Support Africans already in EU vs encourage those who want to come?

What do you feel is most effective and you could make your "thing" to support/contribute to?

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My husband and I try to promote this as well. After 5 years ago my friend told me about the integration center for African migrants that was opened in the city and invited me to become a volunteer helping them! So I got closer to this path. And now we are trying to bring as many of our acquaintances into it as possible, fighting racism of the white race.
I'm already in contact with a nice young man of South Africa met here,and i'm helping him get a visa,and i told him he could stay at our home all the time he needs until he finds his own place,and being selfless,i hope he stays permanently,and i already agreed with my husband that he'll move to another room,so this fine young man stays with me alone at the bedroom
I'm already in contact with a nice young man of South Africa met here,and i'm helping him get a visa,and i told him he could stay at our home all the time he needs until he finds his own place,and being selfless,i hope he stays permanently,and i already agreed with my husband that he'll move to another room,so this fine young man stays with me alone at the bedroom
A very right choice, I am sure that if everyone follows your example and starts taking patronage over African migrants, hosting them at home and showing their hospitality and warmth, then they will better integrate into our society! From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs... that's why white hubby can safely leave the family bedroom and move to another room.
I'm already in contact with a nice young man of South Africa met here,and i'm helping him get a visa,and i told him he could stay at our home all the time he needs until he finds his own place,and being selfless,i hope he stays permanently,and i already agreed with my husband that he'll move to another room,so this fine young man stays with me alone at the bedroom
New Normal