I hope it would not be Trump as it has been proven during his mandate that he had met with people like MrPutin and Kim Jung-Un. After understanding how they do things they do not rely on a democracy or even a corporatocracy, but flavours of dictatorships where they are the absolute law. If Trump decides to spell "coffee" as "covfefe" then all the dictionaries must be changed and the Scripps National Spelling Bee might not be the same as it once was.

Interestingly enough, "COVFEFE" is now the acronym of a bill in Congress as it is the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act and Democratic representative Mike Quigley introduced the legislation.
The Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act (COVFEFE Act) is a bill introduced into the United States House of Representatives in 2017 (on June 12th), during the 115th United States Congress.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVFEFE_Act )

If Trump says he can outdo Tiger Woods's at golf then you don't doubt it ( a recent book I heard in the news you might enjoy @subhub174014 and @MacNfries is "Commander in Cheat" where Trump always seems to win whenever he plays golf (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/v...eilly_to_cnn_donald_trump_cheats_at_golf.html)).

If Trump decides to walk around with something stuck on the bottom of his shoe, it should become a new national fashion trend.

And lastly if Trump decides under that dystopic model any critics should no longer breathe then he could do so just like MrPutin ask Litvenenko as he was killed off with radionuclide polonium-210 which is something anyone can buy at your local convenience store, right? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko ) Or with the scores of others Kim Jung-Un killed off just because he says he is a god. ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...ump-gets-impeached.92341/page-76#post-2291859 )

Oh, and I almost forgot Tom Cruise is also considered as a god too in certain circles these days:
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Granted am not an American, but I do know that the popular vote is not what counted in this or any other presidential election ever. He won fair & square and just like the UK, the losers are doing nothing but holding back the people with the winning policies and making your country look a joke. Russia will be laughing at the both of us. As an outsider, America has never looked so weak. It’s cant even get its own ******* together so it’s very quickly losing any moral ground to start telling other countries how they should act. That goes for us in the UK too. I hate to break this to you but it’s not Trump that’s doing that. It’s the people trying to undermine him at every turn on a daily basis. Russia didn’t need to do anything. They’re just sitting back and watching our own politician destroy ourselves. Am not sure how trust worthy our news channels are anymore but it was reported over here that his popularity mid term was higher than Obama’s. A fair few of your 300m people must still like him
I would agree and just like a magician like David Copperfield or Criss Angel might use a pretty woman to distract the audience's attention to help them perform their magic tricks, I wonder how Trump's trials and criticisms are used to distract America?
try listening to your own advice......read the posts and pay attention....not just to what you hear from fox news people and briebart

your past posts show for all to see you have no idea what you are talking about....want to bring up your opinion again?...you are losing everytime you post so far

Losing - HARDLY !!!!
Jolly GOOD show !!!!!!!
Making PERFECT sense - I thank you for an impartial point of view from the UK - don’t mind him - he still thinks Trump is a Russian plant - his brainwashing has been complete.
Soon he’ll see the ERROR of his ways - just will never admit it ;}
Just a wind up but still funny. My main point, and again just an opinion of an outsider with very little personal interest in this either way, why you’ve all been battling yourselves (just like we have) the rest of the world has been looking on and seeing little more than weakness. As far as I can see, he doesn’t seem to of done a bad job. He certainly seems to have America’s best interests at heart. Or at least what he believes to be America’s best interests. When politicians are voted into power with a mandate they should be allowed to fitful that mandate.


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If the election process is now so useless in America @subhub174014 then why bother having elections anymore

which is precisely why Obama did not want to raise a rucuss during and before the election........he went to McConnell and Ryan for a bi-partisan opinion and both of them told him to just keep quiet as it might interupt the election...…….but.he told P u t I n that he would bankrupt his country if he kept it up....but trump won with the help of the Russians so do you think he is going to do anything...….even when the whole world has told him Russia helped him win...he still does nothing and denies it

If so I hope it would not be Trump as it has been proven during his mandate that he had met with people like MrPutin and Kim Jung-Un.

odd how he goes out of his way to praise those kinds of people....and yet our allies...NATO...people we do a lot of trade with he also goes out of his way to piss off.....look at last week the French saying about trump....also it was the French that thought they should get together with the EU and form their own alliance..WITHOUT the US!...this guy is killing us on the world stage!

If Trump says he can outdo Tiger Woods's at golf then you don't doubt it

I heard about that....an even bigger liar when it comes to golf...the guy has such an ego he just can't admit he is a loser....at everything!
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Losing - HARDLY !!!!
Jolly GOOD show !!!!!!!
Making PERFECT sense - I thank you for an impartial point of view from the UK - don’t mind him - he still thinks Trump is a Russian plant - his brainwashing has been complete.
Soon he’ll see the ERROR of his ways - just will never admit it ;}

and how can you say he is not...….hasn't he done everything he could to help Russia since being pres...….AND Russia helped him get there!
even before being pres while running against Hillary he changed the republican platform at the convention to favor Russia...right from the start he has been doing things for Russia....congress implemented sanctions against Russia...he refused to sign...
yep he is a Russian plant!...and still on P u t I n 's payroll

what about your friend Mitt Romney? a lot of republicans still respect him....his comment on trump last week?....seems to have irritated the chump some......now the cumander and thief has a new target for his frustrations

hopefully someday you trumpies will see the light...just hope it is not to late when you do and we are all learning Russian as a second language instead of spanish
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'Sic semper tyrannis'


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"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Book of Revelations 13:18

Not only is Ronald Reagan and the founding fathers who helped build the strong democracy of America rolling over in their graves, but they are turning vertical and drilling a hole straight to into the molten hot hell at the center of the Earth's core.

Its time to see the terrible carrot-top, Agent Orange, conniving tyrant finally dethroned and his head on an impeachment-pike and real democracy restored to this great nation. I'll keep this thread updated with the developments but with all the smoking guns, bloody ******* weapons, foot/finger-prints, bread-crumbs leading back to the crime-scene of evidence found when will it finally lead to him being censured, and impeached for his treason, lying, betrayal, collusion, abuse of power, obstruction of justice and investigation?

Sign the petition to impeach the idiot in the oval office and kick out his goons too:
ref: https://www.change.org/p/the-people-impeach-donald-j-trump

Here’s what we know so far about Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests

REF: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/trump-russia/

Congress and U.S. intelligence agencies are scrutinizing connections between Russia and the Trump campaign as they investigate evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Here are members of Team Trump who are known to have Russian connections and the story lines that have made those ties relevant.

TEAM TRUMP & RUSSIAN TIES (Click images to zoom-in)

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There is ALOT ALOT More especially I haven't even got to Carter Page who was all in Russia during Trump's campaign with a day unaccounted for. Check out the article link for the rest of the slam-dunk case here.

Trump is an abomination beyond doubt. Having said that, if you think Reagan was a great president, then you are terribly ignorant. Take the same amount of time to research Reagan as you did for orange ******* for brains.
Trump is an abomination beyond doubt. Having said that, if you think Reagan was a great president, then you are terribly ignorant. Take the same amount of time to research Reagan as you did for orange ******* for brains.

hey I like your attitude and thinking......Reagan flat fucked this country from the start and ******* for brains is trying to finish what Reagan started

BTW: I also served my country proudly at the time!
at first I really wanted him impeached...to go along with his so called other accomplishments......but now he has so mind fucked so many people they would stir more hate and discontent...…...vote the fucker out!
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